EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT, HR & SOCIAL MEDIA 2010: New Landscape – New Strategies, Chicago May 12-13. Just $395 for 2 days when you use promo code 10jotw.
JOTW 19-2010
10 May 2010
“One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries.”
– A. A. Milne
Welcome to the JOTW network.
This is the award-winning free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, dedicated to the positive unanticipated consequences of networking, or as we call it, “nedworking.” JOTW is a cooperative service. That means JOTW relies on the contributions of its members, like you. We share job opportunities, news and information about the job market, as well as swapping stories about life's peculiarities. We connect you with others who are like you, and together we help each other. What a concept. So, ask yourself, “When was the last time I contributed something to share with my fellow nedworkers?”
How does it work? If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (lundquist989@cs.com), and I'll share it with the JOTW network. It's that simple. And we share dozens of opportunities each week. Your friends can sign up by sending a blank e-mail to JOTW-subscribe@topica.com.
You are among 11,538 subscribers in this community of communicators.
This is newsletter number 829.
This network is all about connecting communicators and sharing opportunities. And speaking of sharing, since the JOTW newsletter was started, more than 25,000 job opportunities have been listed and shared with members of this network. 28,748 to be exact, as of this morning.
I can’t change your e-mail address for you. But you can. Send a blank e-mail from your old account to JOTW-unsubscribe@topica.com. Then send a blank e-mail from your new account to JOTW-subscribe@topica.com.
If you can read this newsletter, then you are on the JOTW list. If you did not receive your JOTW newsletter by email in your in box this morning, it is because you have a junk mail folder, spam filter, or capacity issues on your end.
In this issue:
(To view these jobs, scroll down to the listings in the content of this newsletter)
*** One Paragraph Pitch
1.) Communications Specialist, Marine Corps Systems Command, Quantico, VA
2.) Manager Media & Communications, Darden, Orlando, Florida
3.) Communications Specialist Sr, Williams, Tulsa, Oklahoma
4.) Senior Communications Specialist, PECO, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
5.) Print and Broadcast Media Experts, IREX, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
6.) Chief of Party, Strengthening Independent Media Project, IREX, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
7.) Principal Marketing Research Analyst, Baltimore Gas & Electric Company, Baltimore, Maryland
8.) Director, Nuclear Communications, Baltimore Gas & Electric Company, Baltimore, Maryland
9.) PR Strategist, CBR Public Relations, Maitland, Florida
10.) Supervisory Public Affairs Specialist, Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), Department Of Agriculture, Washington DC
11.) Trainer for Community Radio Station Management, IREX, Rwanda
12.) Media Relations Senior Specialist, Latin America and the Caribbean, Rotary International, Evanston, IL
13.) Account Executive Consumer Public Relations-Chicago, Taylor, Chicago, IL
14.) Vice President of Marketing Communications, specialty insurer, NY, NY
15.) Communications and Public Affairs Coordinator, North Texas Food Bank, Dallas, Texas
16.) Web Manager, Aero Products International, Schaumburg, IL
17.) Internal Communications Branch Chief, IRS, Washington, DC.
18.) Director, Corporate Communications, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Boston, Mass.
19.) Director of Communications, David Brower Center, Berkeley, California
20.) Broadcast Media and Print Media Specialist, Internews® Network, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
21.) Senior Art Director, Advertising & Product Launch Group, Bose Corporation, Stow, Massachusetts
22.) Media Relations Analyst, Volkswagen of America, Herndon, Virginia
23.) Product Communications Manager, Volkswagen of America, Herndon, Virginia
24.) Product Communications Specialist, Volkswagen of America, Herndon, Virginia
25.) Marketing Communications Manager, MilkPEP, Washington, DC
26.) Communications Director, Results for Development Institute, Washington, DC
28.) Director of Marketing and Communications, Grameen Foundation, Washington, DC
29.) Director of Marketing and Communications, Greenhill School, Dallas, TX
30.) Senior Creative Developer, Modea, Blacksburg, Virginia
31.) Business Analyst, Online Media, Walmart.com, Brisbane, CA
32.) Director of Marketing, Adirondack Museum, Blue Mt. Lake, New York
33.) Communications Manager, Action for Healthy Kids, Chicago, Illinois
34.) Art Director / Designer, Cummings Creative Group, Birmingham, Alabama
35.) Communications Specialist, Opera Software, Oslo, Norway
36.) Editor, External Relations, PATH, Seattle, WA, or Washington, DC
37.) Communications Director, Duke University Department of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina
38.) Interactive Architect and Online Manager, Action for Healthy Kids, Chicago, Illinois
39.) Multimedia Specialist, Yeshiva University, New York, NY
40.) Communications & Promotions Coordinator, Alberta Chicken Producers, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
41.) Art Director Freelance for Advertising Agency, OneWorld Communications, San Francisco, CA
42.) International Information and Communication Consultant, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
43.) Public Relations Project Manager, National 4-H Council, Chevy Chase, MD
44.) Jr. Interactive Designer, MMB, Boston, Mass.
45.) Information and Communications Officer, African Security Sector Network, Accra, Ghana
46.) Africa Coordinator, Publish What You Pay, Accra, Ghana
47.) Public Affairs Specialist, HQDA, Office of the Chief of Public Affairs, Media
Relations Division, Department of the Army, Washington, DC
48.) Account Manager, medical communications firm, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
49.) Account Manager WEB & CRM, web agency, Rome, Italy
50.) Communications and Marketing Technical Assistant, Students Partnership Worldwide, Sierra Leone
51.) Communications and Marketing Technical Assistant, Students Partnership Worldwide, Zimbabwe
52.) Manager, Workforce Communications, C&S Wholesale Grocers, Keene, NH
53.) Corporate Communications Coordinator, CB Richard Ellis, Tukwila, WA
54.) Corporate Communications Intern, Family Dollar Stores, Charlotte, NC
55.) Account Executive, Corporate Communications. Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., Miami, FL
56.) Creative Art Director, Corporate Communications, Avery Dennison, Pasadena, CA
57.) Regional Communications Director – LACRO, World Vision, San Jose, Costa Rica 58.) Corporate Communications Manager, retailer, Chicago, IL
59.) Communications Associate, Funders' Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities, Miami, Florida
60.) Account Executive Consumer Public Relations-Chicago, Taylor, Chicago, IL
61.) Director, Media Relations, World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C.
62.) Managing Supervisor, Corporate/B2G Communications, Fleishman-Hillard, Washington D.C.
63.) Corporate Communications Manager, First American, Bloomington, MN
64.) Country Director, GOAL, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
65.) Responsable du programme humanitaire, Oxfam-Québec, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
66.) Program Coordinator, Communications (370), Samaritan's Purse, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
67.) Communication for Development Specialist, United Nations Children's Fund, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
68.) Senior Public Relations Specialist – DC, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP, Washington, DC
69.) Publications/Communication Specialist, Procore Solutions, Marietta, GA
70.) Director, Global Advocacy, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, Washington, DC
71.) Editor, Management Systems International, Washington, DC
72.) Manager, Public Relations, Council on Foundations, Arlington, Virginia
73.) PUBLIC AFFAIRS SPECIALIST, National Museum of the United States Army (NMUSA), FORT BELVOIR, VIRGINIA
74.) Managing Supervisor, Corporate/B2G Communications, Fleishman-Hillard, Washington D.C.
75.) Corporate Communications Manager, First American, Bloomington, MN
76.) Internship – Strategic Information, Reporting and Communications, Afghanaid, Kabul, Afghanistan
77.) Nuclear Communications Coordinator, Cooper Nuclear Station, Nebraska Public Power District, Brownville, NE
78.) Corporate Communications Director for Major Consumer Products Company, Norwalk, Connecticut
77.) Vice President, Public Relations, Major Financial Institution, New York, NY
78.) Public Relations-Vice President, Financial Services Practice of PR Agency, New York, NY
79.) Behavior Change Communication/Gender Adviser, Management Systems International, Baghdad, Iraq
80.) Fossil- Hydro Communications Manager, Duke Energy, Charlotte, NC
81.) Usability Expert / Information Architect, media consulting, PR services and video production firm, offered by Brainstorm Creative Resources, Washington, DC
82.) Communications Manager, AREVA Inc., Bethesda, MD
83.) Information and Communication Officer, NGO Coordination Committee in Iraq, Jordan
84.) Director of Outreach and Communications, American Institutes for Research, Lebanon
85.) Regional Communications Officer, The International Union for Conservation of Nature, Bangkok, Thailand
87.) Consultant, OgilvyOne, Hong Kong
88.) Reporting Intern – HQ, Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development, Paris, France
89.) Deputy Director Communication and Fund Raising (Development), Médecins Sans Frontières, Switzerland
90.) Deputy Director Communication and Fund Raising (Field Communications), Médecins Sans Frontières, Switzerland
91.) Project Officer – Communications, The Elimination of Child Labour in Tobacco-growing Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland
92.) Manager Nuclear Communications, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Chattanooga, TN
93.) Specialist-Communications, American Express, Salt Lake City, UT
94.) Marketing Sales Communications Manager, Fidelitone Logistics, Wauconda, IL 95.) Media Assistant, Medical Emergency Relief International, London, UK
96.) COMMUNICATIONS INTERN, Muslim Charities Forum, London, UK
97.) Website Copy Writer Intern, Students Partnership Worldwide, Westminster, London, UK
98.) Director of Communications, Solar Millennium, LLC, Berkeley, CA
99.) Public Affairs Specialist, Fire and Aviation Management
National Fire Desk Manager, GS-1035-11/12, Headquarters, State and Private Forestry Deputy Area, USDA Forest Service, Washington, DC
100.) Baristas, Mink Chocolate Cafe, Vancouver, BC
*** Weekly Piracy Report
…and more! Scroll down and see them all!
*** One Paragraph Pitch:
Businesses, now more than ever, need to communicate well with customers, the public, government and peers. I have more than 20 years’ experience in corporate communications with particular expertise in the energy industry. I've supervised multiple functions — internal, media, executive support, investor relations, crisis situations, etc. I believe I can add immediately to your communications program. If you’re looking for experience, I'd like to visit.
Paul Hart, APR
San Antonio
(210) 391-2953
*** Freelance Forecast:
Hi Ned:
I hope all's well on the East Coast…getting kinda toasty here in AZ!
Wanted to let you know that I've uploaded the results of Freelance
Forecast 2010 to http://DearDrFreelance.com, so people are free to
download, tweet, distribute, etc. You were kind enough to mention it
in JOTW in December, and there were quite a few respondents from your
effort–thank you again!
Best regards,
Jake Poinier
(What surprise results did you find?)
I guess the shocker for me was that more than 50 percent of the
respondents didn't contribute to any retirement plan last year.
On a more positive note, it was interesting to see that social media
rated reasonably high as a way to acquire clients–equal to cold-
calling in 5th place. And clients ranked social media 4th as a way to
find freelance talent. It'll be interesting to see if that trends up
next year.
It was the first time I asked about what type of estimates clients prefer, and “firm quote” and “not-to-exceed” price were the runaway winners. Maybe not a surprise, but reinforcement!
Thanks again, Ned!
*** Airlines, mergers and you:
There have been some high profile airline mergers lately. First Delta and Northwest, and now United and Continental. What does it mean to you? Send your comments to Ned (lundquist989@cs.com) and he’ll post in the May issue of “Your Very Next Step.” Check out YVNS at www.yourverynextstep.com, and subscribe for free by sending a blank email to yourverynextstep-subscribe@topica.com.
*** Do Marines ever get bored on Navy ships?
*** Do Sailors ever get bored on deployment?
*** Do Navy pilots ever make fun of Marines?
Call for entries for the 2010 IABC/DC Metro Silver Inkwell Awards can be found here: http://www.iabcwashington.org/award-programs/documents/IABC_2010_EntryForm_000.pdf. The early bird fee for IABC/DC Metro members is $75, non-members, $100, and full-time students, $40.
Save the date! The 2010 Silver Inkwell Awards Banquet will be held on Tuesday, October 26 from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency Bethesda in Bethesda, Md.
If you're interested in volunteering for the Silver Inkwell committee; need further information about the nomination process; or are interested in sponsorships, please contact Silver Inkwell co-chairs, Lauren Lawson or Michael Clendenin, at silverinkwell@iabcdcmetro.org. For more information visit http://www.iabcdcmetro.org/silverinkwell .
*** IABC Call for Presentations for 2011 Conferences
The deadline for speaker proposals for IABC’s 2011 conferences is 30 July 2010.
2011 World Conference, 12–15 June, San Diego, California, USA
*** A bold request:
Hello Ned,
First, I want to say thanks for doing a good job trying to keep us all employed. 🙂 Seriously, you do a great job.
I wanted to know if it is possible to make the header (job title) of each job description bold so it is easier to read in email. I find it tough read as it is now.
Thank you,
Sika Dunyoh
(I don't know. Maybe if I send as an HTML doc. I'll try it as an experiment. It's more work for me, and I try to keep things simple.)
*** What Conan O'Brien can teach employers about engagement:
Late-night comedian Conan O'Brien's departure from NBC to TBS is a good example of what might begin to happen with other top talent as the economy improves — they leave their companies because they don't feel engaged and appreciated, Alan Mellish writes. “While most of us may not have to face a choice with ramifications as public as NBC, it is important to make the choice that will engage and invigorate your top talent,” he writes. www.HCI.org.
*** Let’s get to the jobs:
*** From Bill Johnson-Miles:
Here's another one for you… A position in my office at MCSC for a Communications Specialist A-0301-02, which can be seen on USA Jobs. The position closes 5/12/10.
Please note that with these system applicants must submit transcripts and copies of licenses, etc., when required at the time of application. In addition, veterans must supply copies of their DD-214s, VA letters for disabled vets and/or statements of service at the time of application to receive credit. This information must be faxed as follows:
Here is the site to the announcement:
1.) Communications Specialist, Marine Corps Systems Command, Quantico, VA
Instructions by Fax: Always use the official cover sheet located at http://staffing.opm.gov/pdf/usascover.pdf and be sure to fill it out completely and clearly. The fax number is 1-478-757-3144. Feed all documents into your fax machine top first so that we receive them right-side up.
2.) Manager Media & Communications, Darden, Orlando, Florida
3.) Communications Specialist Sr, Williams, Tulsa, Oklahoma
*** From Bill Seiberlich:
4.) Senior Communications Specialist, PECO, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
5.) Print and Broadcast Media Experts, IREX, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Deadline: May 14 2010
6.) Chief of Party, Strengthening Independent Media Project, IREX, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Deadline: May 14 2010
*** From Lillie Lane:
7.) Principal Marketing Research Analyst, Baltimore Gas & Electric Company, Baltimore, Maryland
Marketing Research /Communications professional is needed at Baltimore Gas and Electric. The oldest utility in the country has an exciting opportunity for a creative but yet analytical communications/marketing research professional. The Principle Market Research Analyst will plan, design, and manage all marketing research initiatives and programs for Baltimore Gas and Electric. In addition, they will provide analysis on research results; make recommendations for improvement in company operations, customer communications, industry trends and strategic initiatives to senior management. Independently designs and conducts primary market research including mail, telephone, electronic and in-person quantitative studies and qualitative focus groups. Utilizes appropriate statistical methods, including multivariate analysis and other applications, to provide analysis for business decision making. Requirements include, bachelor's degree and 10 years of experience in a market research related field, or the equiv. Experience developing and executing strategic initiatives required. A strong communications background is also desired. Combination of formal education/ training and experience will be considered. This position will report direct to the VP-Corp Communications and Community Outreach. Commitment to diversity and inclusion required. To apply and for a complete job description access https://careers.constellation.com/psp/careers/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM.HRS_CE.GBL?Page=HRS_CE_JOB_DTL&Action=A&JobOpeningId=101735.
8.) Director, Nuclear Communications, Baltimore Gas & Electric Company, Baltimore, Maryland
The Director Nuclear Communications plays a critical leadership role working with the Site Vice Presidents, Senior Vice Presidents and the CEO to develop, implement, and manage the breadth of policies, procedures, and programs designed to strategically communicate Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, LLC plans and activities to its employees, local communities, the external media, and its parent companies, Constellation Energy Group and EdF, Inc. in an integrated manner with the parent companies and UniStar Nuclear Energy interests. The Director Nuclear Communications develops strategies, tactics, and project plans to accomplish these objectives and leads a team of communications professionals located at the company’s four locations that support the joint venture’s business activities. This individual also, effectively manages service agreements with Constellation Energy Group which call upon the resources in the parent company’s Corporate Communications, Marketing, Creative Media, Information Technology, Print and Digital Services, Corporate Contributions, Federal and State Public Affairs functions as needed to accomplish near- and long-term strategic business goals and objectives.
Reports To:
Direct report to President and CEO of Constellation Energy Nuclear Group
Serves as a member of the leadership team in Constellation Energy Nuclear Group
Primary Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Manages the Nuclear communications team and public relations firms:
– Ensures that the team is properly configured, performs effectively, and develops as a professional unit
– Leads projects, assign tasks, and manage work product to ensure highest quality delivered completely and on time
– Provides executive communications support for the President and CEO of Constellation Energy Nuclear Group (e.g.- speechwriting, media relations outreach, etc.)
– Establishes and manages to the annual budget
2. Works closely with Nuclear Leadership to plan, implement, direct, and evaluate a strategic communication plan that supports the Constellation Energy Nuclear Group strategy, educates employees on key business issues, and informs external constituents. Manages all internal communications, media relations, community relations, charitable contributions and public relations/outreach efforts for Constellation Energy Nuclear Group.
– Acts as spokesperson on a variety of issues and in a variety of circumstances, both planned and unplanned, in a manner consistent with the facts and the protection of the company¿s and company parents¿ image before the public.
– Provides direct, hands-on communications support to Nuclear Group leadership where required.
– Supports business unit emergency plan/crisis response communications efforts, acting as lead spokesperson as required. Counsels leadership regarding the key issues involved and how best to respond.
– Other tasks as required.
Job Specifications:
1. High degree of understanding of strategic communications, media relations, community relations, employee communications, marketing and public relations gained from a minimum of 10 years strategic communication experience.
2. Extensive knowledge of how news and media organizations operate, especially national business press, regional media outlets and energy trade press.
3. In-depth knowledge of the energy industry, specifically Nuclear related issues.
4. Strong understanding of Constellation Energy Nuclear Group’s specific processes, systems and people.
5. Strong understanding of Constellation Energy’s processes, systems and people.
6. Strong understanding of EDF’s processes, systems and people. Insights gained from experience leading emergency/crisis communications.
1. Strong and effective media presence.
2. Understanding of interdependencies between communications and public affairs functions.
3. Ability to influence, educate and inform employees at all levels.
4. Demonstrated ability to marshal resources across a matrixed and geographically-dispersed organization to accomplish long-term and immediate goals.
5. Demonstrated ability to plan, prioritize, and execute through an entire project life-cycle.
6. Demonstrated ability to successfully lead and manage a team through multiple communications projects at one time.
1. Bachelor's degree in a related discipline, or equivalent high-performance experience.
2. Master degree in related discipline or professional accreditations such as APR or ABC designations.
3. Experience in integrated communications planning in a complex corporate, agency, or consulting environment.
4. Prior leadership experience in a communications function.
Physical requirements, working conditions, and other factors to consider:
1. Occasional planned and unplanned overnight travel for company business or professional development.
2. Planned and unplanned overtime when required by work schedules and workloads.
3. Participates in 24-hour on-call schedule that also requires presence at and reaction to emergency situations.
4. May perform other duties as assigned.
9.) PR Strategist, CBR Public Relations, Maitland, Florida
10.) Supervisory Public Affairs Specialist, Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), Department Of Agriculture, Washington DC
11.) Trainer for Community Radio Station Management, IREX, Rwanda
12.) Media Relations Senior Specialist, Latin America and the Caribbean, Rotary International, Evanston, IL
13.) Account Executive Consumer Public Relations-Chicago, Taylor, Chicago, IL
Hi Ned,
14.) Vice President of Marketing Communications, specialty insurer, NY, NY
We are currently conducting a confidential search for a major specialty insurer for a Vice President of Marketing Communications. This person will be based in NYC or Boston. Candidates must be local to either city, and must have financial services and marketing communications experience. A full job description can be found at http://tinyurl.com/2dlf4mj.
15.) Communications and Public Affairs Coordinator, North Texas Food Bank, Dallas, Texas
16.) Web Manager, Aero Products International, Schaumburg, IL
*** From Edward Martelle:
17.) Internal Communications Branch Chief, IRS, Washington, DC.
The Office of Communications is announcing a senior manager vacancy for the Internal Communications branch chief (Supervisory Public Affairs Specialist, IR-1035-01) on the Monday, May 3rd COL. The post of duty is Washington, DC. The vacancy announcement number is 0W2-228-MW, and it will be open through May 17.
This is a critical communications position for the Service. The Internal branch chief is primarily responsible for:
– managing and coordinating internal communications throughout the nation.
– building relationships with communication managers and IRS executives, managers and subject matter experts to keep abreast of IRS policies; and
– developing and establishing internal communication strategies, messages, policies, procedures and measures;
In addition to the COL, the position will also be announced on USAJobs:
Job Announcement Number: STA 10WA2-CLX0121-1035-01-MJW and
Job Announcement Number: DEU 10WA2-CLX0122-1035-01-MJW
18.) Director, Corporate Communications, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Boston, Mass.
19.) Director of Communications, David Brower Center, Berkeley, California
20.) Broadcast Media and Print Media Specialist, Internews® Network, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
21.) Senior Art Director, Advertising & Product Launch Group, Bose Corporation, Stow, Massachusetts
22.) Media Relations Analyst, Volkswagen of America, Herndon, Virginia
23.) Product Communications Manager, Volkswagen of America, Herndon, Virginia
24.) Product Communications Specialist, Volkswagen of America, Herndon, Virginia
25.) Marketing Communications Manager, MilkPEP, Washington, DC
The Manager, Marketing Communications is responsible for managing all aspects of MilkPEP “got milk?/Milk Mustache industry communications to milk processors and the trade with the specific objective of increasing and maintaining engagement. This position also manages industry media relations and the issues team working closely with industry partners.
ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES include the following. Performs other related duties as assigned by supervisor.
Industry Communications
Oversees and executes the industry communication plan with the primary objective of increasing and maintaining MilkPEP processor engagement in the program. The plan also targets various trade audiences (retail, schools, vend operators) to make them aware of MilkPEP programs and spur their participation. Specific activities include but are not limited to:
• Create and maintain the corporate identity for MilkPEP in the eyes of milk processors
• Oversee the creation of industry communication tactics such as…
o Monthly update communications
o News alert communications
o Company CEO direct mailings
o Editorials, press releases, advertisements, inserts
o Milk Marketing catalog
• Write added value editorial pieces for processor and retail trade publications
• Oversee and manage regional communication meetings
• Cultivate success stories to use as educational lessons for milk processors
• Manage the ongoing development and maintenance of milkpep.org
• Provide outreach to the Registered Dietician network working with supermarkets and industry partners
Leads and manages MilkPEP’s Business-to-Business agency to carry out all aspects of the industry communications plan, including budgeting, funds authorization and billing.
Has responsibility to the MilkPEP Business Development/Research Committee to report on activities and results.
Processor Engagement and Relations
Works with MilkPEP’s promotion agency, Draft FCB, to develop new tools and resources to engage milk processors. This work includes but is not limited to, development of new event kits, point-of-sale customization materials, etc.
Works directly with processors when required to enlist their participation and engage them in MilkPEP programs (e.g., gaining sales meeting attendance, enlisting engagement in sampling opportunities, etc.)
Works with Field Marketing Manager to keep current on sentiment from the field and enable relevant changes in program direction and communication activities
Solicits feedback directly from processor community on issues that impact the development of the MilkPEP program.
Manages the MilkPEP service team and materials inventory to effectively respond to processor needs.
MilkPEP Media Relations
Is the primary spokesperson to the media representing MilkPEP and related industry issues. Primary responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
• Responding to media inquiries
• Attending ad unveilings and media events
• Reviewing and writing press releases as necessary
Dairy Communications Issues Team
Serves as the primary day-to-day MilkPEP contact on the issues team providing the dairy industry with one voice on current and potential issues where the safety, benefit or reputation of dairy products is, or may be called into question publicly. Works closely with and provides direction to MilkPEP PR agency, Weber Shandwick, in this area.
Manages over 60 issues to prevent them from harming the positive public perception of milk.
Contributes to the development of industry messages, communication plans and various other communication documents.
Serves as the MilkPEP point person for the Dairy Crisis Management Team (DCMT), working with Dairy Management Inc. on all dairy industry related crisis and issues
This position reports to the Vice President, Marketing.
This position supervises the Coordinator, Marketing position.
26.) Communications Director, Results for Development Institute, Washington, DC
*** From Liselle Yorke:
Hi Ned:
Liselle Yorke
Senior Marketing Officer
Grameen Foundation
My organization has an opening that would be perfect for a savvy communicator with a passion for social justice and an international background. A brief description is below. You can also link folks directly to http://www.grameenfoundation.org/node/604
28.) Director of Marketing and Communications, Grameen Foundation, Washington, DC
Grameen Foundation seeks a full-time Marketing and Communications Director based in Washington, DC. The director manages four staff and serves our Seattle technology center and international offices. S/he will create dynamic messaging and implement a cohesive communications and marketing plan to increase our visibility and interest in our products and services, raise awareness in the donor community, and ensure that our brand is consistent throughout all external communications. If you have a passion for ending global poverty and an understanding of microfinance and information technology for development, please visit: www.grameenfoundation.org/careers.
29.) Director of Marketing and Communications, Greenhill School, Dallas, TX
30.) Senior Creative Developer, Modea, Blacksburg, Virginia
31.) Business Analyst, Online Media, Walmart.com, Brisbane, CA
Walmart.com (www.walmart.com) is the online arm of Walmart Stores. Our purpose is to help our customers save money and live better by offering them the best values on a large assortment of quality products and services online, while providing an easy, convenient shopping experience at Walmart.com. Walmart.com was launched in Fall 2000, and we are headquartered in Brisbane, CA (Northern California’s Silicon Valley).
Position Summary The Business Analyst Online Media role will be responsible for key business reporting & analysis and manage key aspects of the Online Media business. He/She will be responsible for business reporting & analysis to identify strategic insights and trends. In addition this role will responsible for analyzing the CRM data to improve the advertising and monetization effort for Online Media campaigns.
Position Description Analytics (70%)
• Develop, manage and own the OMP team KPI dashboards – key success metrics, business insights and trends
• Develop and provide standard and ad hoc reporting for strategic customers
• Perform CRM and segmentation analysis (using SQL and other analytics tools) to create standard and custom user segments for targeting & monetization efforts
• Construction and maintenance of category & custom segments
• Construction of ad hoc / custom predictive models
• Ad hoc reporting and analytics requests
• Develop quarterly business reviews for the OMP business and strategic customers
Business Management (30%)
• Assist the Director to define overall business strategy, objectives and reporting
• Collect, analyze and synthesize data to identify business trends, opportunities and priorities
• Manage and own the daily, weekly and monthly dashboards for the OMP team
• Manage the standard and ad hoc reporting process
• Represent the OMP team and collaborate with other internal reporting teams on cross functional projects
Minimum Qualifications 1) Competencies: Skills, knowledge, & abilities
Functional Competencies
• Strong analytical and quantitative skills
o SQL query writing for Oracle, Netezza and Teradata. Ability to create list extracts and perform transformations and aggregations. Experience working with large databases.
o Statistics. Estimating sample sizes for test groups. Determining statistical significance of test results. Developing predictive models.
o Microsoft Excel and Access power user. Advanced charting, report creation, pivot tables, vlookups, etc.
o Experience creating reports with Business Objects and Omniture
• Strong CRM and database marketing experience as well as experience in online advertising
• Ability to glean key insights from data to develop and drive the business strategy
• Excellent business acumen and problem-solving skills
• Ability to translate strategy into tactics and ideas into action (characterized by solid execution).
• Understanding of Wal-Mart’s brand promise and the ability to ensure consistent, on-brand messaging.
Interpersonal Competencies
• Ability to communicate with both business and technical resources.
• Strong communication skills.
• Creative thinker, open to idea exploration with strong problem-solving/analytical abilities.
• Results orientation.
• Customer focus.
• Desire to work in a collaborative, cross-functional team environment.
• Flexible and responsive; able to perform in a fast paced, dynamic work environment and meet aggressive deadlines.
• Demonstrated strength in creating partnerships and in building relationships with other functions and associates within the organization.
• Ability to influence senior management and executives effectively across the organization.
• Energetic and enthusiastic about Walmart.com’s business.
Leadership Competencies
• Ability to effectively partner with other business leaders and cross-functional teams in order to deliver on business goals.
• Understanding of advertiser goals, company goals and sales goals
• Ability to prioritize actions and allocate resources.
• Demonstrated integrity, maturity, and a constructive approach to challenges.
• Orientation toward Wal-Mart’s key values:
o Respect for the Individual
o Service to our Customers
o Strive for Excellence
2) Experience:
• Must have 3 to 5 years in relevant CRM / Database Marketing positions (ideally including retail and/or online advertising experience).
• Experience managing projects within cross-functional teams preferred.
3) Preferred educational level: Bachelor’s degree
Req ID 1080BR
32.) Director of Marketing, Adirondack Museum, Blue Mt. Lake, New York
33.) Communications Manager, Action for Healthy Kids, Chicago, Illinois
34.) Art Director / Designer, Cummings Creative Group, Birmingham, Alabama
*** From Tor Odland:
Hi Ned,
Can you add this one to your overview? The position is located in
Oslo, but it has a global scope.
As always, thanks!
Tor Odland
VP, Corporate Communications
Opera Software
35.) Communications Specialist, Opera Software, Oslo, Norway
36.) Editor, External Relations, PATH, Seattle, WA, or Washington, DC
37.) Communications Director, Duke University Department of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina
38.) Interactive Architect and Online Manager, Action for Healthy Kids, Chicago, Illinois
39.) Multimedia Specialist, Yeshiva University, New York, NY
40.) Communications & Promotions Coordinator, Alberta Chicken Producers, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
41.) Art Director Freelance for Advertising Agency, OneWorld Communications, San Francisco, CA
42.) International Information and Communication Consultant, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Closing Date – 23 May 2010
*** From Kristin Francini Walter:
Hello Ned:
Can you please post our new open position in JOTW? Thanks so much!
Kristin Francini Walter
Director, Public Relations
National 4-H Council
43.) Public Relations Project Manager, National 4-H Council, Chevy Chase, MD
4-H is a community of six million young people across America learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. National 4-H Council is the private sector, non-profit partner of National 4-H Headquarters (within USDA).
National 4-H Council is searching for a PR Manager with 5 to 7 years of professional PR experience to serve as an integral member of its in-house Marketing & Communications Team. This person will be responsible for managing the planning, coordination and execution of 4-H public relations outreach to further the 4-H brand and promote 4-H donors/sponsors.
• Oversee a wide variety of public relations projects — from initial concept to full conclusion — that effectively promote 4-H and donor partners and create consistency around the 4-H brand.
• Implement strong writing skills to develop a wide variety of written communications materials from newsletter articles and press releases to fact sheets and Web copy.
• Distribute press materials and proactively pitch the media to promote the efforts of National 4-H Council, state 4-H programs and individual member projects.
• Develop PR plans and assist with the development of donor proposals.
• Edit and proofread copy for grammar, style, organization and consistency.
• Manage logistics and planning for press and internal events both local and at remote locations.
• Further develop and manage the team’s relationships with key stakeholders in Resource Development, the President’s office and Partner Operations to create a seamless partnership while executing on shared project goals.
• Manage and mentor junior PR staff as they work, learn and grow at 4-H.
• Ensure balance in work flow for on-time publication production; accuracy, conformity with quality standards and style, editorial space and budgetary parameters of each publication.
• Consults with vendors, and/or printers as necessary and manage all vendor costs.
• Monitor the media for stories most pertinent to the 4-H mission and inform the team and management council of relevant coverage.
• Adhere to organizational policies and procedures as described in National 4-H Council’s Associates Handbook and elsewhere.
• Other duties as assigned.
Minimum Experience: Five to seven years of experience in public relations. Significant experience and success in project management, PR writing, and proactive media relations is required. PR agency experience is preferred.
• Bachelor's degree or higher in English, journalism, communications or a related field.
• Strong organizational skills with the ability to work quickly and accurately under deadline pressure and in a busy office.
• Ability to set and manage multiple priorities at one time.
• Excellent writing, editing and proofreading skills.
• Ability to translate a large volume of information into clear, concise, user-oriented language.
• Basic knowledge of fiscal and accounting principles and practices.
• Experience working effectively in a team/shared leadership environment.
• Experience in developing and maintaining effective, dynamic relationships with the media.
• Exceptional interpersonal skills and a positive outlook is a must.
To submit for this position, please email a resume and cover letter to 4Hmarketing@fourhcouncil.edu. No phone calls please.
44.) Jr. Interactive Designer, MMB, Boston, Mass.
45.) Information and Communications Officer, African Security Sector Network, Accra, Ghana
Closing Date – 14 May 2010
46.) Africa Coordinator, Publish What You Pay, Accra, Ghana
Closing Date – 26 May 2010
*** From Duke Smith:
Here's an announcement I'd like to share with the JOTW community. All
the best, Duke.
Notification of Vacancy Announcement:
This announcement states that the vacancy is in the Media Relations
Division, however it is in the Online Social Media Division. If you are
interested in submitting an application/resume it must be done in
RESUMIX. If your resume is already in RESUMIX and requires to be
updated prior to nominating yourself for the position; I advise you to
do that in advance as it may take 24 to 48 hours to update and could
have an end result of your resume not being referred for the position.
47.) Public Affairs Specialist, HQDA, Office of the Chief of Public Affairs, Media
Relations Division, Department of the Army, Washington, DC
Salary: $62,467 – $81,204 Annual
Closing Date: May 24, 2010
Position Status: This is a Permanent position. — Full Time Number of
Vacancy: 1
Duties: You will plan and guide the communication of Department of the
Army's themes and messages using social media platforms. Manage, edit,
and approve content and interactions on the Army's host of social media
platforms, which currently include Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, Twitter,
Vimeo, Delicious and the Army Live blog. Oversee the execution of public
affairs social media strategies and plans of component public affairs
organizations. Provide direction and guidance to internal elements
(Media Relations, Community Relations, and Strategic Communications),
guiding and directing social media inclusion in public affairs plans.
Provide guidance to Army public affairs personnel worldwide on the
planning and execution of information campaigns using social media
platforms. Write and present decision/information papers and briefings
to Department of the Army staff principles. Work with OSD/PAOs, State
Department, and other federal agencies to coordinate social media best
practices and policy.
About the Position: Responsible for implementation of the Department of
the Army social medial program for the entire Army, working directly for
the Office of the Chief of Public Affairs, with an emphasis on planning
for and managing communications on the Army's social media platforms.
Responsible for the tactical and strategic development of social media
use for Public Affairs offices across the Army. Initiates, develops, and
manages accurate and influential communication of the Army strategic
communication programs, policies, issues, and activities worldwide, for
both internal and external populace. Advises Army Senior Leaders (to
include the Chief of Staff of the Army, Secretary of the Army, Director
of the Army Staff and numerous Division Commanders), Direct Reporting
Units, Army Commands, Reserve Commands, NGB, Installations and Battalion
Applicants must use this link:
http://www.cpol.army.mil/employment/ Go to the left column towards the
bottom, click on the “Build a Resume/View Status.
48.) Account Manager, medical communications firm, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
49.) Account Manager WEB & CRM, web agency, Rome, Italy
50.) Communications and Marketing Technical Assistant, Students Partnership Worldwide, Sierra Leone
Closing Date – 16 May 2010
Students Partnership Worldwide
51.) Communications and Marketing Technical Assistant, Students Partnership Worldwide, Zimbabwe
Closing Date – 16 May 2010
Hi Ned,
Could you post this on JOTW on Monday?
52.) Manager, Workforce Communications, C&S Wholesale Grocers, Keene, NH
Chaloner Associates is recruiting a Manager, Workforce Communications for C&S Wholesale Grocers (www.cswg.com), a privately held company in Keene, New Hampshire (relocation assistance is available). This national company is experiencing explosive growth and currently has 15,000 employees at 50 locations in 11 states. The Manager, Workforce Communications will own full responsibility for internal communications, from strategy to execution and measuring success. The job has three parts: leading an internal communications team, managing current communication vehicles and initiatives, and executing new initiatives. This includes directing and overseeing the day-to-day implementation of communication strategies and tactics to meet the needs of all internal clients via key messaging, events, publications and other communication tools. The role also involves proactively managing the communication brand and executing the company-wide mission to communicate information to employees in order to strengthen the vision, values and goals of the Company.
• Bachelor’s degree in journalism, English, technical writing or other related discipline
• Minimum seven years of internal communications experience, including communicating to exempt workers; experience with supply chain management or in manufacturing is a must
• Ability to produce writing samples that show your best work
• Evidence of strong project management skills and experience
• A keen eye and sharp editing skills to streamline communications wherever possible and deliver real impact to your audiences
• The personality and leadership to make a great team even better
For more information, please contact Tom Lutzy (tom@chaloner.com) or, Jenn Marcotte (jenn@chaloner.com).
53.) Corporate Communications Coordinator, CB Richard Ellis, Tukwila, WA
54.) Corporate Communications Intern, Family Dollar Stores, Charlotte, NC
55.) Account Executive, Corporate Communications. Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., Miami, FL
56.) Creative Art Director, Corporate Communications, Avery Dennison, Pasadena, CA
57.) Regional Communications Director – LACRO, World Vision, San Jose, Costa Rica
Closing Date – 21 May 2010
*** From Anne Howard:
Please post the below job opening as appropriate. Thanks.
Anne Howard
Lynn Hazan & Associates
58.) Corporate Communications Manager, retailer, Chicago, IL
Ref. #0601
Are you a corporate communications pro? Experienced with internal
communications for a B2B or B2C firm? Work well in a small, fast-moving
department? Are you the go-to person who keeps calm under pressure? Want
to make a difference for a well-known retailer with a long history?
Chicago-based national retailer seeks Corporate Communications Manager. New
position for candidate to create own opportunity. Candidate will be
responsible for both strategy and execution of programs. Ideal candidate is
tech savvy and understands how to communicate with staff at headquarters and
in stores.
Under new leadership, organization is more involved at store level. Company
values decorum and diplomacy, uses research and consumer insights to drive
strategy. Small communications department moves fast and is high-energy.
Successful employees are adaptable, able to go with the flow. Report to
Director of Corporate Communication. Local talent preferred.
7-10 years¹ experience in corporate communications; BA or equivalent work
experience. Must have experience developing successful communication
strategies and plans, particularly using internet and social media tools;
knowledge of electronic and print production processes; and strong attention
to detail, including adherence to AP style. Strong experience managing
direct reports, teams and vendors. Excellent project management skills.
Successful use of communication measurement tools, including survey
development and analysis. Retail experience preferred.
Create and execute employee communication strategies, with a strong
understanding of the role employee communication plays in meeting business
objectives. Manage the development, integration and dissemination of
company messaging to corporate and retail employees.
Manage content on intranet and Internet sites, as well as social networking,
webcasts, blogs and other electronic communication. Manage a variety of
printed communication materials. Project manage annual report with agency.
Promote employee events.
Create rapport with staff at all levels. Help set departmental best
practices. Be self-directed and ready to seize opportunities. Use
communications to support organizational and change.
Manage Communication Specialist.
Time breakdown:
40% project management
20% writing
20% support team
10% strategy, planning & management
10% administration
Please forward your resume as a .doc, along with samples and a cover letter
including salary information, and state how you fit the specs. Send
materials to CorpComm@lhazan.com, c/o Lynn Hazan, and call 312-863-5401 to
follow-up. We appreciate your follow up call.
Lynn Hazan & Associates
Marketing. www.lhazan.com
59.) Communications Associate, Funders' Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities, Miami, Florida
60.) Account Executive Consumer Public Relations-Chicago, Taylor, Chicago, IL
*** From Bridget Serchak:
61.) Director, Media Relations, World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C.
WRI is seeking a superb manager and media relations leader who possesses expertise in the most current and relevant media relations strategies. The Media Relations Director is a key member of WRI’s Media Relations Team and External Relations Department, and is a front-line representative of WRI to local, national and international news media including print, broadcast and on-line media.
This position will involve both proactive planning and implementation of ambitious, comprehensive media strategies as well as reactive, rapid and daily interaction with media outlets on both specific issue projects and the institute as a whole. The Media Relations Director will provide vision and leadership for implementing WRI’s comprehensive media strategy for the overall messages and reputation of WRI as well as for its individual programmatic focal points.
She/he will work to build the profile and credibility of WRI among key journalists, implementing agreed-upon media strategies and utilizing well-honed persuasive messaging on specific issues including climate change, ecosystems protection and services, sustainable business models and environmental governance. She/he will work collaboratively with a wide range of individuals throughout the Institute – including the President and senior staff. The ability to continually coordinate, and share information with, key staff in the Programs, Development Department and External Relations Department will be crucial.
Apply online here: http://careers-wri.icims.com/jobs/1091/job
62.) Managing Supervisor, Corporate/B2G Communications, Fleishman-Hillard, Washington D.C.
63.) Corporate Communications Manager, First American, Bloomington, MN
64.) Country Director, GOAL, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Closing Date – 21 May 2010
65.) Responsable du programme humanitaire, Oxfam-Québec, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Closing Date – 12 May 2010
66.) Program Coordinator, Communications (370), Samaritan's Purse, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Closing Date – 31 May 2010
67.) Communication for Development Specialist, United Nations Children's Fund, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Closing Date – 11 May 2010
*** From Shalah McDonough:
Could you please post the job description listed below? Thank you.
68.) Senior Public Relations Specialist – DC, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP, Washington, DC
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP, a successful international law firm with over 1,000 lawyers, seeks a Senior Public Relations Specialist in the Washington, DC office. Under the guidance of the Public Relations Manager, the Senior Public Relations Specialist develops and maintains productive relationships with lawyers and the national and international media. The Senior Public Relations Specialist also focuses on enhancing the firm’s profile in external outlets such as the legal trade press, general business media, relevant vertical trade outlets, legal directories and the firm’s external website. The Senior Public Relations Specialist is also tasked with writing, preparing, and placing firm announcements, attorney-written articles and other form of newsworthy activity.
Requirements/Experience: BA/BS required. Minimum of 5 years of public relations experience is required. Public relations agency background and/or experience with professional service/law firm(s) highly desired. Excellent oral and written communication skills a must. Excellent business writing skills, including knowledge of business English, vocabulary, punctuation, grammar, and spelling necessary.
WilmerHale offers an opportunity to work with Washington's best and most collegial attorneys and staff. We offer an outstanding compensation and benefits package, on-site dining room, fully staffed fitness center, emergency daycare and more. EOE.
Please send cover letter, resume, and salary requirements via e-mail to Staff Recruiter at joinus@wilmerhale.com and specify “Senior Public Relations Specialist – 811159” in the subject line. No phone calls please.
69.) Publications/Communication Specialist, Procore Solutions, Marietta, GA
70.) Director, Global Advocacy, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, Washington, DC
71.) Editor, Management Systems International, Washington, DC
*** From Monica Wroblewski:
Hi Ned:
Can you please post this job in the nest JOTW. It’s located in Arlington, VA (Crystal City).
Thank you!
72.) Manager, Public Relations, Council on Foundations, Arlington, Virginia
Council on Foundations, a membership organization located in Arlington, Virginia is seeking a Public Relations Manager who will work with the director of public relations to promote both philanthropy and the Council to traditional media outlets (including blogs), policy-makers and the industry.
Key Requirements: S/he will: Serve as the primary communications and marketing liaison to reporters, the industry, and the Council’s Government Relations Team. Determine the appropriate channels, messages and messengers to highlight the Council’s work. Serve as the first line of response to all media inquiries and be the day-to-day operator of the Council’s Speakers and Authors Bureau. Draft media materials (e.g. op-eds, alerts and press releases) and disseminate. Schedule and coordinate media interviews and prep Council staff, as necessary. Maintain current, and comprehensive database of national, state, local, and industry media—print, broadcast, and social outlets. Maintain current database of media requests, resulting clips, and placements. Seek wide-reaching speaking opportunities for Council experts. Plan and execute strategies to keep the field up-to-date with information they can use and news of Council actions.
Requirements: Undergraduate degree required, preferably in journalism or English. At least seven years of public relations and/or public affairs experience. In-depth knowledge of media databases, especially Vocus. Experience with public relations/public affairs and membership organizations (minimum five years). Proven record of success using Web tools and other innovative tactics to reach specific audiences. Ability to write clear, concise and cogent materials targeted to specific audiences. Excellent oral and written communications skills. Ability to self-schedule, set priorities and juggle multiple assignments in order to meet multiple deadlines. Must regularly communicate progress to all parties who need status reports. Resourcefulness in pursuing queries and fact-checking.
Candidates should submit their resume, cover letter and salary history to: Council on Foundations, Human Resources Department, Ref. No. 502, 2121 Crystal Drive, Suite 700, Arlington, VA 22202 or email to: employment@cof.org.
73.) PUBLIC AFFAIRS SPECIALIST, National Museum of the United States Army (NMUSA), FORT BELVOIR, VIRGINIA
74.) Managing Supervisor, Corporate/B2G Communications, Fleishman-Hillard, Washington D.C.
75.) Corporate Communications Manager, First American, Bloomington, MN
76.) Internship – Strategic Information, Reporting and Communications, Afghanaid, Kabul, Afghanistan
Closing Date – 15 May 2010
77.) Nuclear Communications Coordinator, Cooper Nuclear Station, Nebraska Public Power District, Brownville, NE
*** From Barry Piatoff:
Please post the following jobs in your next issue.
Thank you.
Barry Piatoff
78.) Corporate Communications Director for Major Consumer Products Company, Norwalk, Connecticut
Our client is a major international consumer products company that has brands you have really enjoyed over the years! Due to a promotion, they are looking to add a Corporate Communications Director to their office in Norwalk, Connecticut.
You will position the company as a leader in the industry. Develop and execute comprehensive external communications strategy that supports overall company strategy; Work with the Executive, Brand, Commercial and Corporate Relations Teams to ensure clear and compelling messaging to all stakeholders.
The focus is corporate communications, so while food/wine/consumer will give you some background in the field, it’s not necessary. In fact, anyone who has worked in a regulated industry is welcome to apply and any political experience is a plus. They’re looking for a communications generalist. Reports to Sr. Director, Corporate Communications and you have one direct report at the Manager level.
Work closely with executive members to develop meaningful and consistent corporate messaging, drive external communications programs that supports investor relations, government affairs, and commercial business to convey business objectives and performance, and that positions the company as a leader in innovation, marketing, social responsibility and multicultural activities. Develop and maintain relationships with key trade, business and local media, serve as corporate spokesperson with the media, interact on regular basis with executives, senior leaders, as well as outside communications specialists. We will share a complete job description when we interview you.
Looking for someone with approximately 6-10 years experience with excellent writing skills, media relations and spokesperson experience, who has managed agencies, possesses leadership skills, ability to think on one’s feet and respond to potential crises. It’s an extremely, collegial, team-oriented environment.
Salary $100K-$125K plus 30% target bonus plus excellent benefits. There are people who reverse commute but you must be able to get to Norwalk Connecticut everyday.
Local candidates only will be considered for this position.
Due to the volume of resumes received, we can only contact the candidates that best fit the specifications for this position. But be assured we did receive your information and that it is carefully reviewed by a member of our professional staff.
Please mention where you saw this job posting (JOTW).
To be considered for this position, and other opportunities in public relations, communications and investor relations, e-mail your resume and cover letter (which should include your current base salary and any bonuses) to:
77.) Vice President, Public Relations, Major Financial Institution, New York, NY
Our client is a major financial institution in downtown New York. After getting through the financial crisis of 2008, they are in a strong growth and hiring mode. They are looking to add a Vice President, Public Relations to their team.
Need someone who has strong media contacts with the financial press that covers the Wall Street and capital markets; stocks, securities, investment grade debt, sovereign and emerging market debt, high yield debt, structured securities, equity and fixed income securities and other securities. Their market is the big institutional investors. Reports to Executive Director, Head of Corporate Communications.
Looking for someone with 5-8 years experience in financial public relations who understands the financial markets, is very polished, professional, has gravitas, good judgment, is a team-player and is committed to outstanding internal client services. Competitive compensation package.
Local candidates only will be considered for this position.
Due to the volume of resumes received, we can only contact the candidates that best fit the specifications for this position. But be assured we did receive your information and that it is carefully reviewed by a member of our professional staff.
Please mention where you saw this job posting (JOTW).
To be considered for this position, and other opportunities in public relations, communications and investor relations, e-mail your resume and cover letter (which should include your current base salary and any bonuses) to:
78.) Public Relations-Vice President, Financial Services Practice of PR Agency, New York, NY
Our client is an established midsize public relations firm in midtown Manhattan. They have a small company feel, an informal atmosphere and they take a team approach. You’ll be given the time to think and learn about your client’s business. You will not be another “cog in the wheel” as you might feel at some of the larger pr agencies.
They are looking to add a Vice President to their financial services practice team. Manage current client relationships, budgets, and programs; generate new business, and develop staff resources. Candidates must have very strong communication and writing skills. Be able to think creatively, strategically, and build strong relationships with the media.
*Manages day-to-day client and account responsibilities on 3-5 accounts.
*Interfaces regularly with clients, team members, and company employees at all levels including finance, business development, and support staff.
*Maintain clear and consistent communication between the client and company.
*Develop and drive client communications programs.
*Provide strategic recommendations for crisis communications on behalf of clients.
*Generate business development by identifying opportunities for additional projects with existing clients, creating drafts of business proposals, and proactively participate in new business initiatives.
*Responsible for managing team resources and working within client fees/budgets.
*Have the discretion to work with and contract with select vendors and partners in collaboration with clients. Must consult with a Senior Managing Director and/ or Executive Managing Director.
*Responsible for client billing, activity reports and other client administrative duties.
*Foster good will, career development and a positive work environment.
*8-10 years of public relations agency experience with a concentration in financial services.
*Strong communication and writing skills.
*Strong relationship building with clients and the media.
*Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills.
*Ability to think creatively and plan strategically.
*Provide leadership and development to client teams.
*Good project management and internal communications skills
*Strong conflict resolution skills.
*Ability to prioritize and handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
*Strong business and client presentation skills.
*Ability to budget programs and manage complex financial aspects of the client relationship.
*Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, with a focus on PowerPoint.
Base salary $125K+/-. Very good benefits package.
Local candidates only will be considered for this position.
Due to the volume of resumes received, we can only contact the candidates that best fit the specifications for this position. But be assured we did receive your information and that it is carefully reviewed by a member of our professional staff.
Please mention where you saw this job posting (JOTW).
To be considered for this position, and other opportunities in public relations, communications and investor relations, e-mail your resume and cover letter (which should include your current base salary and any bonuses) to:
79.) Behavior Change Communication/Gender Adviser, Management Systems International, Baghdad, Iraq
80.) Fossil- Hydro Communications Manager, Duke Energy, Charlotte, NC
*** From Lauren Arky:
Hi Ned.
I have included an announcement below re: a position I am currently looking to fill. I would greatly appreciate it if you could post the announcement to the JOTW listserv.
Lauren Arky
Brainstorm Creative Resources
81.) Usability Expert / Information Architect, media consulting, PR services and video production firm, offered by Brainstorm Creative Resources, Washington, DC
Brainstorm Creative Resources is a recruiting and staffing firm that places creative and editorial professionals into freelance and full-time positions with employers in and around Washington, DC.
Please review the information below and/or visit www.brainstormresources.com/ApplyOnline for additional details regarding our firm and currently open positions with our clients.
A Washington, DC-based media consulting, PR services and video production firm is seeking the immediate support of a senior usability expert who also has significant and demonstrable information architecture experience. The individual chosen for this position will work on a variety of projects for this firm and its clients. We will provide additional information regarding our client and the nature of their needs to appropriately qualified applicants.
This assignment can begin as soon as we identify a well qualified individual who meets with our client’s approval. It is expected to continue for three-months. This is an “as-if” full-time assignment, so the individual chosen can expect to work M-F, approximately 9am-5pm each week. Work must be done at the client’s easily accessible downtown, Washington, DC offices. If you are interested in working from home, please do not apply for this position.
Brainstorm Creative Resources can offer a pay rate range of between $45 and $65/hour.
Please follow these steps to apply:
1. Visit www.brainstormresources.com/ApplyOnline.
2. Click “Any” in the “Search Openings” section at the top of the page and then click “Search”.
3. All available opportunities will be listed. Please click on the appropriate position title.
4. Read the Employer Overview and complete Job Description.
5. Apply at the bottom of the page, using these guidelines:
a. Complete a Personal Profile
b. Provide answers to the short Questionnaires provided
c. Indicate your specific Software application skills
d. Upload a Resume — as well as any other documents you consider relevant (ex: work samples, cover letter, references)
Only candidates currently residing within a commutable distance of Washington, DC should apply. Applicants not currently living in Washington, DC, Maryland or Virginia, or who inquire without a cover letter, resume and/or work samples should not expect to receive a response.
Visit www.brainstormresources.com/ApplyOnline.
82.) Communications Manager, AREVA Inc., Bethesda, MD
83.) Information and Communication Officer, NGO Coordination Committee in Iraq, Jordan
Closing Date – 27 May 2010
84.) Director of Outreach and Communications, American Institutes for Research, Lebanon
85.) Regional Communications Officer, The International Union for Conservation of Nature, Bangkok, Thailand
*** From Bridget Serchak, who got it from John Yurcisin:
87.) Consultant, OgilvyOne, Hong Kong
Responsible to: Consulting Lead, OgilvyOne Hong Kong
Key Internal Corporate Relationships:
1. Consulting Lead
2. Managing Director Of OgilvyOne Worldwide Hong Kong
3. Managing Directors of OgilvyOne’s sister companies Advertising, PR, Promotions and the group’s Head of Country
4. Managing Directors of OgilvyOne countries in Asia Pacific and broader consulting community
5. Senior Business Directors and account staff in OgilvyOne Hong Kong
OgilvyOne Worldwide
OgilvyOne Worldwide is the leading direct, customer relationship, interactive marketing and customer consulting network in the world, with 69 offices in 47 countries, and as part of the Ogilvy & Mather network, one of the world’s pre-eminent advertising and communications networks.
Ogilvy & Mather employs nearly 10,000 people across 57 countries. Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide is in turn part of the WPP Group, the world’s largest marketing services group employing over 20,000 people.
In Asia Pacific, OgilvyOne operates 28 offices in 13 markets – including full service agencies in Australia, Hong Kong, India (4 offices), Malaysia, Philippines, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand. Our offices in most markets are fully incorporated with responsibility for their own P&L. In newer or emerging markets (Korea, Vietnam and Indonesia), we operate as a division of Ogilvy Advertising.
Hong Kong
OgilvyOne Hong Kong has been in operating for 22 years and is the leading one to one marketing agency in terms of client billings and number of staff.
OgilvyOne Hong Kong is one of the leading creative offices in the region and as recently as 2002 has been recognised as the regions best integrated direct marketer. A remarkable feat considering the size of the market in Hong Kong!
Today, OgilvyOne Hong Kong offers the following services:
Consulting: Understanding the relationship with the customer and devising programmes which increase share of customer
Communications: Our creative teams excel in creating brand-true communication that change customer attitudes, and get results.
Connections: Building the bridges between our clients and their customers through the use of appropriate technologies and media
Major clients include American Express, FedEx, IBM, Northwest Airlines, Nokia, Royal & SunAlliance and The Economist.
Applying OgilvyOne’s Strategy in Asia
OgilvyOne’s traditional heritage is O&Mdirect, the direct marketing arm of Ogilvy&Mather advertising. Increasingly, direct marketing has become a commoditised service, and OgilvyOne has had to evolve its strategy to add value to clients in new ways. The principal focus of this strategy expansion has been the provision of consulting services and the implementation of technology and data management through the connections business. Both of these approaches, while profitable in their own right, have focused on providing high end direct communications to clients which are differentiated in quality and results from the commoditised offerings in the marketplace.
Key to the development of the OgilvyOne operation has therefore been the differentiation of the offer via a consultancy ability – especially in the area of customer segmentation, lifecycle planning, data management, loyalty, and new product development. OgilvyOne attracts interest, respect and new clients by positioning itself as “a customer management expert”, specialising in the acquisition, development and retention of high-value customers.” The ability to deliver against recommendations is an added-value service to these consulting clients.
This approach is perceived as fresh and original, and is timely, given the increased competition in many of the core business sectors of our clients (e.g. banking, telecommunications, air travel). Companies are increasingly needing to understand how to retain their most valued clients – and to identify who they are!
The consulting strategy, leveraging OgilvyOne worldwide’s proprietary approach to gaining and keeping customers – called Customer OwnershipO&M – allows us to apply the latest thinking and tools to help clients develop effective strategies that maximise success.
The Role
The role of Consultant is critical to the success of the business. The person must be capable of delivering OgilvyOne’s consulting proposition in Hong Kong and because of the increasing regional nature of Hong Kong’s business across Greater China and beyond.
The role is a pivotal position within the business combining an ability to manage the challenges of servicing a growing consulting client base whilst juggling the responsibilities of new client business development and thought leadership within the OgilvyOne business as a whole. The application of strategic thinking to client challenges and the ability to build relationships with C-level client executives is an essential part of the role.
Principal Responsibilities
1 Business Development
• In partnership develop, refine and implement the business development strategy
• Specifically identify pipeline of new consulting business opportunities
• To identify and deliver new business activities that augment and/or expand consulting or general OgilvyOne services.
• To present and pitch and win OgilvyOne services with clients prospects.
2 Customer Management Consulting
• Consultancy in the areas of customer segmentation, loyalty, new product development, customer strategy and marketing strategy
• Development of consulting business plan
3 Personnel and Training
• To ensure the development and appropriate training of OgilvyOne consultants through client projects and external training.
• To identify and recruit new OgilvyOne consulting staff as required in Hong Kong.
• Play an active role as part of the management team and contribute in appropriate forums
• Interact with other relevant consulting communities and partners
4 Strategic Counsel
• In addition to consulting services, to provide account planning/consulting support to key clients.
• Consultancy in the development of direct, digital, and relationship management strategies.
• General database marketing strategy advice.
Background / Skills Base
• Graduate degree, post graduate in marketing or MBA an advantage
• At least 5 years experience in a marketing discipline, preferably with both client side and agency experience
• Highly analytical with proven track record in developing data driven marketing programs.
• Currently managing (or have managed) a large strategic projects within a client or for a client as part of an agency or consulting network
• Thorough understanding of marketing strategy and how this relates to marketing communications
• Ability to sell ideas/concepts, preferably with client or partnership sales experience
• Capable of thinking like a client, including operational, financial and other challenges which result in marketing or customer management decisions
• Ability to identify and analyse client problems/opportunities
• Strong exposure and foundation in digital strategies to help integrate offline and online initiatives.
If you know of anyone in HK, in the region, or possibly interested in moving to HK, please pass this along. I would be most appreciative. Please have them contact me (John Yurcisin) direclty at john.yurcisin@ogilvy.com.
John Yurcisin
Vice President, Marketing & Analytics
OgilvyOne Worldwide
23F The Center, 99 Queens Road
Central, Hong Kong
+852 6277 7989
88.) Reporting Intern – HQ, Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development, Paris, France
89.) Deputy Director Communication and Fund Raising (Development), Médecins Sans Frontières, Switzerland
Closing Date – 16 May 2010
90.) Deputy Director Communication and Fund Raising (Field Communications), Médecins Sans Frontières, Switzerland
Closing Date – 16 May 2010
91.) Project Officer – Communications, The Elimination of Child Labour in Tobacco-growing Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland
Closing Date – 27 May 2010
92.) Manager Nuclear Communications, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Chattanooga, TN
93.) Specialist-Communications, American Express, Salt Lake City, UT
*** From Kris Gallagher:
94.) Marketing Sales Communications Manager, Fidelitone Logistics, Wauconda, IL (north of Chicago)
Organization Profile
As an industry leader in 3PL and supply chain performance, Fidelitone
Logistics has what it takes to give our customers the competitive
advantage. With more than 80 years experience in distribution and
logistics excellence, Fidelitone is committed to advanced technologies
and recruiting, retaining, and developing the brightest industry
Fidelitone Logistics is an industry leader in 3PL and supply chain
performance that delivers value-added solutions for business partners
and their clients. As a logistics innovator since 1929, expertise
includes: Inventory Management, Global Sourcing, Warehousing &
Distribution, Transportation Management, Print & Packaging, White Glove
Delivery and Reverse Logistics. Ranked a “Top 100 3PL” by Inbound
Logistics magazine, Fidelitone Logistics has more than 20 locations and
600 employees throughout the United States.
Job Overview
Fidelitone Logistics, an industry leader in 3PL and supply chain
performance, is currently seeking a Marketing Sales Communications
Manager for our corporate office located in Wauconda, IL. This position
is responsible for developing and implementing strategic marketing plans
for the organization.
Job Description
The Marketing Sales Communications Manager position develops and
implements strategic marketing plans for the organization.
Responsibilities include:
* Stays abreast of changes in the marketing and communications
environment to best serve the objectives of the organization and plans
* Conceives, develops, and administers the organization's
advertising strategy including working with outside vendors to create
advertising and promotional designs and campaigns.
* Plans and executes all aspects of a wide variety of an
organization's special events, promotions, and activities as well as
media and community relations projects.
Job Qualifications
Requirements include:
* Must have a minimum of 5 years of experience in the field or in a
related area. Prior supervisory experience preferred.
* B.S. degree in Marketing or Business required.
* Intermediate to advanced computer proficiency in MS Office is
* Excellent oral and written communication skills are required.
* Familiarity with social media tools and viral marketing concepts
* A high level of creativity and initiative is required.
Compensation & Benefits
To be discussed during an interview.
How To Apply
Please apply at: www.fidelitone.com. Click on “Careers” and then
“Marketing Sales Communication Manager.”
95.) Media Assistant, Medical Emergency Relief International, London, UK
Closing Date – 23 May 2010
96.) COMMUNICATIONS INTERN, Muslim Charities Forum, London, UK
Closing Date – 16 May 2010
97.) Website Copy Writer Intern, Students Partnership Worldwide, Westminster, London, UK
Closing Date – 19 May 2010
98.) Director of Communications, Solar Millennium, LLC, Berkeley, CA
*** From b j Altschul, APR::
Hi Ned,
For the next JOTW, from Lew Southard.
b j
99.) Public Affairs Specialist, Fire and Aviation Management
National Fire Desk Manager, GS-1035-11/12, Headquarters, State and Private Forestry Deputy Area, USDA Forest Service, Washington, DC
The Fire and Aviation Management (FAM) Staff, within the State and Private Forestry Deputy Chief area, is looking for the right person to fill their National Fire Desk (NFD) Manager GS-1035-11/12 position. This position's duty location will be in Washington D.C.
The FAM staff provides staff advice and counsel to the Deputy Chief, State and Private Forestry, about the Forest Service FAM program. The program provides staff advice and counsel on a budget over $2 billion which has interaction with many other resource management programs in the agency.
The Position:
This position develops and implements plans designed to enhance relationships with USDA Forest Service (FS) stakeholders and to increase effectiveness in communicating program goals, priorities, and mission areas. It establishes and maintains effective working relationships at multiple levels within USDA FS programs to develop and disseminate coordinated messages that accurately address USDA FS programs. The NFD manager works with Washington Office and partner audiences, including the Department, Chief, Deputies, Directors, Legislative Affairs, and other staff.
The NFD manager manages the information cache for Fire and Aviation Management, ensuring briefing papers and other documents are updated and properly filed.
The incumbent gathers information, identifies and analyzes issues, and develops recommendations to resolve substantive problems of effectiveness and efficiency of work operations of the NFD.
The NFD Manager also manages ongoing operations of the National Fire Desk, which operates seven days each week during peak fire season or national emergency. This includes scheduling detailers, arranging and managing corporate housing for detailers. They organize and maintain NFD office, including printers, computers, and files. They independently identify complex program issues or problems in programs of small scope as well as prepare operational plans and procedures to plan and organize activities for special events and visits by important guests.
For more specific information about this position, please contact: Lew Southard, Assistant Director, Partnerships, FAM at 202-205-1503 or lsouthard@fs.fed.us. You will be required to complete an Outreach Response Form.” You must do so before June 4, 2010.
If you are interested in this position, please send the following information to Rebecca Monroe (406) 295-7491, rmonroe@fs.fed.us by June 4, 2010.
*** JOTW Weekly Alternative Selections:
100.) Baristas, Mink Chocolate Cafe, Vancouver, BC
Blog it, eat it or drink it – if you're passionate about coffee and chocolate and like good music and need / want a gig with a good view, get in touch.
Mink Chocolate Cafe features a 3 group Synesso espresso machine and the Clover brewing system, and we always have time to talk to veteran or rookie baristas looking for full or part time work.
Please note: we train for skill, but hire for attitude! info@minkchocolates.com
*** Time to get real, get authentic, get engaged – with Real SMM. Dave Van de Walle and the team at Area 224 are partnering with Jim Alexander from Socially Mediated to launch “Real SMM” – and JOTW readers can join in for the “Silver” package of unlimited access to training webinars and coaching sessions for one low monthly price: $97. Just use the official JOTW affiliate link here – http://realsmm.com/jotw and you'll be ready to go. Weekly webinars on industry topics in social media marketing, training sessions on the latest tools and strategies, and group “mastermind” sessions with others – there's something here for every corporate communications pro that needs to understand Social Media.
*** Weekly Piracy Report:
05.05.2010: 0518 UTC: Posn: 09:45.2S – 041:15.9E: Off southern Somalia.
Pirates in a skiff chased a bulk carrier underway and opened fire on it. Security team onboard the bulk carrier returned fire resulting in the pirates aborting the attack and moving away.
05.05.2010: 0413 UTC: Posn: 13:13N – 059:30E: (Arabian Sea) off Somalia.
Pirates in a skiff chased and opened fire on a tanker. The tanker made evasive manoeuvres and contacted a warship for help. Later, owners informed that they had lost contact with the tanker and that the ship was not moving. They believed all crew had locked themselves. A navy helicopter is believed to have reached the tanker and established communication with the crew by radio.
04.05.2010: 0200 LT: Posn: 06:17.9N – 003:21.5E, Lagos outer anchorwge, Nigeria.
Seven robbers armed with rifles and knives boarded a bulk carrier during anchoring operations. they assaulted the MAster and 3/O. The Masters eye was injured and both the Master and 3/O received head injuries resulting in bleeding. The robbers damaged ships equipments, robbers Master's and crew cash adn personal belongings and escaped.
01.05.2010: 2230 LT: Posn: 03:38N – 103:45E: Tg. Gelang: South China Sea.
Pirates attacked a tug towing a barge and attempted to board her. The crew fired rocket parachute flares at the pirate boat and sent a distress message via VHF ch 16. A Malaysian warship in the vicinity responded and dispatched a helicopter to render assistance. The pirate boat managed to escape before the arrival of the helicpoter.The Malaysian authorities are investigating.
02.05.2010: 0130 LT: Posn: Anyer Anchorage, Indonesia.
Six robbers armed with knives boarded an anchored chemical tanker via the aft mooring stations using a rope attached to a hook. The duty watchkeeper was held by the robbers and threatened to take them into the engine room. the robbers stole ship stores and escaped after 15 minutes.
01.05.2010: 0440 LT: Posn: 22:16N – 091:49E, Chittagong Anchorage, Bangladesh.
Three robbers armed with long knives boarded a general cargo ship carrying out cargo operations at a mooring buoy. Duty A/B noticed the robbers who tried to catch him. The A/B ran to the gangway adn informed another A/B who raised the alarm. Robbers stole ships stores and escaped upon seeing the crew alertness. Coast guard informed.
27.04.2010: 1300 UTC: Posn: 01:12.3N – 104:45.55E, Off Bintan Island, Indonesia
While underway a tug towing a barge lsot contact with the owners and is believed to have been hijacked.
28.04.2010: 1848 UTC: Posn: 10:13.6N – 107:07.7E, Vung Tau anchorage, Vietnam.
Two robbers boarded a container ship at anchor. Duty watchman sighted the robbers and vessel immediately raised alarm and ship’s horn. Robbers managed to escape with ship’s stores. Port authority informed.
27.04.2010: 2145 LT: Posn: 06:10.10N – 003:20.92E: Off Lagos, Nigeria.
3/O on a product tanker noticed on radar a boat approaching from port bow. When Aldis lights were directed at the boat, the boat stopped and turned towards another vessel. Later, the boat approached the tanker from astern. Alarm raised. Pirates opened fire at tanker. Pirates attempted to board the vessel but failed due to razor wire around the vessel deck and the constant maneuvering. All ships in the vicinity informed via VHF. No injuries to crew.
27.04.2010: 1333 UTC: Posn: 04:44.16N – 103:58.06E: 35 nm NE of Kerteh, South China Sea.
Pirates boarded a tug towing a barge and robbed the crew of cash money, personal belongings and escaped. Malaysian Maritime authorities dispatched a patrol boat which arrived at the location and rendered assistance to the tug. Authorities are investigating.
24.04.2010: Boma anchorage, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Robbers boarded the tanker at anchor. They stole ship’s property and escaped unnoticed.
25.04.2010: 0515 UTC: Posn: 13:46.2N – 042:57.7E, Red Sea.
Pirate boats chased and attempted to board a bulk carrier underway. Master increased speed and carried out evasive manoeuvres. After about 80 minutes, pirates aborted the attempt and moved away. No casualties and no damage to ship.
25.04.2010: 0523 UTC: Posn: 13:48N – 043:00E, Bab el Mandeb, southern Red Sea.
Two skiffs were sighted at a distance of one nm from a chemical tanker underway. Suddenly, one skiff with high speed approached and came very close to the tanker. Four pirates armed with guns and an aluminium ladder was seen in the skiffs. Security personal onboard fired several warning shots in the air but the pirates kept approaching. Finally the security personal fired closed to the skiffs and the pirates aborted the attempted attack.
25.04.2010: 0348 UTC: Posn: 17:59n – 065:49e, around 760 nm from Socotra island (Arabian Sea), off Somalia.
Six pirates armed with machine guns and RPG in a white coloured skiff chased and fired upon a chemical tanker underway with intent to hijack. Tanker contacted coalition forces, increased speed and took evasive manoeuvres. Pirates attempted to board the tanker several times but unable due to the evasive manoeuvres and finally they aborted the attempt. No injuries to crew.
25.04.2010: 0215 UTC: Posn: 18:06N – 065:47E, around 760 nm from Socotra island (Arabian Sea), off Somalia.
Four pirates armed with machine guns and RPG in a white coloured skiff chased and fired upon a tanker underway with intent to hijack. Ship raised alarm, sent distress message, increased speed, took evasive manoeuvres and crew locked all accommodation doors. Pirates tried to board the ship using a steel ladder and hooks attached to ropes. They fired RPG at the accommodation and the ship continued with her evasive manoeuvres. After several attempts, finally pirates aborted the attempted boarding. No injuries to crew.
*** Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” is a free
networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for
those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine
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*** Musical artist of the week: Codeine Velvet Club
*** Ball cap of the week: OA Staff
*** T-Shirt of the week: Not all who wander are lost
*** Coffee Mug of the week: Flamingos
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service of professional communicators providing mutual support to one
another. The JOTW serves 11,538 professional communicators.
Your cooperation is requested. Please send job opportunities to share
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This newsletter is published by:
Edward H. Lundquist, ABC
7813 Richfield Road
Springfield, VA 22153
+1 703 455-7661
“The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but “That's funny…”
– Isaac Asimov
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EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT, HR & SOCIAL MEDIA 2010: New Landscape – New Strategies, Chicago May 12-13. Just $395 for 2 days when you use promo code 10jotw.
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