A “Can't Wait” job posting from Mueller Water Products

A JOTW “Can't Wait” job posting from Rita Battle at Mueller Water Products:

Marketing Communications Manager, Mueller Water Products, Atlanta, Georgia

Mueller Water Products (NYSE: MWA) (muellerwaterproducts.com), the leading North American manufacturer and marketer of a broad range of water infrastructure products and services, is seeking a creative and results-driven marketing communications manager for its corporate office in Atlanta. This is a new position. The successful candidate will be involved in developing integrated marketing communications strategies, collateral development, increasing our online presence and maintaining relationships with trade media.

Ideal opportunity for talented agency whiz looking to make the switch to a corporate environment or a corporate star looking to gain new experience. Bachelor’s degree and 5-7 years experience (flexible depending on situation). No relocation.

Submit cover letter and result to rbattle@muellerwp.com. No phone calls!

Rita M. Battle

HR Consultant

Corporate Headquarters

Mueller Water Products, Inc.

1200 Abernathy Rd. N.E.

Suite 1200

Atlanta, Georgia 30328


*** The Job of the Week newsletter, the Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter (DEFCON-1), www.nedsjotw.com and www.yourdefcon1.com are a service of The Job of the Week Network LLC. Ned Lundquist, ABC, is editor and publisher.

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