Join more than 1,400 communication professionals from 40 countries at IABC's 2010 World Conference, happening 6–9 June in Toronto. Keynoters include Guy Kawasaki and the Kielburger brothers. Visit http://www.iabc.com/wc for program details and online registration.
Ku'ia ka hele a
ka na'au ha'aha'a.
JOTW 09-2010
8 March 2010
“Ambition leads me not only farther than any other man has been before me, but as far as I think it possible for man to go.”
– James Cook
Welcome to the JOTW network.
This issue comes to you from the Sandwich Islands (from the leeward side of Oahu).
This is the award-winning free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, dedicated to the positive unanticipated consequences of networking, or as we call it, “nedworking.” JOTW is a cooperative service. That means JOTW relies on the contributions of its members, like you. We share job opportunities, news and information about the job market, as well as swapping stories about life's peculiarities. We connect you with others who are like you, and together we help each other. What a concept. So, ask yourself, when was the last time I contributed something to share with me fellow nedworkers?
How does it work? First of all, it doesn't cost you a cent. If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (lundquist989@cs.com), and I'll share it with the JOTW network. It's that simple. And we share dozens of opportunities each week. Did I mention it was free? Your friends can sign up by sending a blank e-mail
to JOTW-subscribe@topica.com. It's free for them, too.
You are among 11,463 subscribers in this community of communicators.
This is newsletter number 820.
This network is all about connecting communicators and sharing opportunities. And speaking of sharing, since the JOTW newsletter was started, more than 25,000 job opportunities have been listed and shared with members of this network. 27,984 to be exact, as of this morning.
I can’t change your e-mail address for you. But you can. Send a blank e-mail from your old account to JOTW-unsubscribe@topica.com. Then send a blank e-mail from your new account to JOTW-subscribe@topica.com.
If you can read this newsletter, then you are on the JOTW list. If you did not receive your JOTW newsletter by email in your in box this morning, it is because you have a junk mail folder, spam filter, or capacity issues on your end.
In this issue:
(To view these jobs, scroll down to the listings in the content of this newsletter)
*** One Paragraph Pitch
1.) Principal Military Analyst (Job Id# 11501), providing Public Affairs support to the U.S. Navy Surface Warfare Directorate (OPNAV N86), Alion Science and Technology, Washington, DC
4.) Communications Mgr, Citizens Financial Group, Norwood, MA
5.) Corporate Communications Specialist – Part Time, LoJack Corporation, Boston, MA
6.) Online Communications and Website Coordinator, RESULTS Educational Fund, ACTION (Advocacy to Control TB Internationally) and the Microcredit Summit Campaign, Washington, DC 7.) Executive Director, Robinson Film Center, Shreveport, Louisiana
8.) Executive Director for Alumni Relations, Strategic Communications and Marketing, New York University, New York, New York
9.) Communication for Development Specialist (Polio), UNICEF, Islamabad, Pakistan 10.) Internship in Healthcare Public Relations, Chamberlain Healthcare Public Relations, NY, NY
11.) Knowledge Management and Communications Adviser, JTA International, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
12.) Vice President, Corporate Communications, Royal Caribbean International, Miami, FL
13.) WRITER/NEW MEDIA MANAGER, National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc., Bethesda, MD
14.) Science Writer, Townsville, Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), Queensland, Australia
15.) Human Resources Communications Specialist, ADM (Archer Daniels Midland Company, Decatur, Illinois
17.) Public Relations-Pharmaceutical-Account Supervisor Level, pr firm, New York, NY
18.) TRANSIT MARKETING SPECIALIST, Arlington County Commuter Services (ACCS), Arlington, VA
19.) New Media/Internet Content Manager, National Minority AIDS Council, Washington, D.C.
20.) Marketing and Communications Manager, Trion Group, Conshohocken, PA
21.) Paid student internship, Public Affairs Office, U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Command, Washington, DC
22.) Sr Marketing Comm Spec, ING Financial Partners, Des Moines, IA
23.) Sr e-Marketing Comm Spec, ING Wealth Solutions, Windsor, CT
24.) Marketing Communications Spec, ING Insurance Americas, ING Group, N. Quincy, MA
25.) Assoc Marketing Comm Spec, ING Insurance Americas, ING Group, Malvern, PA
26.) Photo Coordinator, National Wildlife Federation, Reston, Virginia
27.) Senior Vice President of Marketing, National Wildlife Federation, Reston, Virginia
28.) Communications Relations Representative, Heroic Media, Philadelphia, PA
29.) Senior News Editor, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
30.) Communications Consultant, Vitiello Communications Group, East Brunswick, NJ
31.) Writer, Cadient Group, King of Prussia, PA
32.) Communications Manager, Tyco Safety Products (TSP), Princeton, NJ
33.) Customer Communications Specialist, PPL Corporation, Allentown, PA
35.) Director, Product Communication Internal Medicine, Johnson & Johnson Pharm Services LLC, Raritan, NJ
36.) Manager, Product Communication Internal Medicine, Johnson & Johnson Pharm Services LLC, Raritan, NJ
37.) Sr Mgr Goverment Relations, eBay Inc., Washington D.C.
38.) Intelligence Reporter, Associated Press, Washington, D.C
39.) Senior PR Account Manager, Chillibush PR, Forest Town, Gauteng (Johannesburg), South Africa
40.) Dir – Marketing & Brand Manager, BAE Systems Land & Armaments, Arlington, VA
41.) Public Relations and Social Media Coordinator, St. Vincent de Paul, Cincinnati, Ohio
42.) Vice President of Marketing & Development, non-profit, Chicago, Illinois
43.) Web Designer, Apptix, Herndon, VA
44.) Communications Officer, VFW National Home for Children, Eaton Rapids, Michigan
45.) Designer, MotionMasters, Charleston, W.Va.
46.) Vice President, Corporate Relations & Development, American Medical Informatics Association, Bethesda, MD
47.) Webmaster, American Medical Informatics Association, Bethesda, MD
48.) Director Brand Culture & Internal Communications, Hilton Hotels Corporation, Memphis, TN
49.) Communications Delegate, American Red Cross, Port au Prince, Haiti
50.) Haiti Earthquake Response – Information and Communication Technology Manager, World Vision, Port au Prince, Haiti
51.) Marketing Mgr/Senior Mgr-Online Audience Development, Time Inc., New York, NY
52.) Director of Development & Communications, Public Health Solutions, New York, New York
53.) Director of Communications, Kansas City Chiefs, Kansas City, Missouri
54.) VP, Communications, Michael J Fox Foundation, New York, NY
55.) Communications Advisor, CTS Global, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
56.) Communications Manager, Global Fund for Women, San Francisco, California
57.) Director-Communications, Health Care Assoc., Washington, DC
58.) Director of Communications, High Technology trade association, Washington, DC
59.) International Communications Advisor, ActionAid, Nairobi, Kenya
60.) International Communications Advisor, ActionAid, Johannesburg, South Africa
61.) Intern – Corporate Communications – Summer 2010, Alaska Airlines, Seattle, WA
62.) Account Coordinator, Harris Shepard Public Relations, Los Angeles, CA
63.) Manager, Public Relations, OFFICE DEPOT, Inc., Boca Raton, FL
64.) Communications Director , Birmingham, Islamic Relief, United Kingdom
65.) Marketing/Print Production and Awards Program Coordinator, International Economic Development Council, Washington, DC
66.) Marketing Officer, International Institute of Rural Reconstruction, Philippines
67.) Assistant, Corporate Communications, Lionsgate, Santa Monica, CA
68.) Business Development Manager, Fullhouse, Chicago. Illinois
69.) Marketing Director, Kenall Manufacturing, Gurnee, Illinois (north of Chicago)
70.) Communications and Knowledge Exchange Officer, Management Sciences for Health, Kabul, Afghanistan
71.) Director, Branding, Marketing and Recruitment Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC
72.) Account Executive – Senior Account Executive, Levick Strategic Communications, Washington, D.C.
73.) Account Supervisor, Levick Strategic Communications, Washington, D.C.
74.) Digital Media Production and Marketing Summer Internship, Tokyopop Inc., Nationwide
75.) Bourbon Specialist – Part Time, Maker's Mark, Loretto, KY
76.) Chauffeur, Executive Sr Spec, Lockheed Martin Info Systems & Global Services, Virginia
77.) Healthcare Mystery Shoppers, Perception Strategies, MD: Baltimore, Columbia, Glen Burnie, Silver Spring, Towson
*** Weekly Piracy Report
…and more! Scroll down and see them all!
*** One Paragraph Pitch:
I recently joined the JOTW cooperative network of communicators and would like to submit my profile to you:
Laura Davenport – Marketing/Communications Professional
I'm an accomplished communications expert with 10+ years experience delivering marketing & communications programs from Fortune 500 to environmental non-profit organizations. At Sun Microsystems, I've led employee communications programs for a global organization of 13,000 employees and highly successful integrated marketing campaigns which contributed hundreds of millions in revenue. Prior to Sun, I managed public relations efforts & education programs for renowned ocean explorer Jean-Michel Cousteau and helped launch a new eco dive resort in Fiji. I'm highly flexible, committed and enthusiastic; known for getting the job done right, quickly and efficiently. I'm currently looking for new opportunities in marketing and communications in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Employee Communications, Executive Communications, Marketing Programs, Go-to-Market Campaigns, Public Relations, Strategic Programs Management, Community Leadership
Laura Davenport
Personal E-Mail
*** The 2010 Summer Institute on Integrated Marketing Communication for Behavioral Impact (IMC/COMBI) in Health and Social Development – July 4-24 2010 – New York, NY, United States
*** Career Advice Sought from JOTW network:
Mr. Lundquist, I have a couple of questions for you and the team this week:
For starters, I’ve never felt comfortable with a standard one-page resume format which I feel illustrates all the bends and turns in my career…After doing some searching, I saw some templates for making an “International CV”, which is of course longer and more detailed, but I feel fits my needs better…Do you think this is worth doing instead? Do H.R. flaks bother to read CVs when they are throwing away so many one-page resumes??
Also, I still haven’t given up on finding a job with the federal government (usajobs.com), but I’ve been applying to them for seven years now, and only made it past the first cut once – Is it still worth shooting for? Or are there simply way too many applicants for these jobs??
I’ve also been re-reading “What Color is Your Parachute” and one of the tactics the author swears by to get hired is person-to-person contact, (by phone or in person) instead of e-mailing a resume/online applications, since the best jobs usually aren’t advertised and most e-mailed resumes ignored…How effective do you think this strategy is? Most of the H.R. departments I’ve called just refer me to their jobs website and end the call – Would showing up in person work better? I ask because there are some specific corporations I want to seek out in other cities, and should I go there? I didn’t want to be turned away at the front desk…
Help Please
(If you have a response, send to Ned at lundquist989@cs.com), who will forward to this individual. Responses will also be posted here in JOTW.)
*** Leading economic indicator:
I'm using your “can't wait” ads as an economic indicator.
Peggy K
*** IABC 2010 World Conference
Join more than 1,400 communication professionals from 40 countries at IABC's 2010 World Conference, happening 6–9 June in Toronto. Keynoters include Guy Kawasaki and the Kielburger brothers. Visit http://www.iabc.com/wc for program details and online registration.
*** Time to get real, get authentic, get engaged – with Real SMM. Dave Van de Walle and the team at Area 224 are partnering with Jim Alexander from Socially Mediated to launch “Real SMM” – and JOTW readers can join in for the “Silver” package of unlimited access to training webinars and coaching sessions for one low monthly price: $97. Just use the official JOTW affiliate link here – http://realsmm.com/jotw and you'll be ready to go. Weekly webinars on industry topics in social media marketing, training sessions on the latest tools and strategies, and group “mastermind” sessions with others – there's something here for every corporate communications pro that needs to understand Social Media.
*** Blue Angels:
*** My name is not Ned:
I am in receipt of an email from you that starts “A JOTW “Can't Wait” opportunity from Standard & Poors.
*** From Deborah O'Connor:
Greetings Ned,
I am writing to inquiry about posting an excellent opportunity with Standard & Poor’s….”
Thanks, but my name is not “Ned”.
(No, but Deborah O'Connor sent that announcement to me, and I shared what she sent to me with you.)
*** Use this special JOTW code and save 20% on IABC Knowledge centre stuff:
Coupon Code JOTW20
*** The JOTW 2010 Survey:
The JOTW 2010 Survey officially ended yesterday with a total of 955 responses, an 8.3 percent response rate. This compares with 945 responses to the 2007 survey and 1,036 responses to the 2006 survey.
We have some awesome prizes which will be awarded to names drawn at random from among those who participated as a way of saying thank you.
Here are some answers to one of the survey questions:
Would you consider purchasing any of the following services from potential JOTW sponsors?
Health Insurance 23.7% 199
Professional Journals and Training Materials 58.6% 491
Training and Continuing Education Courses 67.8% 568
Association Memberships 58.1% 487
Wine, Beer and Gourmet Products 32.5% 272
Travel and Leisure Products 37.6% 315
Show repliesOther (please specify) 5.8% 49
*** Some Survey feedback:
JOTW is the BEST. I will always read it, whether I'm looking or not!
Outstanding for leads and entertainment.
It provides a very unique variety of potential positions and additional information that I don't think could be found anywhere else. Wed, Feb 10, 2010 4:43 PM
It would be helpful to localize.
I just found out about the email recently. I had no idea there were so many other offerings.
I share this newsletter with everyone who asks me about jobs. And, if I ever get to post a job, I'm coming to Ned!
I wish the newsletter was easier to read vs. all text.
A fun, useful, supportive community.
I appreciate Ned providing the JOTW newsletter. I got my last full-time job through it.
I've been a JOTW member/reader since the earliest days, and while it has expanded to the point that some of its diverse offerings are no longer relevant to me, the core resources are still top-notch.
Simply in terms of the email newsletter, it's difficult to read layout-wise. Perhaps consider an easier-to-read format? Wed, Feb 10, 2010 10:54 AM Find…
JOTW is wonderful! I have learned about many great jobs and know one of them will hit. Thank you for given me an opportunity to take the world by storm and its free! 🙂 But more importantly it gives me a place to find a voice.
Stop the silliness of much commentary and get serious. I would never share JOTW with a non-communicator
*** What do you think communicators should do in the coming decade to change the world? (These are just a few of the 287 thought provoking responses.)
Consistently tell the truth and serve as a two-way link between organizations and their publics.
Commit to ethical standards in communication that result in reduced consumption, increased public engagement in global & environmental issues, and improved integrity of corporate entities.
Be honest. If claiming to do journalism, do real journalism not advocacy. If doing advocacy, be honest about content and about what you are doing.
Participate in small “d” democracy.
Help organizations to see the value in their employees and really catering more to them. I think they cater for the “fluff” effect not really to change behavior and quality of output. If companies really demonstrated they valued the employee, I think companies could prosper more. Communicators can make this transaction occur!
Encourage, no, demand authenticity, honesty, integrity, compassion and collaboration.
Work together to abolish “text speak,” like LOL, ROTFLMAO, etc. Professionals should be demoted for using these terms, even on cell phones. Also, we should promote ways to more effectively using e-mail subject lines. With inboxes filled to the brim, the 15th “reply all” to a message should have the 15th new subject line. (Ned’s comment: WTF?)
Stop selling social media snake oil.
Tell the truth. Be an advocate for employees. Not be snarky. Protect the English language. And remember that the USA is no longer the center of the Universe.
Stop whining.
*** IABC/DC Metro Chapter Meeting – Down But Not Out: Job Hunting In A Recession
Event: IABC/DC Metro Chapter Meeting
Date: April 8
Time: 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Location: Hamilton Crowne Plaza [www.crowneplaza.com
1001 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005
(Intersection of K and 14th, NW)
Parking: $6 valet at the hotel
Metro: Orange/Blue Lines – McPherson Square (14th Street exit)
Cost: $40 for members
$30 for students
$45 for guests accompanying members
$55 for nonmembers
NOTE: Rates apply to registrations made online by midnight on Tuesday, April 6. Add $10 to registrations made online thereafter; $20 for event-day registration and walk-ins.
Down But Not Out: Job Hunting In A Recession
Times are tough for folks everywhere, including communication professionals in the Capital Region. But while signs of a recovery are increasingly more visible, finding that new job isn't easy. So what's next? How can we find a job in this new economic environment? What can we do to look better in the eyes of potential employers?
Join IABC/Washington for a discussion on HR, hiring practices in the communication profession and how job seekers can put their best foot forward.
This month, we present Ned Lundquist, ABC, brains behind Ned's Job of the Week [hyperlink to www.nedsjotw.com], a weekly portal featuring a listing of various communication positions from around the country, Heather R. Huhman [hyperlink to www.twitter.com/heatherhuhman ], founder and president of Come Recommended [hyperlink to www.comerecommended.com ], and Kate Perrin, president of Professional Solutions [link to www.PRstaffing.com ] and longtime member of the IABC/Washington.
Our panelists will discuss the current communication environment, the impact of the generational divide on our organizations, tips on using social media for a job search, and how senior professionals can remain competitive in the job market. Jakub M. Konysz (@jkonysz), PR manger at ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership [www.asaecenter.org] and co-VP of professional development for IABC/Washington will moderate the discussion.
*** Find Ned’s article:
The Year in Defense 2009 Review Edition http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://issuu.com/faircountmedia/docs/yid09r&ct=ga&cd=4QS_ya6-KE4&usg=AFQjCNEClLplgzPWK027wcpXTBz1yMsRmw
Advanced Summer Course: Conflict, Crisis, and Transitions – July 21-28 2010 – Heslington, York, United Kingdom
*** From Michelle Vanderhoff:
I am conducting a survey as part of my Master’s thesis in Communication from Johns Hopkins University. I am researching employee and internal communicators preferences for using certain types of media in their workplace, as well as overall communication satisfaction.
This study will be comprised of a Web-based survey of all employees and all internal communicators in a Washington, DC-area company that has at least 200 employees. The organization must possess full-time internal communications staff and currently use the following vehicles to communicate with employees: social networks, e-mail, Intranet, and company Web site.
The results of this research may help researchers and internal communications professionals better understand the reasons why employees use certain types of media, so your participation would be very helpful.
If your company fits these criteria and is interested in participating, please contact Michelle Vanderhoff at michelle.vanderhoff@gmail.com.
Thank you!
Michelle Vanderhoff
Candidate, MBA/MA Communication
Johns Hopkins University
*** Let’s get to the jobs:
Principal Military Analyst (Job Id# 11501), providing Public Affairs support to the U.S. Navy Surface Warfare Directorate (OPNAV N86), Alion Science and Technology, Washington, DC
-Development and execution of strategic communication plans, including themes, message writing, validation and insertion in communication products
-Coordination of media queries and interview requests with all Surface Warfare stakeholders, to include CHINFO, ASN (RD&A), PEO Ships, NAVSEA, CNSF, CFFC.
-Create articles, speeches and presentations on key Surface Warfare messages that are a directed to appropriate media and venues
-Internal Communication Support including professional journalistic writing/editing for Surface Warfare magazine and other internal media.
-Identify and pursue opportunities for transmitting the Surface Warfare message to key stakeholders, to include professional publications and trade press.
-Provide advice to senior leadership
-Coordinate special projects.
-Bachelors degree plus 15 years directly relevant work experience or more than 20 years experiences as a military officer. Masters degree plus 12 years directly relevant work experience or doctorate plus 8 years of directly relevant work experience. In some cases, educational requirements may be adjusted or waived for more than 20 years applicable work experience.
-Previous experience with Defense related public affairs support is desired.
-Excellent professional writing skills and verbal communications skills.
-Demonstrated competence in research and planning skills to support outreach activities.
-Ability to effectively organize and track tasks, and develop well-written business letters and reports.
-A record of success conducting corporate and organizational communication programs, preferably in both government and private sector.
-Skill and credibility in providing advice and counsel to senior leaders.
-Experience with both senior Navy leadership and media representatives.
-Experienced in the leading organizational change, implementing best practices, and the successful application of strategic communication principles.
A minimum of a SECRET INTERIM clearance and the ability to obtain a favorable FINAL SECRET clearance is required.
Robin Husson
(Tell Robin you heard about the opening from Ned Lundquist)
*** From Deborah O'Connor:
Greetings Ned,
Thank you for correspondence. We appreciate your willingness to post our communications manager position on your Job posting. We would appreciate you posting this as the job of the week, when time permits.
Thanks again.
Deborah O'Connor
Human Resources
New York, NY
For Career Opportunities, please visit our
Website at: www.careers.standardandpoors.com
With offices in 23 countries and a history that dates back nearly 150 years, Standard & Poor's is known to investors worldwide as a leader of financial- market intelligence. Today Standard & Poor's strives to provide investors who want to make better informed investment decisions with market intelligence in the form of credit ratings, indices, investment research and risk evaluations and solutions.
Most notably, we are known as an independent provider of credit ratings. A credit rating is Standard & Poor's opinion on the general creditworthiness of an obligor, or the creditworthiness of an obligor with respect to a particular debt security or other financial obligation. Over the years credit ratings have achieved wide investor acceptance as convenient tools for differentiating credit quality.
Standard & Poor's is seeking a Communications Manager to support the Structured Finance Ratings business. The communications manager will be responsible for developing and coordinating media and other communication strategies to promote the capabilities of the Structured Finance business.
Standard & Poor's Structure Finance is one of several financial sectors for which Standard & Poor's provides its credit ratings services. Slightly different, and more complex than the ratings it provides for other sectors, analysts who specialize in rating structured financial instruments closely evaluate, among other things, the potential risks posed by the instrument's legal structure and the credit quality of the assets held by the Special Purpose Entity (SPE). Standard & Poor's analysts also consider the anticipated cash flow of the underlying assets and any credit enhancements that could provide protection against default.
Essential Accountabilities include but are not limited to the following:
• Write and edit press releases
• Maintain and upgrade trade and regional/national media contact data base
• Work closely with senior colleagues to identify media opportunities;
• Assist in promoting significant S&P activities to media contacts
• Maintain extensive contact with specialized and trade press, general financial press and broadcast media;
• Organize public relations events and coordinate these activities with the business practice leaders and S&P's global communications team;
• Develop communications material to support business unit, including press releases, talking points, presentation material, and FAQs.
Qualifications include but are not limited to the following:
• Bachelor's degree required; advanced degree preferred.
• Strong knowledge of the Capital Markets; fixed-income and structured finance is required;
• Significant work experience in Media Relations, Journalism and/or Public Relations; experience, preferably in the area of financial services;
• Outstanding verbal and written communication skills;
• Outstanding organizational skills
• Proven track record of success in building work relationships;
• The ability and the desire to work in a deadline driven environment is required;
• Permanent work authorization for the United States is required.
www.careers.standardandpoors.com – Job Number 12739
4.) Communications Mgr, Citizens Financial Group, Norwood, MA
5.) Corporate Communications Specialist – Part Time, LoJack Corporation, Boston, MA
*** From Blair Hinderliter:
Hello all,
6.) Online Communications and Website Coordinator, RESULTS Educational Fund, ACTION (Advocacy to Control TB Internationally) and the Microcredit Summit Campaign, Washington, DC
The Online Communications and Website Coordinator would work with the Communications Director to prioritize work between RESULTS Educational Fund (REF), ACTION (Advocacy to Control TB Internationally), and the Microcredit Summit Campaign (MCS), each of which has its own website: results.org, action.org, and microcreditsummit.org. All three website sites will require daily/weekly updates, along with longer term build out of new features. In addition, the coordinator will be responsible for development and implementation of a social networking strategy for both RESULTS Educational Fund and ACTION.
We are looking to fill this position as soon as possible. Please follow the link for a complete description of the job opportunity: http://www.results.org/about/jobs_and_internships/#Online%20Communications%20and%20Website%20Coordinator
Thank you,
Blair Hinderliter
7.) Executive Director, Robinson Film Center, Shreveport, Louisiana
8.) Executive Director for Alumni Relations, Strategic Communications and Marketing, New York University, New York, New York
9.) Communication for Development Specialist (Polio), UNICEF, Islamabad, Pakistan
Deadline: March 5 2010
10.) Internship in Healthcare Public Relations, Chamberlain Healthcare Public Relations, NY, NY
Chamberlain Healthcare Public Relations is seeking a proactive, hardworking and eager to learn intern for the 2010 spring semester. Applicants must be either undergraduates (juniors or seniors) or graduate students majoring in communications, liberal arts or science-related fields who are interested in gaining hands-on experience in health care public relations. Interns at Chamberlain have the chance to learn valuable public relations skills at one of the industry's leading healthcare public relations firms.
Contact Information
Name: Nancie Steinberg
Email: nsteinberg@chamberlainpr.com
Phone: 2128840667
11.) Knowledge Management and Communications Adviser, JTA International, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Deadline: March 8 2010
12.) Vice President, Corporate Communications, Royal Caribbean International, Miami, FL
Great vacations begin with great employees!
Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. is one of the world's leading and revolutionary cruise lines. The company operates under the Royal Caribbean International, Celebrity and Azamara brands. Currently the fleet has 31 ships in service visiting over 180 attractive destinations.
Combine your experience and sense of adventure by joining our exciting land-based team of employees. Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. is pleased to offer a competitive compensation and benefits package, excellent career development opportunities, each offering unique ways to explore the world.
Join our team as an AVP, Corporate Communications!
1. Leads Company's overall national and international communication strategies with the intent to deliver clear and consistent messages across the organization and to the public, guests, media, special interest groups and communities. Available to consult Pullmantur and TUI as needed.
2. Provides communications advice and counsel across the organization regarding corporate issues and directs the execution of communication initiatives to support Company's objectives and goals.
3. Determines directions and strategies for media contacts in crisis situations involving different issues, such as: environmental, litigations, health & medical, weather, marine and hotel operations, onboard accidents, alleged crimes, etc. Works to secure positive coverage for our Company.
4. Determines the strategies for the communications via Broadcast messages as well as for press release over wire services and on company's consumer websites and its intranet site.
5. Prepares and disseminates press releases, announcements, statements, facts sheets, and other corporate communication documents.
6. Monitors media and industry news and determines the strategies to produce the appropriate Company response for incoming inquiries.
7. Develops talking points and presentation materials to support senior management regarding communications based on the organizational business needs.
8. Coordinates external events with media to support Company's communication strategies and goals.
9. Delivers presentations involving corporate communication issues internally as well as externally to media, industry groups, special interest groups and the community.
10. Determines department budget and manages all expenditures connected with the communication initiatives, contract services, crisis communication actions, etc.
Bachelor's degree required, preferably in Journalism, English or Communication.
Minimum 15 years of experience and background providing communications counsel to senior executives preferable in the hospitality industry.
Outstanding English language proficiency. Desirable proficiency in Spanish.
Availability to travel up to 10% of the time and flexibility to support unexpected business events outside of the regular business hours including holidays and weekends.
*** From Amy Simmons:
Please post this opening in your next newsletter. I am a loyal reader. Thank you!
Amy Simmons
Director of Communications
National Association of Community Health Centers
Bethesda, MD
13.) WRITER/NEW MEDIA MANAGER, National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc., Bethesda, MD
PRIMARY AREAS OF WORK: Provides a broad range of communications support, including writing and editing; overseeing development of occasional publications; and the management of NACHC’s website, blogs and social media feeds, including Facebook and Twitter.
• Together with Communications Director, handles incoming media and public relations inquiries.
• In a team setting with the Communications Director and Information Technology staff, manages and contributes to the ongoing improvement of the NACHC website.
• Manages NACHC’s Facebook, Twitter and YouTube presences and NACHC’s blogs; prepares written material and multimedia – including video – for these channels.
• Copywrites and edits as assigned for various collateral materials, including reports, presentation templates, brochures, backgrounders, fact sheets, press releases, advertisements, etc.
• Provides editing and writing support for Community Health Forum Magazine, and other communications projects as assigned.
• Develops and presents communications training workshops – in-person at NACHC’s major conferences and intermittently via webinar.
• Manages and coordinates association-wide use of NACHC’s brand signature (i.e., logo mark/type), as well as “general use” descriptions/language (i.e., tag lines, mission statements, facts, etc.) to ensure consistency across all NACHC materials and website.
• Other duties as assigned.
A. Education
Undergraduate degree (preferably in journalism or other related field).
B. Experience/Ability/Knowledge
Excellent writing and editing skills, with attention to detail essential.
Demonstrated editing and copywriting experience. Must be able to synthesize information/facts into clear, concise copy and able to vary writing style to meet needs.
Must be able to meet strict deadlines.
Strong time-management and organizational skills.
Proficient in using Microsoft Office software.
Familiarity with Facebook and Twitter; experience with website Content Management Systems preferred.
Must be willing and able to travel.
Must be able to work as a part of a team but also work independently, self-schedule and set priorities in order to juggle various deadline demands.
Contact Amy Simmons
Director of Communications
National Association of Community Health Centers
7200 Wisconsin Avenue
Suite 210
Bethesda, MD 20814
Direct 301/347-0476
Mobile 202/309-0338
14.) Science Writer, Townsville, Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), Queensland, Australia
The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) is a world-leading research agency committed to the protection and sustainable development of Australia's tropical marine resources.
Its research programs support the management of tropical marine environments around the world, with a primary focus on the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, Ningaloo Marine Park in Western Australia and the pristine marine environments of northwest Australia.
The Institute is seeking the services of a professional to provide expert scientific and corporate writing, editing, media liaison and consultative services in support of its science communication activities.
To be successful in this role, our preferred candidate will have:
* A minimum of five (5) years experience in professional science writing, preferably with a degree or higher level qualification in a relevant discipline.
* Demonstrated ability to provide, under limited direction as a member of a small team, high quality, timely and professional science and/or corporate writing and editing.
* Experience producing written material for specific audiences including scientists, collaborators, government and industry stakeholders, and the public.
* Experience in writing for media and in media liaison.
* A sound understanding of the concepts and terminology common in marine science will be an advantage.
The position will be full-time (9 days per fortnight) for a fixed term of 3 years initially.
The starting salary will be in the range of $66,496 – $83,397 (as determined by qualifications and experience) plus up to 15.4% superannuation and other employment benefits. Incremental advancement will be based on annual performance review.
The position will be located at the Institute's Cape Ferguson headquarters near Townsville in North Queensland.
Commencing salary up to $83K (dependent upon skills and experience) Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)
Fantastic location, exciting opportunity
Enquiries: Steve Clarke, Science Communication Manager, s.clarke@aims.gov.au or phone: 07-4753-4264.
Applications close: COB 15th March, 2010.
– http://www.aims.gov.au
*** From Kathy Arnold:
We are first-time users of your website. Thank you.
Kathy Arnold
Manager, Professional Staffing
Fax: 217-451-4383
Every day, the 28,000 people of Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE: ADM) turn crops into renewable products that meet the demands of a growing world. At more than 230 processing plants, we convert corn, oilseeds, wheat and cocoa into products for food, animal feed, chemical and energy uses. We operate the world’s premier crop origination and transportation network, connecting crops and markets in more than 60 countries. Our global headquarters is in Decatur, Illinois, and our net sales for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009, were $69 billion. For more information about our Company and our products, visit www.adm.com.
15.) Human Resources Communications Specialist, ADM (Archer Daniels Midland Company, Decatur, Illinois
This is an exempt level position.
The HR communications specialist will assist in developing, executing and managing HR’s communications programs. This position will primarily focus on internal communications with opportunities to contribute to external communication projects as needed. The internal programs the HR communications specialist will support include: Employee Benefits; Compensation; Diversity and Inclusion; Labor Relations; Learning and Development; HR Operations and Performance Management. External communication support will focus on recruiting and staffing.
To learn more and apply, visit www.adm.jobs. Set up an account, build a minimal profile, upload your resume and apply to our position.
This position offers a complete benefit package, including 401K/ESOP, pension, health, life, vision and dental insurance.
ADM requires the successful completion of a pre-employment drug screen and a background check.
ADM is an Equal Opportunity Employer
*** From Molly Walker:
Ned, here is a new JOTW listing for you, thanks!
• Proposal preparation in the Architectural/Engineering/ Construction industry. Manages all aspects of proposals including review/edit for content and compliance of RFP specifications and requirements; coordination with internal/external proposal team; review and development of compliance matrices, schedule, budget for proposal efforts; coordination and leadership of proposal kickoff meetings; leads proposal reviews, compiles existing source material; coordinates and/or writes original material where needed; conducts interviews with technical staff to supplement qualifications and write technical and management approaches; provides editing and formatting; coordinates final production; knowledge of production processes for timely delivery of proposals; organized management of materials and electronic files.
• Interfacing directly with estimating and business development managers to plan, develop, and execute proposal related tasks throughout the opportunity life-cycle. Manages multiple proposals simultaneously. Manages development of oral presentations. Provides coaching for oral presentations. Leads strategic planning efforts, storyboarding sessions, and review teams.
• Majority of the work will entail coordinating and preparing marketing proposals and submittals as well as developing and maintaining resource materials – resumes, project pages, Kieways articles and other collateral file information.
• 10 years of experience in developing proposals/presentations and managing proposals for multi-million dollar projects, preferably in an architectural/engineering/construction or similar technical environment.
• Bachelor’s degree in English, Journalism or related field is required.
• Requires excellent command of English grammar, spelling and composition, as well as oral communication and interpersonal skills.
• Strategic thinker with ability to turn concepts into compelling, compliant proposal documents. Relies on extensive experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals.
• Excellent organizational skills and ability to work under the pressure of multiple deadlines while ensuring high quality submittals.
• Software proficiencies including: Microsoft Office, PowerPoint and Adobe Creative Suites software (Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, etc.).
This position is full-time, and offers a competitive base salary with our rich Kiewit benefits package. Frequent travel may be required.
Currently located in Concord, CA but moving to Fairfield, CA this summer.
Interested parties should contact Kiewit’s recruiter Nicole Leong at nicole.leong@kiewit.com or call (925) 686-3030.
Kiewit is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse workforce.
*** From Barry Piatoff:
Please post the following job in your next issue.
Thank you.
Barry Piatoff
17.) Public Relations-Pharmaceutical-Account Supervisor Level, pr firm, New York, NY
Our client is an established, mid-size (about 25 people), multi-practice, public relations firm in downtown Manhattan. They have an excellent mentoring and continuing professional studies program so it’s a great place to learn and to grow your career! Due to a promotion they are looking to add an Account Supervisor to their pharmaceutical public relations practice. You will run a five person account team for the Oncology division of one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies. Lead internal team, work closely with client, provide communications support and strategy.
This is a project management type of role where you’ll be getting involved with media relations, crisis communications, the FDA approval process, employee communications, investor relations and direct to surgeon communications. The immediate focus of this position is reputation management and also moving new brands to become approved drugs. This is NOT your typical account position at a pr firm.
Should have about 5-8 years of pharmaceutical public relations experience, either agency or corporate side, with a strong preference for some oncology public relations background. Knowledge of new media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) required along with a classic public relations background. Very good salary for an Account Supervisor; $80K-$100K. Reports to a Managing Director who is extremely nice, professional and a terrific mentor!
The culture is vibrant, intellectual, “brainy” science-dense and everyone has an opinion. Though some work situations require overtime, the hours are generally reasonable. In the ten years this firm has been around, nobody has ever left this pr firm to go to another pr firm. Might be a great change of pace from someone wishing to move from the usual big pr agency type of environment to a more reasonable mid-size pr agency culture.
Local candidates only will be considered for this position.
To be considered for this position, and other opportunities in public relations, communications and investor relations, e-mail your resume and cover letter (which should include your current base salary and any bonuses) to:
Due to the volume of resumes received, we can only contact the candidates that best fit the specifications for this position. But be assured we did receive your information and that it is carefully reviewed by a member of our professional staff.
Please mention where you saw this job posting.
For more information on our search firm, please visit:
*** From Bobbi Greenberg:
Hi Ned –
I've attached a job description for a new position located in Arlington, VA.
Bobbi Greenberg
18.) TRANSIT MARKETING SPECIALIST, Arlington County Commuter Services (ACCS), Arlington, VA
As part of a dynamic and innovative Transportation Demand Management program for Arlington County Commuter Services (ACCS), the Transit Marketing Specialist will be responsible for marketing and promoting Arlington Transit – ART, Arlington Metrobus and iRide teen transit program, as well as providing social marketing assistance for ACCS. This position will work with contracted design firms, ART staff, Arlington Metrobus staff, ACCS staff, county residents and organizations, and other Arlington County departments.
The Transit Marketing Specialist position with be a contract position with
The Destination Sales & Marketing Group, Ltd who manages and operates Arlington Transportation Partners on behalf of Arlington County Commuter Services. The position is full-time and based in Arlington, Virginia.
Promotional efforts are accomplished through brochures, direct mail, email, web sites, social marketing, special events, in-bus messaging, bus stop inserts, press releases and media. Position evaluates the marketing program and makes necessary adjustments.
Major Duties:
• Prepares and administers a comprehensive marketing communications program for Arlington Transit (ART), Arlington Metrobus service and iRide teen transit program.
• Develops promotional and informational materials including but not limited to bus schedules, brochures, posters, information inserts, bus stop inserts, signs, customer communications, newsletters, websites, blogs, in-bus messages, and social media messages.
• Manages market research and measurement studies with research firm.
• Responsible for inter-agency coordination and development of cooperative promotions and projects.
• Serves as project manager for assigned projects.
• Coordinates with ACCS staff on integrating transit promotions with ACCS programs and services including Bike Arlington, Walk Arlington, Commuter Store, Arlington Transportation Partners and commuterpage.com.
• Uses social media such as Facebook and Twitter to promote ART and iRide, as well as ACCS programs and services.
• Coordinates with web team to make sure websites are updated.
Specific Tasks:
• Prepares ART and Arlington Metrobus bus schedules, bus stop information inserts and posters. Oversees layout, working with ART staff, graphic artist and advertising firms to design, proof, print and distribute.
• Prepares ART and Arlington Metrobus bus information for distribution to general public through printed materials, online messaging, direct mailings, articles, social media and other methods.
• Prepare ART and Arlington Metrobus bus information for presentation to public through public meetings and civic association meetings.
• Ensure proper notification of ART and Arlington Metrobus bus services changes.
• Organize special events for ART and Arlington Metrobus.
• Develops iRide promotional materials and outreach programs.
• Designs and writes simple flyers, signs and posters.
• Oversee marketing of ART and Arlington Metrobus by contracted advertising and/or graphic design firm.
• Develop and maintain database of marketing contacts, promotional efforts and results for ART and Arlington Metrobus.
• Develops and maintains annual marketing plan for identifying strategies, techniques, special events and media plans for ART and Arlington Metrobus.
• Assists in the development of marketing materials including research, technical writing, and specialized approached for ART and Arlington Metrobus.
• Serves as project manager for assigned projects.
• Develops project budgets and allocates budgeted funds.
• Evaluates project effectiveness.
• Coordinates projects with County agencies and other internal and external organizations and ACCS.
• Research information on industry trends, regulatory issues, technology developments, and related areas.
Other Duties as Assigned
Qualifications Requirements:
Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or university in Marketing, Communications, Business or related field of study
Four or more years of progressively responsible experience in marketing communications, advertising or public relations. Experience in transit and/or transportation demand management is a plus.
Excellent oral and written presentation and communication skills.
Budget development, tracking and allocation.
Software Requirements
Proficiency required in Microsoft Office. Desirable knowledge of design software such as inDesign, QuarkXPress, Illustrator, and Photoshop. Desirable knowledge of graphics packages to assemble, manipulate and/or format data for reports.
Additional Information:
The ideal candidate should be an independent worker, creative, and organized. The person should have knowledge/skills/experience in communications, as well as excellent project management skills and the ability to prioritize projects. He/She should be a quick learner, strategic thinker, and be able to provide good advice to staff. Design experience is a plus.
Normal work hours are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. Work hours will include attendance at occasional evening and weekend meetings.
Compensation: Salary range: $55,000 to $60,000 depending upon experience and salary history. Excellent benefits, generous leave, 401K plan, flextime, transit benefits.
E-mail cover letter, resume, two writing samples and two creative samples to Executive Director at Ldemeester@transpartners.com.
Please put “Transit Marketing Specialist 3-10” in the subject line.
19.) New Media/Internet Content Manager, National Minority AIDS Council, Washington, D.C.
*** From Michelle Strassman:
Hello, We would like to post our position on your website:
Thank you!
Michelle Strassman
King of Prussia, Pa
F: 610.945.1058
20.) Marketing and Communications Manager, Trion Group, Conshohocken, PA
Brief Description: Trion is seeking an energetic, creative and accomplished communications professional to implement a strategic, multi-faceted communications program that will strengthen the organization’s role and reputation as a leader in its field. The successful candidate will manage full cycle of multiple communications projects and drive company’s general marketing communication efforts.
• Bachelor’s Degree in Public or Media Relations, Communications, Journalism or a related field;
• Minimum 5 years writing experience, with preferred focus on direct marketing or financial topics;
• Previous experience in a marketing agency, advertising agency or corporate communications department is a plus;
• Working knowledge of marketing and communications services including media relations and public affairs.
Please send resume to: mstrassman@trion.com
Website: www.trion.com
*** From Meghan Patrick:
21.) Paid student internship, Public Affairs Office, U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Command, Washington, DC
The public affairs office at the U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Command, headquartered at the Washington Navy Yard in Washington, D.C., has a paid internship opportunity for the upcoming summer, and possibly beyond.
– The intern will serve as a communications assistant and will assist with media searches and clippings, weekly internal publications, press releases and feature stories. Applicants should have strong writing ability with knowledge of Associated Press style. Graphics design experience in InDesign, Photoshop, and/or Adobe Illustrator is a plus.
– The timeframe is approximately May through August/September 2010, with consideration for follow-on semesters.
– Pay is $14.59 per hour for 20-40 hours per week.
– Desired majors: communications, journalism, mass communications/media studies, political communications or public relations.
Applicants must be part- or full-time junior/senior undergraduate or graduate students and should forward their resumes to sandra.graham@navy.mil. Please submit a cover letter including the days and hours that you would be available based on a five-day work week with office hours between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Also include availability for continuing the internship after August/September. Applications must be received by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, March 29.
For any questions, call (202) 685-5055.
*** From Mary Ann McCauley, ABC:
22.) Sr Marketing Comm Spec, ING Financial Partners, Des Moines, IA
23.) Sr e-Marketing Comm Spec, ING Wealth Solutions, Windsor, CT
24.) Marketing Communications Spec, ING Insurance Americas, ING Group, N. Quincy, MA
25.) Assoc Marketing Comm Spec, ING Insurance Americas, ING Group, Malvern, PA
26.) Photo Coordinator, National Wildlife Federation, Reston, Virginia
27.) Senior Vice President of Marketing, National Wildlife Federation, Reston, Virginia
*** From Bill Seiberlich:
28.) Communications Relations Representative, Heroic Media, Philadelphia, PA
Community Relations Representative opening for a growing faith-based non-profit.
Heroic Media seeks a fundraising professional who:
– has a passion for life from conception through natural death,
– is enthusiastic about/accomplished in major gifts solicitation, and
– has a strong work ethic.
The Community Relations candidate should have experience in recruiting and managing support from churches, civic groups, and community organizations. This individual will also represent Heroic Media at local conferences and other networking events, recruit table hosts for benefit dinners, and assist with volunteer recruitment and stewardship within assigned region.
Strong interpersonal and written/oral communications and Microsoft Office skills are required. Experience using Raisers Edge is a plus.
Contact: For more information or to apply, send resume with cover letter to recruiter@heroicmedia.org by March 15.
29.) Senior News Editor, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
University of Delaware Is seeking a Senior News Editor, Office of Communications & Marketing (Job Number: 1034455).
The Office of Communications & Marketing (OCM) has a University-wide responsibility for communications with faculty, staff and students, for providing media relations expertise to all segments of the campus and for delivering the University's message to the general public, alumni and other special constituent groups beyond the campus, including print, broadcast and online media. OCM serves as the major dissemination point for information about the University. This office also has additional duties in support of the president, including speech writing and special public relations and publication projects.
Under the general direction of the Public & Media Relations Director, the Senior News Editor coordinates both the electronic and print distribution of University new releases; manages and composes content for University web sites and writes news and features for UDaily, the Messenger and other university publications. In Addition to writing and editing copy, the Editor also helps coordinate assignment of events news releases and supervises the dissemination of graduate, honors day and dean's lists to the media. The Senior News Editor often serves as a representative of the University at news conferences and assists University units and other editorial staff in planning and facilitating these functions. This person also is called upon to fill in for the Editors in their absence and is frequently assigned to special projects by the Director. The Senior News Editor is the primary contact for content on the University's social media web sites. The Senior News Editor position is a core member of the UD Crisis Communications Team.
QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor's degree in English, Journalism, Communications or other related field with three years demonstrated writing and editing experience, as well as effective web authoring skills and familiarity with a wide range of web 2.0 applications. Requires the ability to develop and prepare copy for printing and/or reproduction; ability to evaluate and edit the content, structure and format of a range of written material. Knowledge of editorial and ethical standards for the research and development of journalistic articles and/or presentations. Ability to handle several assignments simultaneously essential. Knowledge of University policies and procedures and faculty resources preferred. Skill in the use of personal computers and related software applications (Word, Excel, Access, FileMaker Pro). Knowledge of printing procedures and requirements; requires working knowledge of Associated Press Stylebook.
RESPONSIBILITIES: Prepares, edits, formats and writes publications, including articles and/or web site materials. Ensures that all materials meet established University standards of appearance, content and style. Responds to local and regional press for immediate reaction to newsworthy events impacting the University. Works with the Public & Media Relations team, as well as UD Marketing Council to make events news release assignments and to ensure that events news is distributed in a timely manner. Determines the stories about the University's actions, accomplishments and achievements that may warrant additional external media coverage. Acts as liaison with faculty and staff from all facets of the University to gather information for use in crafting appropriate responses to often challenging and sensitive inquiries. Administers social medial web sites for the University, including, but not limited to Facebook, Twitter and Gmail. Works with IT staff to ensure smooth operation of these web sites. Manages weekly production of news releases and translates them to electronic format. Posts releases on web and manages their electronic and print distribution to print, television, radio and online outlets by set deadlines. Researches and authors features and news articles for the Messenger, UDaily, and general news releases. Obtains expert faculty and staff views of national, regional or local importance. Fields inquiries from print and broadcast reporters, the University community and the general public, providing information and/or campus experts on a wide range of issues. Acts as backup for UDaily editor, creating and posting pages for special events when needed. Administers the dissemination of information on students regarding UD's graduation, Honors Day and Dean's List to hometown news outlets. Edits, proofreads and produces copy for documents–including newsletters, booklets, flyers, articles and other materials–for internal use, distribution to news media or media or through UD publications. Maintains databases and files, especially electronic mailing lists for press releases and honors, graduation and dean's lists, and all those used to track frequently asked questions, publications, articles and mailing lists. Assists as needed with special projects coordinated by the Office of Communications & Marketing. Determines appropriate messages to send to students on a weekly basis via gmail. Performs other job-related duties as assigned.
Contact: Send letter of interest, resume, contact information for three references and minimum of three published writing samples by March 2, 2010, to Search Committee Chair/Senior News Editor, Office of Communications and Marketing, University of Delaware, 105 East Main St., Newark, DE 19716, or e-mail to ud-ocm@udel.edu
30.) Communications Consultant, Vitiello Communications Group, East Brunswick, NJ
Vitiello Communications Group is seeking a Communications Consultant.
OPPORTUNITY: Join a high-performing, collaborative team of communications professionals who provide Fortune 500 corporations and other leading companies with strategic communication consulting, planning and implementation.
POSITION DESCRIPTION: The successful candidate will be an energetic and independent individual with excellent writing, research, computer, organizational and interpersonal skills. He or she will lead communications projects, providing strategic planning and implementation to meet clients' needs. The consultant will collaborate with other members of the VCG team, interact with clients, and represent the firm in a professional manner that values integrity, appreciates diversity and demonstrates respect for people.
MAJOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The consultant's job responsibilities include a wide variety of activities that meet clients' needs and that focus specifically on completing client assignments. The consultant may also work on activities that support the long-term, profitable growth, vitality and productivity of Vitiello Communications Group.
Responsibilities include:
– Develop and implement strategic communications plans for clients' to support the success of corporate and/or divisional strategic initiatives
– Manage communications projects
– Interact directly with clients as necessary
– Work at clients offices and participate as a member of project and global communications teams
– Collaborate with members of the VCG team to produce client work on deadline
– Write and edit business communications for VCG clients
– Demonstrate excellent writing, editing and proofreading skills, as well as an excellent command of grammar, punctuation and usage
– Develop communications materials using primary and secondary research skills, conduct interviews with subject matter experts and leaders, and produce professional quality documents, presentations and other forms of communication
– Bachelor's degree
– A minimum of 10 years professional work experience in communications
– Excellent references
Desired:Master's Degree in English, journalism or communications; Master's of Business Administration
– Strategic and creative thinker
– Ability to serve as communications subject matter expert
– Outstanding writing skills, as evidenced by published materials
– Computer expertise in Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel and PowerPoint
– Ability to partner with client and agency team members
– Meticulous attention to accuracy and detail
– Strong interpersonal skills
– Proven skills in developing and implementing strategic communications plans and delivering measurable results
COMPENSATION: Commensurate with experience.
ABOUT VITIELLO COMMUNICATIONS GROUP: Vitiello Communications Group is passionate about communicating for results. We bring exceptional senior-level communications counsel, critical thinking, project management and technical proficiency to every engagement. Our experienced team of strategic communications consultants, corporate writers, and program managers designs and implements customized communication strategies for leading organizations that deliver results and exceed expectations.
Contact: Arlene Walker, Vitiello Communications Group, LLC at 732.238.6624 or Arlene@vtlo.com (Please provide work samples with resume. Recommend examples of internal communications, communications plans and supporting tactics, executive communications, results reporting, etc.)
31.) Writer, Cadient Group, King of Prussia, PA
Cadient Group is seeking a Writer. This position requires an experienced writer and message strategist in marketing communications development. The Writer is responsible for developing an intimate understanding of the market, products, and solutions in order to write and edit all messaging and content related to the marketing communications and campaigns for those accounts. The Writer should have the knowledge and experience to be able to research and write full websites, e-mails, and other online media. Experience in marketing, message development, lead-generating content development best practices, and overall mass-marketing and direct-marketing best practices is key to the role. A background in healthcare, pharmaceutical marketing experience, and a strong technical understanding of the digital pharmaceutical market is required. The objective of this role is to combine subject matter expertise with marketing and messaging knowledge to develop go-to-market copy that will generate response and interest.
The Writer will work closely with the account management team and Editorial Manager in brief development at the campaign, program, and project level. He or she will also be involved in ongoing research which will enable the Writer to develop compelling content for professional or consumer audiences.
Contact: To view the full job description and apply online, please visit www.cadient.com or email your resume and CV to carolyn.marotta@cadient.com
32.) Communications Manager, Tyco Safety Products (TSP), Princeton, NJ
Tyco Safety Products (TSP) is a division of Tyco International, a worldwide leader in fire protection and electronic security solutions. Within Tyco Safety Products, we design, manufacture, and distribute thousands of products ranging from fire detection and suppression systems, personal protective equipment and intrusion security to access control and video solutions, anti-theft and Electronic Article Surveillance/RFID Systems through our five strategic business units (SBUs): Fire Suppression & Building Products, Fire Detection, Electronic Security, Sensormatic Retail Solutions & Life Safety.
We currently have an opening for a Communications Manager in our Princeton, NJ office.
This position is responsible for development of communication vehicles and messaging targeted at internal and external audiences within Tyco Safety Products and other Tyco businesses. Includes responsibility for managing the company's internal news and information online Portal. In addition, the individual will produce, write and edit material that helps educate, inform and inspire employees globally. Will act as communications liaison with Human Resources, Information Technology and other relevant functions to ensure the development of the infrastructure and resources needed for internal communications. In addition, the role will provide general support and input for internal and external corporate communication programs.
– Reporting to the Senior Director of Communications, the individual will oversee large-scale communication initiatives, including the implementation and evolution of the company's news and information Portal into a platform for Tyco management to present the company's mission, values, and goals to all employees. Enhance the presentation of timely postings about the company's overall progress by incorporating news from across the company onto the Portal.
– Provide communications counsel and support to business and functional leaders, with the goal of improving the internal and external brand and reputation of the company.
– Accountable for the successful design, production, delivery and administration of complex communication programs. Extensive copy development (writing) with a goal to educate and engage employees and other stakeholders.
– Develop and manage e-mail contact lists / databases for internal messaging, including lists provided by internal resources such as HR and IT.
– Investigate and report on emerging Web technology and techniques to aid the development and implementation of next-generation communications solutions and processes. Contribute to cross-functional teams evaluating web communications issues such as content management and web-based collaborative document sharing solutions.
– Ability to think and act both strategically and tactically is crucial to success in this role.
Required Skills
– Minimum 5 years of progressively responsible communications experience, including some time at a public company. Experience in developing and executing large-scale, complex communication programs for internal and external stakeholders.
– Proven writing capabilities in a variety of formats, including news articles, feature stories, executive speeches, press releases and other collateral materials, employee newsletters, organizational communications, video scripts and PowerPoint presentations.
– Excellent project management and critical thinking skills.
– Comfortable with online tools and technology, including content management systems and social media tools.
– A demonstrated knowledge of the full range of internal communications management, including copy development, creative, and web content theory and creation.
– Strong organization skills with the ability to juggle multiple projects; adjust to fast-moving business environment and meet tight deadlines.
– Internal client management and collaboration experience, with the ability to build and maintain quality cross-functional relationships.
– Self-starter. Ability to take ideas and directives and execute them effectively with minimal oversight. Desire and ability to generate new ideas to drive the evolution and improvement of communication programs.
– Experience in a fast-paced communications team environment, preferably in a large, corporate communications setting.
– Proficient in Microsoft office tools, including Word, PowerPoint and Excel.
– Experience with graphic design and video editing programs a plus.
– Bachelor's degree required in Communications, English or related field of study. Master's degree preferred.
Tyco Safety Products offers a competitive salary package in addition to a comprehensive benefits package including a 401(k) with company match.
Tyco Safety Products is a diverse company that believes its employees are the foundation for investing in its future. Diversity and inclusion are key to growing our business and providing a work environment that fosters contributions by all employees. Tyco is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate because of age, color, disability, ethnicity, marital or family status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, military veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
Contact: To apply, go to http://jobsearch.tyco.newjobs.com/getjob.asp?JobID=86409450
33.) Customer Communications Specialist, PPL Corporation, Allentown, PA
PPL Corporation is seeking a Customer Communications Specialist.
Contribute to the development of a cost-effective corporate strategy to address customer needs, keep customer satisfaction levels high, and comply with regulatory requirements so corporate operational, financial, and compliance objectives are met. This position is expected to develop, market, and deploy programs and services that effectively support PPL's energy efficiency, demand side management (DSM), environmental awareness, and rate mitigation strategies. Creation of these programs will be coupled with effective internal and external communications strategies that make customers, employees, and other key stakeholders aware of benefits that can result through the utilization of programs, services, and educational materials promoted by PPL. The position is expected to collaborate with the internal resources needed to deliver programs, service and communication and with external groups that are allied with or recipients of PPL's energy efficiency, DSM, environmental awareness, or rate mitigation efforts.
Primary Responsibilities:
– Develop, implement and communicate demand side management and energy conservation programs for PPL Electric Utilities that meet the needs of customers and the company, and are consistent with applicable regulations. Programs must provide value to customers (i.e., reduced energy consumption and costs), provide good return on investment for the company, comply with state and federal regulatory requirements and meet program objectives including cost-effectiveness, and enhance the company's reputation with residential, commercial and industrial customers, regulators, and other key publics.
– Recommend and coordinate appropriate market/program research, create reports for PPL EU management and regulators, create project plans, assemble and manage contributors and vendors, present program details to various audiences and groups (internal/external), manage program budget, manage procurements of appropriate vendor services/equipment/etc.
– Conduct detailed investigations and develop business cases and marketing plans that will be used by management to make informed go/no go decisions on program launch and subsequent program changes. Develop short and long term plans for the implementation of the selected programs (including resource and budget plans).
– Identify and implement information/technology system and process changes in PPL Electric Utilities to support DSM and energy efficiency programs, communications, state and federal regulatory tracking and reporting requirements and interfaces with external partners, and education programs for residential, commercial and industrial customers. Document process changes and lead the development and implementation of required training to support the changes.
– Administer the PPL EU internet web site for customers. Identify and formalize design requirements and implement web design standards for all content. Ensure self-service design elements are aligned with the PPL EU customer focused strategy, and coordinate self-service transaction design with PPL EU workgroups to cost-effectively meet customer needs and improve satisfaction.
– Interpret and communicate changes in guidelines, policies, regulations and other related matters. Develop plans and supporting materials to present proposed programs cost-effectively to residential, commercial and industrial customers.
– Manage all aspects of the customer communication and education program development process from scoping and planning through deployment and evaluation. Plan, direct, and coordinate activities of internal and external resources/vendors. Assist in the planning and developing of the five-year DSM business plan for all customer communication and education related items.
– Create program strategy, operational and financial plans along with educational and/or communication content, partner with external resources, lead the development of creative design, and creation of collateral material.
Candidates must meet the basic qualifications to receive consideration:
Basic Qualifications
– Bachelor's degree in business, marketing, communications, or technical discipline.
– 5+ years working in various capacities in the electric utility industry, energy efficiency organizations, or communications or public relations.
– 2+ years in the development, deployment, and management of energy related products, services, or other customer programs.
Preferred Qualifications
– MBA or other graduate degree including marketing, communications or technical discipline.
– 10+ years working in various capacities in the electric utility industry or energy efficiency organization.
– 5+ years in the development, deployment, and management of energy related products, services, and/or customer communication programs.
– Demonstrated strong leadership skills.
– Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and project management skills, proficiency in the use of word processing and spreadsheet software, knowledge of utility rate making, and knowledge of energy efficiency and related technologies.
– Proven experience in the development of product, service, or program strategy plans, or communication strategies.
– Experience in the development of budgets and high level financial plans.
– Experience in vendor performance management.
PPL is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer dedicated to diversity and the strength it brings to the workplace – M/F/D/V
Contact: For consideration for this position and to view other opportunities at PPL, use on-line tool at www.pplweb.com. Click on Careers, Search Job Openings, select position interested in, then Apply Now.
35.) Director, Product Communication Internal Medicine, Johnson & Johnson Pharm Services LLC, Raritan, NJ
Johnson & Johnson Pharm Services LLC is seeking a Director, Product Communication Internal Medicine, (IM-3380100119).
Reporting directly to the Internal Medicine Business Unit Communication Leader, the Director, Product Communication, is responsible for the strategic planning, development and implementation of integrated communication / PR programs to support the business objectives of the North America Internal Medicine operating unit. Responsibilities include providing communication counsel to the business, public relations activities for launch brands and promoted products (including unbranded activities where appropriate), and issues management.
This individual will provide counsel to business and brand leaders on communication strategies. Work directly with and support as appropriate the Therapeutic Area Communications Leaders for Internal Medicine (includes Cardiovascular/Metabolics; Infectious Disease; and Neuroscience Therapeutic Areas) Develop and implement unbranded and branded communication strategies and programs for promoted and launch products that help brands meet franchise business objectives; includes media analyses and outcome metrics to measure success / impact of PR initiatives. Develop and oversee assigned public relations budgets. Identify, select and manage public relations agencies and product budgets. Align regional PR plans with global plans and strategies, and foster sharing of best practices between markets. Participate as an active member of brand and launch teams. Build relationships with and act as liaison to key third-party influencers and external constituencies, such as L&A partners, patient advocacy groups and professional organizations, for public relations activities. Work closely with J&J Corporate Communication and Investor Relations to ensure message alignment. Develop and enhance relationships with key media.
Qualifications: A Minimum of a Bachelor's degree is required, a major in liberal arts, business or related discipline (communications or journalism a plus) is preferred. Supervisory experience is preferred. A minimum of 10 years of experience managing public relations/ public affairs programs in a company, NGO, government agency or public relations agency is required. Direct health care, pharmaceutical, or product communications experience is required. Proven track record of successful public relations/communications, corporate communications, product approval and launch communications support and/or media relations achievements is required. Must have the ability to develop successful working relationships with senior executives. Experience in crisis /issues management is required. Experience dealing with national and local lay, trade and social media as well as professional / trade and third-party organizations is required. Experience in managing project budgets /schedules is required.
Contact: Please apply online at https://jnjc.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobdetail.ftl?lang=en&job=17795
36.) Manager, Product Communication Internal Medicine, Johnson & Johnson Pharm Services LLC, Raritan, NJ
Johnson & Johnson Pharm Services LLC is seeking a Manager, Product Communication Internal Medicine (IM-3175100119).
Reporting directly to the Business Unit Communication Leader, the Manager, Product Communication, Internal Medicine, is responsible for the development and implementation of integrated communication / public relations programs to support the business objectives of the assigned therapeutic area groups, franchises and / or operating units. Responsibilities include providing communication counsel to support the business, public relations / communication activities for pipeline compounds, launch brands and promoted products, and issues / crisis management.
The Manager, Product Communication, IM will be responsible to develop and implement communication strategies and programs for pipeline compounds, launch brands and promoted products that help meet franchise business objectives; includes media analyses and outcomes metrics to measure business impact of public relations initiatives. Work directly with and support as appropriate the Therapeutic Area Communications Leaders for Internal Medicine (includes Cardiovascular/Metabolics; Infectious Disease; and Neuroscience Therapeutic Areas). Manage public relations agencies supporting brands / franchises. Develop and oversee assigned public relations budgets. Align regional public relations plans with global plans and strategies, and foster best practice sharing between markets. Participate as an active member of brand launch teams. Develop relationships with key media. Build relationships with and act as liaison to key third-party influencers and external constituencies for public relations activities. Provide support to Business Unit Communication Leaders and Strategic Communication colleagues for product-related organizational communication.
Qualifications: A minimum of a Bachelor's degree in liberal arts, business or related discipline is required. (communications or journalism a plus). Proven performer with a minimum of 8 years experience managing healthcare public relations programs in a company, NGO, government agency or public relations agency is required. Direct health care / pharmaceutical / product experience is required. relevant therapeutic area experience is a plus. Proven track record of successful public relations/communications, corporate communications, product approval and launch communications support and/or media relations achievements is required. Experience dealing with national and local media as well as professional/ trade and third-party advocacy organizations is required.
Contact: Please apply online at https://jnjc.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobdetail.ftl?lang=en&job=17793
37.) Sr Mgr Goverment Relations, eBay Inc., Washington D.C.
38.) Intelligence Reporter, Associated Press, Washington, D.C
About the Job
The Associated Press seeks an Intelligence Reporter for its Washington, D.C. location.
This newsperson develops and maintains sources in the intelligence community including officials working for the U.S. Director of National Intelligence, CIA, FBI, Congress, Pentagon, Homeland Security Department, National Security Council, State Department and Energy Department. Sources must extend far beyond public relations staff. This newsperson reports and writes high-impact enterprise and breaking news stories based on U.S. and international intelligence, with a special focus on terrorism and counter-terrorism. Keeps AP far ahead of the competition with hard-news stories, trend spotting and “conceptual scoops.” This position works with colleagues in Washington and AP bureaus across the globe on stories with intelligence threads. He or she provides prompt and knowledgeable responses to AP member and bureau requests and questions.
The successful candidate must be an established reporter with a large and active network of sources in the intelligence community. Applicants must have at least five years experience as a reporter, including at least three in an intelligence-related reporting and/or editing job for a major media organization. At least five years of Washington experience preferred. Demonstrated ability to develop sources and break stories against intense competition and on deadline. Demonstrated ability to present information clearly, quickly and accurately. Good writing skills a must, along with a willingness to explore new forms of online and mobile storytelling. The ideal candidate must be versatile, aggressive, productive and adaptable, with an enthusiasm for the AP's mission of watchdog journalism. Bachelors degree or equivalent experience preferred. The successful candidate must have good interpersonal skills.
The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. Founded in 1846, AP today is the largest and most trusted source of independent news and information. On any given day, more than half the world's population sees news from AP.
AP seeks to build an inclusive organization grounded in respect for differences. We support all aspects of diversity and provide equal employment opportunity to all employees and applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, age, sexual orientation, disability or status as a veteran in accordance with applicable nondiscrimination laws.
39.) Senior PR Account Manager, Chillibush PR, Forest Town, Gauteng (Johannesburg), South Africa
Due to rapid growth, Chillibush PR requires a Senior PR Account Manager in Johannesburg. The position offers excellent growth opportunity within the agency.
The best suited candidate will have a strong communications background, good journalist abilities, management skills and PR exposure, preferably at an agency.
As a senior appointment, the candidate will be responsible for the management and interaction with clients from various sectors. The candidate will have to be flexible in terms of working hours and own a car.
Company Description
ChilliBush is a full service agency focused on providing communication solutions that deliver results. Our services broadly include advertising, design, media, public relations and investor relations.
At least five years PR working experience
Strategic PR thinker
Able to write proposals
Press release writing skills
Strong leader and positive attitude
Dale Hefer
Chillibush Public Relations
+27 11 646 7152
Should the position be of interest to you, kindly submit your CV to dale@chillibush.co.za.
40.) Dir – Marketing & Brand Manager, BAE Systems Land & Armaments, Arlington, VA
BAE Systems is the premier global defense and aerospace company, delivering a full range of products and services for air, land, and naval forces, as well as advanced electronics, information technology solutions, and customer support services. With 105,000 employees worldwide, BAE Systems had 2008 sales of $34.4 billion.
The Director, Marketing and Brand Management is responsible for the planning and execution of the Land & Armaments integrated marketing communications program to promote the products, capabilities and successes of an $8 billion global land systems business with major operations in four countries.
The Director M&BM provides leadership, guidance and coordination among the groups lines of business for the successful execution of marketing strategies and tactics.
This includes developing and coordinating any group-wide international marketing campaign, especially where more than one line of business is involved; and management of the groups international exhibition program in coordination with Business Development and lines of business objectives. In addition, the Director, Marketing and Brand Management is the lead point of contact with Inc. and Plc. for all international and Tier 1 domestic exhibitions.
1. Oversees strategic planning, development and coordination of all marketing communications programs to promote key products and further the company's sales objectives globally.
2. Consults with VP, Business Development and lines of business, international sales representatives, and advertising agencies to leverage all possible tool sets including online marketing, trade show activity and direct marketing.
3. Manages the preparation of sales aids, controls advertising and public relations projects, and recommends the media and tools best suited to sell specific products or services.
4. Interacts with vendors to produce promotional material. Selects, develops, and evaluates personnel to ensure the efficient operation of the function.
5. Has responsibility for the implementation and maintenance of corporate identity and branding standards across the group.
– Bachelor's degree with 5 years plus or relevant work experience
– Advanced communications skills (interpretation, negotiation, collaboration)
– Advertising knowledge of media planning and buying, and experience with exhibition planning.
– Knowledge of Microsoft Office software.
People are the greatest asset in any Company …
BAE Systems is committed to a high performance culture and provides an environment that challenges our employees to be remarkable and obtain their full potential.
We are an EEO/Affirmative Action Employer that understands the value of diversity and its impact on a high performance culture.
41.) Public Relations and Social Media Coordinator, St. Vincent de Paul, Cincinnati, Ohio
*** From Kris Gallagher, ABC:
42.) Vice President of Marketing & Development, non-profit, Chicago, Illinois
Organization Profile
We are an entrepreneurial, fast-growing nonprofit organization with a
well-established track record and high profile in our field. We are
seeking an individual who can bring us to the next level of visibility,
fund-raising capacity, and reach.
Job Overview
Responsible for national marketing, communications and fundraising
strategies. Ensures revenue goals are met. Oversees communications,
development and marketing staff.
Job Description
Key duties and responsibilities include the following:
* Works in conjunction with the national executive team on strategic
planning and decision-making.
* Implements board-approved fund development strategies and tactics,
making appropriate adjustments and course corrections in a timely and
thoughtful manner.
* Manages the organization's fund-development strategy to ensure
sustainability and growth.
* Cultivates relationships in the giving community, including
corporate donors, foundations and individuals.
* Manages staff in a results-driven manner through coaching,
supervision and goal setting.
* Develops messaging strategies for the organization's target
* Responsible for ensuring an effective data management system for
donor outreach and development.
* Manages relationships with branding, advertising, marketing and
consulting vendors.
Job Qualifications
Required: An undergraduate degree in nonprofit management, development,
marketing, or a related field; five or more years of success in
fundraising, marketing, and communications.
Essential: Strong management, decision-making, and communication skills.
Preferred: Advanced degree and executive-level experience. Candidate
must also demonstrate the following skills:
* Results-driven: Manages for results by setting measurable goals
and through constant assessment.
* Strategic thinking and problem solving.
* Collaboration with internal and external teams and audiences.
* Able to manage multiple tasks, prioritize and delegate
effectively, and perform well under pressure.
Compensation & Benefits
Competitive. To be discussed at time of interview.
How To Apply
Please send your cover letter, resume and salary expectations to Jeff
Carrigan at jeff@bigshoesnetwork.com. In the subject line of your
e-mail, be sure to include “Confidential VP Search.”
Upon receipt, your materials will be forwarded to our client. If they
wish to pursue, they'll contact you directly.
43.) Web Designer, Apptix, Herndon, VA
44.) Communications Officer, VFW National Home for Children, Eaton Rapids, Michigan
*** From Harry Wiley:
45.) Designer, MotionMasters, Charleston, W.Va.
MotionMasters, an award-winning production company located in
Charleston, W.Va., is looking for a designer with 2-3 years of print
and broadcast experience. Salary negotiable. Contact:
*** From Nancy Light:
Hi Ned,
My new employer, American Medical Informatics Association, is recruiting for two positions: Vice President, Corporate Relations & Development, and a webmaster.
The job site is Bethesda, MD (metro accessible). Anyone with specific questions about either job is welcome to contact me.
Nancy Light
Vice President, Marketing & Communications
46.) Vice President, Corporate Relations & Development, American Medical Informatics Association, Bethesda, MD
47.) Webmaster, American Medical Informatics Association, Bethesda, MD
48.) Director Brand Culture & Internal Communications, Hilton Hotels Corporation, Memphis, TN
Hilton Worldwide offers a variety of global opportunities within our portfolio of world renowned brands. With more than 3,200 hotels in 77 countries, our Team Members are committed to delivering our brand promises to our customers. At Hilton, you'll discover hospitality jobs whether you are a first time applicant or a career professional. Our portfolio consists of well known brands representing market leadership in their respective segments of the industry, whether it's luxury or lifestyle brands to mid prices, extended stay or vacation ownership, Hilton has something for everyone. The company owns, manages and franchises hotel brands including The Waldorf Astoria Hotels and Resorts®, Conrad Hotels and Resorts®, Hilton®, Doubletree®, Embassy®, Hilton Garden Inn®, Hampton, Homewood Suites®, Home2Suites by Hilton®, and Hilton Grand Vacations®Come and explore a world of opportunities and join our dynamic team to help us achieve our mission to be the preeminent global hospitality company – the first choice of guests, team members and owners alike.
Proud Part of Hilton Worldwide
Located in Memphis, Tennessee, Hilton's Brands & Commercial Services Center provides our hotels and Team Members the on-going support and services needed to keep Hilton Worldwide the leader in the hospitality industry. This location is home to our four focused service brands, Hampton®, Hilton Garden Inn®, Home2 Suites by Hilton®, Homewood Suites by Hilton® as well as our IT and Operations Support Groups. In addition to a great place to grow your career, the Memphis area offers our Team Members the benefits of affordable housing, easy commutes, great shopping and restaurants, and diverse community.
Job Summary
Ensures that all components of the Hilton Garden Inn brand's hotel level training and communications effectively deliver and instill the brand's key philosophies, values and the Hilton Garden Inn culture through the strategic development and implementation of brand specific training, communications, follow-up and tracking systems all brand constituents, including hotel level management, owners, management companies and internal and external brand partners. Develops and implements all hotel level communication, reward & recognition efforts and manages all brand conferences. Develops new strategic initiatives and processes to link together existing programs and resources to ensure consistent delivery of Hilton Garden Inn key internal brand programs and cultural/reinforcement efforts. Identifies opportunities and develops new tools and resources to enhance and support the delivery of brand programs on a day-to-day basis with all constituents.
Basic Qualifications
• 4 year college degree • Minimum 3-5 years hotel management and/or brand or management company experience, with multi-property responsibilities• Experience in training delivery and curriculum development• Experience in managing outside relationships with agency partners and vendors
Preferred Qualifications
•Degree or certification in training, communications, media or public relations helpful
49.) Communications Delegate, American Red Cross, Port au Prince, Haiti
50.) Haiti Earthquake Response – Information and Communication Technology Manager, World Vision, Port au Prince, Haiti
Closing Date – 11 Mar 2010
*** From Patty Hilton-Johnson:
Hi Ned,
Please post in the next newsletter-thanks,
51.) Marketing Mgr/Senior Mgr-Online Audience Development, Time Inc., New York, NY
Health.com Integrated Solutions is a top 10 health website bringing
vital health information to consumers with a human touch. Launching in
May 2008, the site has seen explosive growth and now includes
RightHealth.com – a strategic partner – within its network. Combined
Health.com and RightHealth.com reach 8.2M monthly unique users on
comScore (November 2009).
This position is a unique opportunity to cultivate and grow the audience
for Health.com, an essential destination for health information seekers
influencers who search for both condition and healthy lifestyle
information daily.
Working closely with Health.com's edit, product development and business
teams, this position will help drive all aspects of audience development
for Health.com, including search engine optimization and marketing,
social media promotion, blog outreach, email newsletter subscriptions,
re-circulation and cross-platform marketing. In addition, this position
will manage the analytics associate responsible for traffic reporting
and analysis.
Key Goals:
– Improve search engine marketing efficiency by analyzing and maximizing
source mix and cost per acquisition on an on-going basis.
– Increase engagement on Health.com in all channels by providing regular
recommendations to improve to competitive benchmark levels.
– Co-develop products with editorial and product development teams to
drive audience growth and engagement.
– Evaluate Health.com's SEO performance, define strategy, and execution
plan to improve SEO.
Specific responsibilities will include:
* Manage search metrics along with Health.com's Audience Development
Analyst and develop an agenda utilizing site metrics and Hitwise data to
maximize search engine optimization
* Develop search engine marketing strategy and maximize campaign ROI
* Coordinate editorial promotion to Health.com advertiser campaigns
* Manage and build subscriber lists for daily and weekly email
newsletter products; develop ideas for monthly email updates to promote
subscriber engagement
* Develop and track online ads to generate newsletter subscriptions,
increase site recirculation and cross-promote other Time Inc. web sites
* Continue to maintain and grow strong social media platforms; monitor
and optimize activity across DIGG, Twitter, and facebook
* Work closely with PR to reach out to blogs and evaluate traffic
The ideal candidates will possess the following skills and experience:
* 3-5 years of experience in online marketing and audience development
(e.g., SEO, SEM, email newsletters, social media)
* Excellent analytical skills and the ability to think critically and
deliver recommendations based on data and analysis
* The ability to develop, implement and assess direct marketing programs
that deliver measurable results
* Knowledge of the digital media space and enthusiasm for the health
* Entrepreneurial instincts and the ability to work independently
* Strong communication and interpersonal skills – the ability to work
closely with edit, production and sales development teams
* Experience using Omniture, Comscore, and Nielsen Net Ratings
To apply for job: go to Requisition #116468BR
on Time Warner career site:
52.) Director of Development & Communications, Public Health Solutions, New York, New York
*** From Bridget Serchak:
53.) Director of Communications, Kansas City Chiefs, Kansas City, Missouri
54.) VP, Communications, Michael J Fox Foundation, New York, NY
55.) Communications Advisor, CTS Global, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
56.) Communications Manager, Global Fund for Women, San Francisco, California
*** From Ben Long:
Ned, Attached are two that I would like to run next Monday if you have the space.
Thanks Best!
Ben Long
57.) Director-Communications, Health Care Assoc., Washington, DC
• Works with the corporate communications representatives of in member companies to develop an annual strategic communications program that will advance the industry’s policy priorities with key stakeholders.
• Oversees, manages, executes and measures the results of the annual strategic communications plan.
• Drafts press releases, Op-eds, feature articles and develops media kits.
• Manages alliance and partnership development with patient and physician groups in coordination with the Vice President, Policy Communications.
• Handles media inquiries and establishes effective relationships with reporters who cover in health technology for trade publications and the mainstream media.
• Staffs media interviews with Assoc. spokespersons, including the writing of core messages, talking points, Q & As, and other material as needed.
• Develops presentations/remarks as needed for the Executive Director Assoc. Div.
• Presents regular updates on communications activities to the in vitro diagnostics division’s Board of Directors.
• Works closely with other Association departments to assist in the planning and execution of press events related to in vitro diagnostics.
• Develops content for web site related to health technology products and works with policy departments to ensure consistent messaging..
• Oversees brand management and marketing for the Assoc.division.
Minimum Education Required: Bachelor’s degree with a degree in Journalism preferred.
Minimum Experience Required: Seven to 10 years experience in public affairs related to health care with experience in health technology highly preferred. Public affairs agency or in-house corporate communications experience preferred.
Benjamin H. Long-President
benlong@travaille.com Office: 202-463-6342
Fax: 202-331-7922 Cell: 202-487-8164
58.) Director of Communications, High Technology trade association, Washington, DC
The Director, Communications will work as part of a small team to support the advancement of overall corporate positioning and reputation, as well as specific policy, and membership programs. The Director, at the direction of the Vice President, Communications, will drive communications around specific government issues and corporate priorities. Helping conceive and implement key communications strategies and programs to enhance Association’s reputation and further specific policy goals
• Serving as a primary point of contact for members of the media and Assoc.’s PR agency partners
• Writing first drafts and/or editing interim drafts of media materials, membership communications and other communications materials and products
• Maintaining and helping to enforce Style Guide
Job Requirements
Education and Experience
• 8 – 10 years of communications experience in a PR agency, Hill or government office, association, think tank or corporate PR office. Must have both public and private sector experience.
• Demonstrated experience in a fast-paced environment and in managing multiple projects and tight deadlines.
• Bachelor’s degree in public relations, communications, journalism, or a field related to Association’s work. Advanced degree in a relevant field a plus.
• Strong writing and editing skills.
• Knowledge, experience and/or contacts in the I.T. industry are a plus.
• Global experience and experience working in a multi-lingual, multi-cultural environment is a plus.
Benjamin H. Long-President
benlong@travaille.com Office: 202-463-6342
Fax: 202-331-7922 Cell: 202-487-8164
59.) International Communications Advisor, ActionAid, Nairobi, Kenya
Closing Date – 18 Mar 2010
60.) International Communications Advisor, ActionAid, Johannesburg, South Africa
Closing Date – 18 Mar 2010
61.) Intern – Corporate Communications – Summer 2010, Alaska Airlines, Seattle, WA
This position involves writing news and feature articles about Alaska Airlines for the employee-facing Web site and monthly newspaper under the direction of the internal communications team leader. The majority of the work is performed at Corporate Headquarters in Seattle, however, there is the opportunity for travel to locations outside Seattle to complete assignments. This internship provides the successful candidate with an opportunity to learn about corporate communications from internal (employee) and external (media relations) perspectives, as well as the operation of a commercial airline through firsthand interaction with multiple departments.
*** From Kate Tatem:
I have never posted a job before but I love JOTW and thought I would send this posting to you! My company is looking to hire an Account Coordinator for a PR firm in Los Angeles, CA. Let me know if you need anything else from me to post!
Kate Tatem
Account Executive
Harris Shepard Public Relations, Inc.
1801 Avenue of the Stars, Penthouse 1430
Los Angeles, CA 90067
310-277-0535 F
62.) Account Coordinator, Harris Shepard Public Relations, Los Angeles, CA
Harris Shepard Public Relations, Inc., an agency specializing in the beauty industry and named by Women’s Wear Daily as one of the top public relations firms in the country, is looking to add an Account Coordinator to our talented team.
Harris Shepard Public Relations, Inc. is a high-energy, deadline-oriented environment. Multi-tasking, flexibility, and being a team player are essential qualities.
The ideal candidate:
• Has a minimum of 2 years experience directly related to beauty, lifestyle, and/or fashion public relations.
• Comes with a variety of media contacts and knows how to cultivate relationships with Regional and National Press (associate, senior editors and directors) to increase effectiveness of pitching clients’ products, spokespeople and events
• Has outstanding writing skills and can write copy and support development of public relations materials including pitch letters, newsletters, press releases, quotes, fact sheets, speeches, trend reports, etc. in addition to creating copy for clients’ websites.
• Knows how to manage relationships with multiple clients daily, interfacing extensively with internal counterparts in the creative services, marketing and sales departments to create and organize collateral and materials for all PR products, events and opportunities.
• Can pitch feature story ideas and seasonal trends to key editors and publications to gain greater product placement.
• Is a self-starter with a fearless, can do attitude!
• Develop outside the box methods of visibility to maximize opportunities for our clients.
• University Degree in related field of study (Journalism is highly desired)
• Excellent verbal, interpersonal and written communication skills
• Strong technical skills including Excel and PowerPoint
This is a full-time position located in Century City, CA. Employees receive medical and dental benefits, paid parking, and a profit-sharing plan that are paid fully by the employer. Salary commensurate with experience.
If you meet the above qualifications, kindly send a resume along with a compelling cover letter to Derek Brake at dbrake@harrisshepard.com. Absolutely no phone calls, please.
*** From Mindy Kramer:
63.) Manager, Public Relations, OFFICE DEPOT, Inc., Boca Raton, FL
Job Description:
• Create, manage, and implement strategic external/internal communications plans in support of Office Depot’s Business Solutions Division (BtoB business) and NA Retail Divisions.
• Draft press materials, prepare salesforce communications, develop key messages, serve as company spokesperson (as appropriate), lead media relations efforts, and supervise agency partners on specific programs
• Create crisis communications plans for internal and external audiences as needed.
• Provide counsel and recommendations to key business unit executives
• Strong understanding of Business-to-Business (not consumer) communications strategy and experience in crisis communications
How to Apply:
Send resume to:
Jason Shockley
Office Depot
Senior Manager, Public Relations
64.) Communications Director , Birmingham, Islamic Relief, United Kingdom
*** From Jill Frick Estavillo:
65.) Marketing/Print Production and Awards Program Coordinator, International Economic Development Council, Washington, DC
The International Economic Development Council, www.iedconline.org, seeks a permanent, full-time Marketing/Print Production and Awards Program Coordinator. Possible opportunity for temporary to permanent employment.
The position will oversee the production of all print materials. Duties will include establishing project timelines; gathering and assembling text from various staff members; editing and proofreading; assembling and/or purchasing distribution lists; and managing vendor relationships with graphic designers, printers and mail houses.
The position will also oversee the Excellence in Economic Development Awards Program. Duties include marketing the program; receiving and processing award entries; managing customer relations with entrants; planning and executing the judging event; managing the awards presentation events; and managing the awards committee.
Position requires a minimum of a Bachelors degree, 1-3 years experience and excellent verbal and written communication skills. Seeking at least 1 year experience in coordinating the production of print materials and working with graphic designers/printers. Seeking strong time-management skills; team/project management skills; event planning experience; excellent proofreading and editing abilities; and organizational skills. Success candidate must have the ability to set project timelines and hold all participants/vendors to strict deadlines.
EOE. Submit resume, cover letter, salary history to: Human Resources, IEDC 734 15th ST. NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20005 email: HR@iedconline.org – Salary history is required for consideration. Salary dependent on qualifications.
66.) Marketing Officer, International Institute of Rural Reconstruction, Philippines
Closing Date – 19 Mar 2010
67.) Assistant, Corporate Communications, Lionsgate, Santa Monica, CA
*** From Kris Gallagher, ABC:
68.) Business Development Manager, Fullhouse, Chicago. Illinois
Organization Profile
It's in the Experience. Fullhouse is an interactive agency that delivers
effective sales and marketing communication programs for world class
companies. We've delivered engaging interactive solutions for our
clients for more than 20 years.
At Fullhouse, we like to say, “It's in the Experience”. It's in the
depth of experience of our staff. It's in the experience we create for
our clients target audiences-on the web, via e-mail, and on mobile
technologies. It's in the exceptional experience our clients have
working with the Fullhouse team. And, it's in the positive experience
our employees have working at Fullhouse.
Job Overview
Fullhouse Business Development Managers are strategic, tenacious and
love people. They enjoy the intellectual process of identifying and
qualifying a lead, and the art of building the client relationship. They
are truly happy when they find a successful client partner, creating a
new business relationship that works for the customer and for Fullhouse.
Job Description
The Business Development Manager (BDM) is responsible for generating new
business opportunities with new contacts for Fullhouse. This includes
working with your Fullhouse Peers to develop sales strategies for
clients and contacts, identifying leads, “sparking” leads, setting-up
and attending first meetings and developing new client relationships
through to a project opportunity. The BDM reports to the Business
Development Director and works closely with the agency President,
Managing Directors and Account Supervisors and Executives throughout the
sales process.
Responsibilities include:
* Supports appropriate Sr. Management and account services staff
with meeting new business revenue objectives including (but not limited
to) defining target accounts, building new customer relationships,
providing new business account strategies, and helping manage
relationships to the close of a specific opportunity.
* Works with Marketing staff to recommend, establish and implement
marketing plans to help meet revenue goals.
* Is responsible for his/her targetable accounts regarding new
business development process including prospecting, sourcing, targeting,
and outreach.
* Contributes to developing and maintaining a prospect database in
support of lead management, and keeps abreast of Customer Resource
Management (CRM) technology(ies) and tools.
* Researches, analyzes and monitors targeted accounts regarding
financial, technological and demographic factors to capitalize on new
market / business leads and opportunities.
* Gathers, researches and analyzes targeted prospects intelligence
* Sets-up and leads and / or participates in initial meetings with
* Collaborates with other Fullhouse team members on RFP's, meetings,
presentations, pitches, etc for new business clients.
* Manages ongoing client outreach including but not limited to
follow-up calls, e-mails, and promotional materials.
* Communicates new business development status as appropriate,
including how it may affect sales funnel and forecast information.
* Provides expertise regarding new business development; creates
positive relationships with other Fullhouse staff to ensure the success
of the new business team.
* Maintains expertise of and embodies Fullhouse and its mission,
culture, ethics and standards.
* Brings past experiences, successes and failures to the table to
inspire, teach and encourage the new business team to deliver
exceptional client service and solutions that meet or exceed
* Participates in recruiting efforts as requested.
Job Qualifications
Required skills/experience:
* Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Communications or related field.
* Ten or more years of business development experience selling
consultative services / solutions to Fortune 1000 companies.
* Ten or more years working in the Chicago / Northern Illinois
* Extensive “Rolodex” of Fortune 1000 Companies / Brands located in
the Chicago / Northern IL marketplace.
* Proven record of growing business and meeting revenue goals for
new business.
* Proven ability to manage and close complex sales cycles of 6+
* Exceptional communication (oral and written) and presentation
skills; demonstrated ability to be persuasive.
* Demonstrated problem solving skills, ability to use good judgment
and to perform independently.
* Desire and ability to thrive in a demanding new business
development environment (e.g., multiple prospects / tasks, aggressive
deadlines, and varying work hours) and commitment to getting the job
done while meeting or exceeding customer expectations.
* Proven ability to communicate and work up, down, and with peers in
an organization.
* Organized and detail-oriented.
* Knowledgeable in working within a Customer Relationship Management
Tool (like Salesforce.com, SalesLogix)
* Expert with Microsoft office suite including PowerPoint, Word and
* An energetic, fun person who's willing to go the extra mile.
Compensation & Benefits
A great Fullhouse team is what makes it all possible. We look for
dependable, genuine people who are passionate about their profession.
Our employees are self-starters who take pride in their work and who
consistently challenge themselves to pursue excellence. To do our part,
we offer flexible hours, generous benefits and a chance to enjoy a
friendly, creative and casual environment.
How To Apply
Fullhouse Careers
Link to job posting:
69.) Marketing Director, Kenall Manufacturing, Gurnee, Illinois (north of Chicago)
Organization Profile
Since 1963, Kenall has emerged as one of the industry's most respected
independent lighting manufacturers in the United States, producing high
performance lighting for commercial and architectural markets. Kenall
has a recognized leadership position in sealed lighting for
containment/clean spaces, security lighting for correctional facilities,
and architectural high abuse for aesthetically sensitive public
structures. Kenall also has many innovative product offerings for
specialized healthcare and public egress markets. Throughout Kenall's
history, its mission has been to provide durable, sustainable solutions
for complex and challenging lighting problems. Kenall has achieved its
leadership position by conducting business with honesty, integrity and
fairness, while respecting and satisfying the interests and needs of its
esteemed customers and associates.
Job Overview
Kenall, a leading manufacturer of high-performance specialty lighting
solutions for complex environments, has an exceptional career
opportunity for a senior-level marketing leader to direct our overall
marketing strategy and be a part of our executive team. The ideal
candidate must possess a strong track record of performance and
accomplishment, plus the proven talent to create powerfully compelling
strategies and communications.
Job Description
Responsibilities include:
* Design, implement and facilitate marketing plans and oversee
business development
* Analyze potential markets that capitalize on new and emerging
growth and revenue opportunities
* Create and refine marketing strategy and business models for
entering chosen markets and reaching business goals
* Develop strong relationships and successful collaborations with
strategic partners (specifiers, architects, end users) to drive
marketing activities that increase business and sales
* Provide overall guidelines for creative platforms such as branding
* Create programs to market products through educational
* Manage and inspire our team of marketing professionals
Job Qualifications
The ideal candidate must possess a strong track record of performance
and accomplishment, plus the proven talent to create powerfully
compelling strategies and communications. The marketing director
position requires a strong business, marketing and strategic leader with
significant marketing experience, preferably from within the lighting
industry. Must be a creative visionary and possess an exceptionally
strong presence with polished communication and interpersonal skills.
Compensation & Benefits
Excellent compensation and benefits package provided.
How To Apply
Kenall is a growing, financially sound organization with a proven track
record of excellence and great corporate culture. If you share our
drive, professionalism and enthusiastic spirit, please forward your
resume to:
E-mail: acramer@kenall.com NOTE: In the subject line of your e-mail, be
sure to include “Marketing Director – BSN.”
Mail: Adrienne Cramer, Manager, Human Resources, KENALL, 1020 Lakeside
Drive, Gurnee, IL 60031.
70.) Communications and Knowledge Exchange Officer, Management Sciences for Health, Kabul, Afghanistan
Closing Date – 22 Mar 2010
*** From Lisa Robinson, CHRP:
To whom this may concern,
Thank you for posting the role attached below on JOTW network.
My best regards,
Lisa Robinson, CHRP
Manager, Recruitment and Selection
Human Resources
Royal Roads University
Victoria, BC
Canada’s University for Working Professionals
Visit us online at www.royalroads.ca
71.) Director, Branding, Marketing and Recruitment Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC
Royal Roads University delivers prestigious applied and professional programs specifically designed to advance professionals in the workplace. Our graduate and undergraduate programs are delivered online, face-to-face on campus, and through innovative virtual learning sessions. In national surveys, students consistently rank Royal Roads University as number one in active and collaborative learning and number one in academic challenge. This is key to the Royal Roads University brand.
This is an exciting, challenging period of growth for our university. As we move forward, we are seeking an experienced, strategic thinker to lead the university in refining and shaping its brand; and in developing marketing and recruitment strategies to meet aggressive enrollment targets. Working closely with the Vice-President Marketing, Recruitment and Business Development, the Director of Branding, Marketing and Recruitment will lead the creation and implementation of a broad range of strategic marketing initiatives that clearly differentiate the Royal Roads University brand in an increasingly competitive, post secondary education market.
Critical to this role will be your strong branding, marketing and communications skills expertise, and a proven track record in building and maintaining strategic alliances internally and externally. In addition, you will have a track record of successful and innovative approaches to utilizing the Internet as a medium to maximize marketing outreach (i.e. looking beyond social media networks). Working with a highly engaged and talented team, you will provide strategic leadership to the marketing and recruitment teams within your dynamic portfolio.
Our ideal candidate will possess an optimal combination of the following:
• 10+ years of marketing experience honed within the public and/or private post secondary education sectors
• Master’s degree in a relevant field (i.e. marketing, or business administration with a marketing specialization) and/or an equivalent combination of education and experience
• Highly skilled in generating national and international brand awareness
• Proven brand management expertise
• Demonstrated strategic understanding of new marketing trends and technology
• Proven experience in strategic integration of web presence elements including: social media; e-marketing campaigns; and on-line prospect engagement
• Specialized skills in the utilization of key metrics and analytics to advance the technological marketing knowledge, skill and practice within the university
• Leadership experience with overseeing collateral production, advertising campaigns, trade shows and their related components
• Demonstrated success in achieving a focused brand strategy that integrates all stakeholders within an academic and technical community
• Experience managing teams of a relevant size and scope (>15)
• Ability to lead cross-functional teams to deliver desired business objectives
• Strategic and critical thinking abilities
• Budget management experience (>$2M)
• Demonstrated commitment to collaboration
• Professional and trustworthy
• Responsible, competent, versatile and results-oriented
• International marketing experience an asset
• Multilingual an asset
This is a regular full-time position, evaluated at a Grade 6 and the salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. RRU is also pleased to offer a comprehensive benefits package.
To apply please forward your cover letter and curriculum vitae (preferably in electronic format) to:
E-mail: rru-career-opportunities@royalroads.ca
Competition # 10-008-M0099
Human Resources – Career Opportunities
Royal Roads University
2005 Sooke Road
Victoria, B.C. V9B 5Y2
Fax: (250) 391-2570 Tel: (250) 391-2511
The competition will begin on March 2, 2010 and will close on March 19, 2010; however, the competition will remain open until a successful candidate is found.
While Royal Roads University values all applications we receive, only those candidates short-listed for further consideration will be contacted. RRU is an equal opportunity employer, committed to the principle of equity in employment. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply, however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority consideration.
Please note that two of our heritage buildings, including Hatley Castle, have some areas that are not easily accessible to persons who use wheelchairs. Please call 391-2511 for information and assistance if you are dropping off your application in person.
If you are sending your application via e-mail, please ensure that your electronic file is saved in MS Word or Adobe pdf.
*** From Alice Kachejian:
Please post the following two job listings on your website. Please call me if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Alice Kachejian
72.) Account Executive – Senior Account Executive, Levick Strategic Communications, Washington, D.C.
Are you a public relations professional who likes a fast pace and keeping pace with current events? Are you interested in working in a wide range of industries from politics and pharmaceuticals to finance and food? Can you summarize complicated information into a concise and compelling story? If so, you are invited to submit your resume to Levick Strategic Communications. We have immediate openings for Account Executives and Senior Account Executives in our Washington, D.C. headquarters.
Candidates must have at least three years of experience in corporate communications, crisis, reputation management, internal communications, and/or public affairs programs. Public relations agency experience strongly preferred. Successful candidates will be able to see – and sell – a story in the traditional and digital media. Excellent writing skills are a must, as is a need for attention to detail. Extremely competitive salary, bonus incentives and benefits package are available.
How to Apply:
Please submit your cover letter and resume to Alice Kachejian at akachejian@levick.com for consideration. Levick Strategic Communications is an equal opportunity employer.
73.) Account Supervisor, Levick Strategic Communications, Washington, D.C.
Can you run a successful campaign and also manage day-to-day details of a client account? Do you like taking charge, but still like working with a team? If so, you are invited to submit your resume to Levick Strategic Communications. We have immediate openings for Account Supervisors in our Washington, D.C. headquarters.
Candidates must have at least six years of experience in corporate communications, crisis, reputation management, internal communications, and/or public affairs programs. Public relations agency experience required. Successful candidates will thrive under pressure and understand client needs and demands. Excellent media relations and writing skills are a must, as is a need for attention to detail. Extremely competitive salary, bonus incentives and benefits package are available.
How to Apply:
Please submit your cover letter and resume to Alice Kachejian at akachejian@levick.com for consideration. Levick Strategic Communications is an equal opportunity employer.
74.) Digital Media Production and Marketing Summer Internship, Tokyopop Inc., Nationwide
The Best Internship You'll Ever Have!
TOKYOPOP's 2010 Digital Media Production and Marketing Summer Internship
Complete and promote a real-world, digital production project as part of the TOKYOPOP Tour, a 3-month national tour for the world's most innovative entertainment company!
From May 28 through September 6, 2010, TOKYOPOP will tour America, going to anime and manga conventions, bookstores, libraries, parking lots–anywhere our passion leads us!–to promote TOKYOPOP, our stories, and our characters.
But this isn't any old tour. This is a multimedia experience…which is where you come in!
We're looking for a few good manga and anime fans to join us on the road and create a viral grassroots experience the likes of which have never been seen before.
–Work under the supervision and guidelines of a real-world production company to plan, shoot, edit, and upload video for a web-based ''reality show''-styled grassroots marketing endeavor
–Use social media tools to promote and market your videos, TOKYOPOP products, and the TOKYOPOP Tour
–Host contests and events at conventions, bookstores, etc., nationwide
–Assist the Tour Managers to set-up, tear down, and troubleshoot all events
–Must be a manga/anime/Japan enthusiast
–Must be comfortable on camera and able to energize a crowd
–Must be a skillful user of Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and YouTube
–Must be able to plan, shoot, edit, and upload video
–Must be available for most if not all of the Tour: May 22-September 7
–Must like to travel
–Must have lots and lots of energy!
–Film or film marketing studies a plus
–Japanese speakers a plus
–Must receive course credit; this is an unpaid internship (travel expenses will be covered)
–Must receive verifiable college credit for an internship; this internship is unpaid (travel expenses are covered)
–Must enter into a TOKYOPOP Tour Internship agreement with TOKYOPOP
Please tell Tokyopop Inc that you found the listing at ENTERTAINMENTCAREERS.NET
Contact: 1) Become a member of the TOKYOPOP Tour and join the Intern Applicants Group
2) Upload your resume and a writing sample as a blog post to your TOKYOPOP Tour profile
3) Upload a video telling us why you're the right person for the internship to your TOKYOPOP Tour profile. Show us your most positive attributes, the ones that you think will make you a great spokesperson for TOKYOPOP on the road.*
4) Send and email with the subject line ''TOKYOPOP Tour Internship Application'' confirming that you have submitted an application
5) Deadline: March 31, 2010
*Both TOKYOPOP and Ning prohibit the use of profanity in your video. All other Ning terms of service apply.
*** JOTW Weekly Alternative Selections:
*** From Harry Wiley:
75.) Bourbon Specialist – Part Time, Maker's Mark – Loretto, KY
This job reports to the Director of Visitor Relations. Relocation is not provided and travel is required for day trips only. This is a Part-Time position, working 1st Shift, Weekends. Number of Openings for this position: 1 Overview Maker's Mark Distillery is a beautiful, historic landmark nestled in Loretto, KY. We are searching for a Part-Time Bourbon Specialist for our Visitor Relations department. The position is based at the distillery, which is approximately 20 miles south of Bardstown, or 90 minutes south of Louisville. Job Skills/Requirements We are looking for an enthusiastic, stimulating communicator to lead guests through the history and production of our product.
*** From Mark Sofman:
76.) Chauffeur, Executive Sr Spec, Lockheed Martin Info Systems & Global Services, Virginia
Required skills: Outstanding Personal Skills, Excellent Driving Record
Desired skills: CDL Qualified, Air Brakes Qualified, Basic Computer Skills
Standard Job Description: Chauffeurs top-level executives in company limousines. Often on call beyond normal working hours to transport executives and visitors to and from corporate facilities, meetings, and special events. Responsible for the appearance and operation of the vehicle and ensuring that it receives proper maintenance and service. May require special security training.
Security Clearance TS/SCI
See: http://bit.ly/aj4sPW
77.) Healthcare Mystery Shoppers, Perception Strategies, MD: Baltimore, Columbia, Glen Burnie, Silver Spring, Towson
Position Description
We are a Research Company is conducting a study in the Baltimore area for the next six months and looking for individuals willing to have their own prescriptions filled at various pharmacies in the Baltimore area.
This goal of the study is to measure the process and customer service. Your medication and private information are not included in the research and kept private between you and the pharmacy.
We are hiring Independent contractors now and assignments are immediate.
Call our toll free number 877-546-0970 or www.PerStrat.com.
See: http://bit.ly/9R1jSn
*** Weekly Piracy Report:
01:03.2010: Gulf of Aden
Pirates attacked and hijacked an oil tanker under way. Pirates have control of the ship and have taken the ship to an unknown location in Somalia. Further details awaited.
03.03.2010: 0628 UTC: Posn: 13:37N – 042:58.5E, Southern Part of Red Sea.
Two pirates in different boats chased and attempted to board a chemical tanker underway. Master carried out evasive manoeuvres, mustered all crew and started water spray. Master contacted a coalition warship and the warship provided assistance. No injuries to crew and no damage to ship.
02.03.2010: 0345 UTC: Posn: 12:38.4N – 044:47.4E, Gulf of Aden.
Four pirates in a skiff chased and attempted to board an oil tanker underway. Master carried out evasive manoeuvres and fire hoses were activated. After about one hour of chasing the pirates aborted the attempted.
02.03.2010: 0530 UTC: Posn: 15:33N – 059:53E, 230nm off Oman coast, Arabian Sea.
Five pirates in a skiff approached a chemical tanker underway and attempted to board her. Master raised alarm, took evasive manoeuvres and contacted coalition forces for assistance. Pirates aborted the attack due to the evasive manoeuvres and anti-piracy measures taken by the ship.
28.02.2010: 0350 LT Posn: 12:32.5N – 043:26.0E, Bab Al Mandeb, Southern Tip of Red Sea.
D/O onboard a product tanker noticed on radar two crafts sailing parallel to the tanker. The crafts then started approaching the vessel. Alarm raised and crew mustered on bridge. Anti piracy measures including use of floodlights to track the crafts and recorded sounds of dogs barking activate. Master took evasive manoeuvres, increased speed and transmitted mayday messages. A naval vessel announced that they are proceeding to the location. At 0415 LT, the crafts aborted the attack.
23.02.2010: 1645 UTC: Posn: 16:30N – 058:50E, 190nm off Oman coast, Arabian Sea.
Pirates in a high-speed boat attempted to board a bulk carrier underway. Ship raised alarm, sent mayday messages, contacted warship and took evasive manoeuvres. The pirates tried to board using a ladder. However they were unsuccessful due to the constant maneuvering along with the barbed wire fencing. They aborted the attempt and left the ship. All crew members are safe.
19.02.20010: 0530 UTC: Grove anchorage, Guyana.
Ten robbers armed with knives boarded a general cargo ship at anchor. Robbers caught a duty crew and threatened him with a knife at his neck. They entered into the forecastle and bosun store and stole ship property. Later the robbers locked the crew in the bosun store and escaped. Port authorities informed.
24.02.2010: 0240 LT: Vung Tau anchorage, Vietnam.
Three robbers boarded a bulk carrier at anchor using ropes with hooks. They attempted to enter the forecastle store. Duty crew spotted them and reported to OOW who raised alarm and sounded ship’s whistle. Robbers jumped overboard and escaped in a wooden boat. No injury to crew. No stores stolen.
*** Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” is a free
networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for
those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine
technology and security industry. Sign up for free by sending a blank
email to DCO-subscribe@topica.com.
*** Musical artist of the week: LMC
*** Ball cap of the week: NII Holdings (Thanks to Angelo Ioffreda)
*** T-shirt of the week: USCG
*** Coffee Mug of the week: Oahu Country Club
*** Here’s what you need to do to change your JOTW email address. I cannot do this for you. Send a blank email from your OLD account to JOTW-unsubscribe@topica.com. Then, send a blank email from your NEW account to JOTW-subscribe@topica.com.
*** This is your Job of the Week e-mail newsletter, a cooperative
service of professional communicators providing mutual support to one
another. The JOTW serves 11,462 professional communicators.
Your cooperation is requested. Please send job opportunities to share
with all JOTW members to lundquist989@cs.com.
To subscribe, or to add a new e-mail address for your subscription, send
a blank e-mail to:
To unsubscribe: JOTW-unsubscribe@topica.com.
To change your address, do both. I can't do it for you.
You are welcome to distribute this to fellow communicators. You are
welcome to look at the previous issues. To read this list on the web,
please visit:
http://www.topica.com/lists/JOTW/read or www.nedsjotw.com.
This newsletter is published by:
Edward H. Lundquist, ABC
7813 Richfield Road
Springfield, VA 22153
+1 703 455-7661
Ku'ia ka hele a
ka na'au ha'aha'a.
Hesitant walks the humble hearted.
A humble person walks carefully so he will not hurt those about him.
The JOTW Network – A world in communication
For your hospitality, thank you!
© Copyright 2010 The Job of the Week Network, LLC
Join more than 1,400 communication professionals from 40 countries at IABC's 2010 World Conference, happening 6–9 June in Toronto. Keynoters include Guy Kawasaki and the Kielburger brothers. Visit http://www.iabc.com/wc for program details and online registration.
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