JOTW survey
To take the survey visit
Welcome to the 2010 edition of the JOTW Survey for communication professionals. I appreciate your spirited participation!
First, I want to thank Mike Klein wherever he is, for helping me put the survey together, and analyzing the results. I couldn’t do it without him. Okay, maybe I could, but I would probably wiff it badly.
I want to thank my friends who donated some really cool prizes to help encourage you to take a few minutes and take the survey. You can see the list of prizes below, and the nice people who donated them. After the survey officially closes, we’ll select names at random (using one of those random selection thingies) and those winners will be permitted to select the prize of their choice. The first of the names selected gets first choice of the prizes.
One of my objectives with the survey is to provide some data about who reads JOTW so that I can use that information to attract sponsors. In the past I have resisted the temptation to charge for subscriptions, even though the site is designed for that, and 30 percent of the people who have taken the last two surveys said they would pay $50 or more for the privilege of getting the newsletter every week. I was a J-schooler, but even I can do some math to tell me that if 30 percent of 11,000 people paid me $50 each year, I could stay home in the morning. Most of you don’t begrudge me in making a couple of coins every now and then, and the survey results will help me. Someday, when I retire from a real job, I’ll get a little more serious about hustling to make a living from JOTW, but for now I am doing this out of a sense of selfish altruism.
There is a place to put comments. I read these. Some of them I will share with the readership. The negative comments motivate me to make JOTW better. The positive comments sustain me and keep me going. I need both.
To take the survey visit
Here are the prizes (more detail about each prize can be found at
1.) A limited edition feature-length documentary from Virginia A. Williams
2.) One month of counseling of heath and wellness counseling Jodi Krizer Graber
3.) One year IABC membership
4.) One free registration for the IABC March web seminar with Steve Crescenzo
5.) Limited-edition live CD from Greg Marsh
6.) Original Scottish Country dance in honor of this prizewinner from Ellen Ternes
7.) 6 free 2010 jewel case desk calendars from zodiac printing
8.) Free registration and display table at South Jersey or Philadelphia eWomenNetwork event from Marilyn Kleinberg
9.) Taylor Technologies Spa/Pool Water Test Kit from Pat Taylor
10.) One hour of business coaching with Coach Vickie Bevenour
11.) Complimentary Webinar Registrations from Dave Van de Walle at Area 224
12.) Don’t Talk to the Media 29-Day Media Training Program from Gerard Braud
13.) Gregg Feistman’s new novel, The War Merchants
14.) Free registration to an upcoming Communitelligence webinar from John Gerstner:
I want to thank you again, especially those of you who contribute job opportunities, comments and questions and information to share. This is a cooperative network, and it relies on everyone’s spirited participation.
Ned Lundquist, ABC
Editor and Publisher
The Job of the Week
The Job of the Week Network, LLC
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