JOTW 46-2010


Earn the skills necessary to develop, manage, and evaluate communications with the Northeastern University 12-month online MS in Corporate and Organizational Communication


JOTW 46-2010

15 November 2010

This is newsletter number 852

“I dream a lot. I do more painting when I'm not painting. It's in the subconscious.”

– Andrew Wyeth

“It takes a long time for a man to look like his portrait.”

– James McNeill Whistler

Hot items in this issue (details below):

*** BOOM Camp 2010. Three Webinars. One Roundtable Discussion. All Virtual. All Designed Around You – Communicator who needs to understand these Social Media

*** October is IABC Accreditation Month, and I’ll bet you didn’t know that October is 45 days long! Today is the last day to take advantage of this opportunity.

*** Should Ned stop publishing the JOTW alternative selections? The results are in. See below.

*** Another record-setting quantity of piracy reports.

*** Welcome to the JOTW network.

Here we go again with another week and another edition of the JOTW Newsletter. This is the often-talked-about, sometimes copied, but totally unique weekly publication, pretty basic, nothing fancy, down-to-earth, non-pretentious, but still pretty great you have to admit, still publishing after all these years, award-winning JOTW networking newsletter for professional communicators…like you, dedicated to the positive unanticipated consequences of networking, or as we call it, “nedworking.”

This is a cooperative service, which means it requires everyone’s cooperation. Take a minute to think about what that word means, and then ask you self how cooperative are you?

How does it work? If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (, and I'll share it with the JOTW network. It's that simple. And we share dozens of opportunities each week. Your friends can sign up by sending a blank e-mail to

You are among 11,310 subscribers in this community of communicators.

This network is all about connecting communicators and sharing opportunities. And speaking of sharing, since the JOTW newsletter was started, more than 25,000 job opportunities have been listed and shared with members of this network. 30,593 to be exact, as of today.

I can’t change your e-mail address for you. But you can. Send a blank e-mail from your old account to Then send a blank e-mail from your new account to

If you can read this newsletter, then you are on the JOTW list. If you did not receive your JOTW newsletter by email in your in box this morning, it is because you have a junk mail folder, spam filter, or capacity issues on your end.

In this issue:

(To view these jobs, scroll down to the listings in the content of this newsletter)

1.) Sr. PR & Marketing Specialist, Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC


3.) Communications Manager II – Senior Manager, Corporate Communications, Bank of America, Charlotte, NC

4.) Sr. Product Communication Manager, Treasury Product Solutions, Bank of America, Charlotte, NC

5.) Web Content Management & Copy Writing, Consultants 2 Go, Atlanta or Dallas area

6.) Vice President of Communications, City Year, Boston, Mass.

7.) WMG Administrative Assistant, Corporate Communications, Corporate Communications, Warner Music Group, NY, NY

8.) Public Relations and Corporate Communications Manager, Solta Medical, San Francisco, CA

9.) Copywriter, Woolworths, Cape Town, South Africa

10.) Director of Executive Outreach (Director EO), Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, Washington, DC

11.) VP Corporate Communications, Tesoro Corporation, San Antonio, Texas

12.) Senior Account Supervisor/Vice President (Corporate Communications), Ruder Finn, New York, New York

13.) Senior Specialist, Communications (D), General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS), Fairfax, VA

14.) Foreign Media Analyst, Europe, General Dynamics Information Technology, Chantilly, VA

15.) EDGE Marketing Manager, General Dynamics C4 Systems, Phoenix, AZ

16.) Technical Writer (Military Intelligence), Millennium Corporation, Fort Huachuca, Arizona

17.) Assistant or Associate Professor, Department of Communication and the School of Journalism in the College of Communication Arts and Sciences (CAS) at Michigan State University (MSU), Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

18.) Director of Public Relations and Communications, Sun National Bank, Mount

Laurel, NJ

19.) Director of Communications and Special Projects, Philadelphia Futures, Philadelphia, PA

20.) Corporate Communications Specialist, Styron, Berwyn, PA

21.) Public Relations Account Manager, Diccicco Battista, Conshohocken, PA

22.) Writer (Contract Position), Diccicco Battista, Conshohocken, PA

23.) Creative, Diccicco Battista, Conshohocken, PA

24.) Marketing and Communications Manager, Living Beyond Breast Cancer, Haverford, PA

25.) Marketing Communications Specialist, Nobel Learning Communities, West Chester, PA

26.) Sales Counselor, Hamlyn Senior Marketing, Robbinsville, NJ

27.) Communications Advisor, Encana, Denver, CO

28.) Corporate Communications Internship Job, SRC and SRCTec, Syracuse, NY

29.) Communications Associate, International Coalition of Historic Site Museums of

Conscience, NY, NY

Closing Date – 03 Dec 2010

30.) Director, Aboriginal Community Relations, Nuclear Waste Management Organization (“NWMO”), Toronto, Ontario, Canada

31.) Communications Specialist, Goodyear, Lawton, OK

32.) Director, Global Communications, Plantronics, Santa Cruz, CA

33.) Communication for Development Specialist, United Nations Children's Fund, Niamey, Niger

34.) Public Affairs Specialist, Small Business Administration, Atlanta, GA

35.) Director of Public Relations, Belkin, Los Angeles, CA

36.) Full-time Continuing Faculty Member Centre for the Arts and Communications (CFAC), Grant MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

37.) Director of Resource Mobilization and External Relations, Afghanaid, Kabul, Afghanistan

38.) Communications and Advocacy Manager, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, Kabul, Afghanistan

39.) Sr. PR & Marketing Specialist, Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC

40.) Communications Consultant, Northwestern Mutual, Milwaukee, WI

41.) Marketing & PR Spec I, ARUP Laboratories, Salt Lake City, UT

42.) Manager, Corporate and Organizational Communications, NPR, Washington, DC


44.) Communications Coordinator, In the Public Interest, Washington, DC

45.) Communications Officer, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

46.) Communications Consultant, HSBC Bank, Mettawa, IL

47.) Public Relations Specialist Job, Life Time Fitness, Chanhassen, MN

48.) Corporate Communications Specialist (E3214) Corporate Communications, IEEE Corporate, Piscataway, NJ

49.) Communications Specialist, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Mississippi (TMMMS), Blue Springs, MS

50.) Resident Journalism Advisor – Thailand, Internews Network Inc., Chiang Mai, Thailand

51.) Communications Manager, DHL Express US, Plantation, FL

52.) Communications Specialist, Chevron Global Upstream & Gas Company, Houston, TX

53.) Writer II; Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare, St. Paul, Minnesota

54.) Online & Marketing Intern – 2011 Spring Semester, American Lung Association National Headquarters Office, New York, NY

55.) Communications Coordinator-Victoria, BC, Thrifty Foods, Victoria, BC, Canada

56.) Director, Employee Communications, Illumina, San Diego, CA

57.) Communications Coordinator, CureSearch, Bethesda, MD

58.) Advocacy and Communications Director, Human Rights Watch, Middle East / North Africa – Flexible

59.) Onion Expert, West Africa, ACDI/VOCA, Various (West Africa)

60.) Galley/Housekeeping Manager, Assistant Cook/Housekeeper, The Nature Conservancy, Palmyra Atoll

61.) Fishing job, Alaska

62.) NOW CASTING, Male Host, Hell on Earth, BBC Worldwide Productions

*** Weekly Piracy Report

…and more! Scroll down and see them all!

*** One Paragraph Pitch:

(Send your One Paragraph Pitch submissions to

*** BOOM Camp 2010:

BOOM Camp 2010. Three Webinars. One Roundtable Discussion. All Virtual. All Designed Around You – Communicator who needs to understand these Social Media Tools and get ready to BOOM in 2011. Area 224 is holding this virtual event starting November 16 – and we're discounting the price for JOTW Readers. Consider the value of getting 3 hour-long sessions – on Social Media Basics, Setting the Strategy, Underground Success Tactics from the Uber Bloggers – and a 90-minute Roundtable Discussion led by Dave from Area 224. Then think about it being held at your desktop – and downloadable if you miss anything. Visit this link: and use this code – NED74 – to get the whole megillah for $150. ONLY 50 Slots, and we're planning to sell them all.

*** Sign me up:

Hi. I'd like to sign up for your job list.



(Just send a blank email to

*** Should Ned stop publishing the JOTW alternative selections? The results are in.

JOTW offers weekly “alternative selections” for those who have had enough of the communications field and need an abrupt change of occupation. Are these alternative selections inappropriate, and do they detract from the JOTW brand and experience?

Yes,the alternative selections are inappropriate, and I don't think they should appear in JOTW.

11 (8%)

No, I think they're okay.

80 (58%)

Can you get me one of those alternative selections, and place me in the witness protection program?

46 (33%)

Total votes: 137

*** Uncle Bud:

I was in Spokane this weekend to attend the funeral of my uncle, Charles F. “Bud” Kirby, Jr. He was 89. He served in World War II as a radio-gunner aboard USMC SBD Dauntless dive bombers from Henderson Field at Guadalcanal. He was a husband, father and brother. He was always a Marine. He was a businessman with a flair for figures, and was the vice president and national sales manager for Tree Top Apple Juice in Selah, Washington. It was a life to celebrate. I also appreciated the opportunity to visit with my aunt and cousins whom I rarely get to see.

*** November is JOTW New Member month. All members of the JOTW network are required to sign up one new member. This way I will have 22,000 members by December 1. Will this happen? It starts with each one of you…all 11,000 of you.

*** Northeastern University Fast-Track Master of Science in Corporate and Organizational Communication

Communication is a key factor in achieving organizational, and individual, success. Whether you are communicating during crises or across cultures, understanding how to communicate efficiently and effectively is essential.

The Northeastern University Fast-Track Master of Science in Corporate and Organizational Communication, a 12- month, 100% online program, prepares graduates with the skills to develop, manage, and present global communications.

Next start terms are January 2011 and April 2011.

For more information or to apply, visit

*** From Katy Kain:

IABC/DC Metro Chapter Meeting: Privacy in the Age of Now

Join IABC/DC Metro for its brown bag lunch chapter meeting on Friday, Nov. 19th at noon. This month's unique chapter meeting, entitled “Privacy in the Age of Now,” will feature Shaun Dakin, founder of Dakin & Associates, a boutique communications and strategy consulting firm focused on privacy as a competitive differentiator. Shaun will speak on the future of privacy, how privacy and data can be a competitive differentiator for your organization, and how you can get ahead of the media if you have to deal with a data or privacy issue.

For security purposes, registration will close on Wednesday, November 17. No walk-ins will be permitted. So don’t wait another minute and register now!

What: IABC/DC Metro chapter meeting and brown bag lunch

When: Friday, November 19, 12 noon – 2:00 pm

Where: PEPCO 701 Ninth Street, NW (between G and H Streets) Downtown DC

Transportation and Parking: Metro Red / Green / Yellow Lines – Gallery Place/Chinatown; PEPCO Parking Lot (entrance on Eighth Street)

Registration fees: IABC/DC Metro members – $15, Students – $10, Guests accompanying members – $20, Non-members – $25

Click here to register (

*** Lights out:

I was waiting for the Dulles Airport Satellite Parking Shuttle very early on Thursday morning and saw a car with its lights on. I thought perhaps the driver was staying warm until the bus came into view. But there was no one inside. There was a note on the windshield that said, “If you find that your car won’t start it is because you left your lights on.” I heard the engine fan kick on, which meant that not only did the driver leave the lights on, but the engine running, as well. When I returned on Sunday night, the car was still there, with the note still on the windshield. But the lights were out.

*** Help Payless ShoeSource give away $1.2m in shoes this holiday

It's that time of year again. Over the past two years my company, Collective Brands and its business unit, Payless ShoeSource, have distributed $2.2M in coupons (77,000 pairs a year) for new shoes to children of families in need. The program is open again this year, with a streamlined application process and vastly improved website and Facebook presence.

With the help of my Linked-In network each year we have attracted qualified applications from nearly 3,000 charities in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico and Latin America. The application period is from now until November 5th officially (a few additional days unofficially); selected charities will be announced later in November and the coupons will be valid for the months of December through February, 2010/2011.

Please forward this email to any charities you think could apply. All the details for the program can be found at and on the payless gives Facebook page.

Last holiday season a lot of deserving kids got their first pair of new shoes ever through this program. With your help we can reach even more this year.

Thanks, so much.

Rob Hallam

*** October is Accreditation Month at IABC (and it’s still October! Today is the LAST DAY!):

If you have the qualifications and have always been interested in pursuing the ABC designation, now is the time to apply. This offer ends Nov. 15.

*** Alternative approval:

Hey Capt.,

I love the last few jobs on the list. They can’t say you don’t have a variety. I hope you are well.

Rob Winchester

*** Freaked out:

Ned —

Oh, my freakin' gawd! I can't believe a) someone (or perhaps several someones) complained about the alternative selections and that b) a full 8% of respondents (at this point) say they're inappropriate.

Two things appear to be missing in these folks: tolerance and a sense of humor. LIGHTEN UP!


Carl Dombek

*** From Dee Ellison:

Hi, Ned. Haven't seen you in a long time. I've been at my job at HHS for more than 2 years, and I'm grateful every single day. I still read JOTW every week because it's informative and fun and so I can pass along info about job opps to folks who are hunting. I totally agree with the comments offered (get a life; lighten up; expand your thought processes) about the alternative jobs listed here, and have a suggestion for those who don't like the alternative job listings: delete yourself from the JOTW email list. That way, you won't have to look at the alternate job selections, and the rest of us won't have to listen to you (or read you) whine. Thanks, Ned, for all you do! Best, Dee

*** Write-in vote:


My screen doesn't show the voting box, but please count me as a “yes” for continuing to post the alternative selections. They are both funny and informative – as in, what might I do next? BTW over the weekend I saw a great documentary called “Lemonade” produced by a bunch of laid-off ad execs. It is certainly worth a watch. Virtually of of the people in it are doing “alternative jobs” now.

Alternative jobs… are they not a viable alternative to “job-postings-that-never-go-away”? The latter seems to be a particularly troublesome feature of many, many communications jobs that get posted (they end up being posted for months or even years). Either the hiring organization can't make up its mind whether it really NEEDS a new communicator, or that “perfect person” just doesn't exist. Which is, really, true.

Bob from CT

*** Narrow view:

I cannot believe the narrow view some people exhibit when ever anything gets out of the narrow channel in which they live. Get a life people, the world is actually round, there are other opinions besides yours and they also are valid. Get excited about something that actually makes a difference.

Ken Jensen

*** Put your arms down:


The up-in-arms attitude over the just-for-fun listings prove once again just how stupid otherwise smart people can be.

John Castagna

*** From Joshua Cobb:

Lamar University director of student publications dies

Howard Perkins, long-time director of student publications at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, died Oct. 20 at age 72. For more information, visit the university newspaper's Web site at

Joshua Cobb

BS Communication 2001

*** JOTW subscribers save 20% at the IABC Knowledge Centre!

Use coupon code JOTW20.

*** Marist College’s 100% Online Master of Arts in Communication

you’re thinking of sharpening your skills and advancing your career in communication, think Marist College!

5 Distinctions of the Marist Master of Arts in Communication Program:

1. Tuition discount of 25% for JOTW subscribers.

2. 100% online format is designed for convenience and accessibility. No residency required.

3. Program can be completed in one year of full-time study or two years part-time. Courses are eight weeks long.

4. Students have the option of completing a comprehensive exam or thesis.

5. The Master of Arts in Communication program is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and registered with the New York State Board of Education.

To learn more about this exiting program contact Marist College’s Office of Graduate and Adult Enrollment at 888.877.7900, email us at, or visit us online at We can provide you with detailed information about the course of study, tuition pricing and financial aid options, and career opportunities.

*** Let’s get to the jobs:

*** From Emily Dammeyer:

Hi Ned,

Could you please add this to the next JOTW newsletter?



Emily Dammeyer

Public Relations Manager

Children's National Medical Center

1.) Sr. PR & Marketing Specialist, Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC


Executes media relations plans and coordinates media activities with faculty, including traditional and new media. Produces content for various channels, including print and video. Coordinates special events and various marketing and public relations projects, as assigned. Writes and edits for various publications and audiences, including brochures, annual reports, newsletters, promotional materials and web. Assists in the execution of corporate communication programs, as needed.

Minimum requirements:

5 years of experience required, agency and/or healthcare preferred. Bachelor's degree in related field of study.

Apply online:


3.) Communications Manager II – Senior Manager, Corporate Communications, Bank of America, Charlotte, NC

4.) Sr. Product Communication Manager, Treasury Product Solutions, Bank of America, Charlotte, NC

*** From Bridget Serchak:

5.) Web Content Management & Copy Writing, Consultants 2 Go, Atlanta or Dallas area

Description of consulting opportunity

Consultants 2 Go is looking for a consultant who will ensure our client's

external website is fresh and relevant with exciting content that is

well-written and engaging to the target customer base.

The Consultant's responsibility is to use the client's content management

system to provide on-going updated content and maintain current content on

the existing external website, making recommendations to and synthesizing

information, data, and enhancements from over 30 internal client groups and

third party external partners. The website content focuses on internet and

wireless controls (e.g. parental controls) targeted at consumer and small

businesses, aimed primarily as a retention marketing vehicle. Site content

may extend to other related services and support, such as wireless handset

insurance, but still targets the same consumer and small business segment.

This web content management and copy writing consulting role is with a

national telecom company who is willing to consider a virtual consultant but

who also thinks the consultant will be the most effective if located near

the internal stakeholders who are in Atlanta and Dallas.

Please take a look at the assignment description and prerequisites below.

If you are interested please contact C2G's VP of Business Development, Cathy

Myers, at 954.205.6444 or

Internet Site Content Management and Copy Writing Listing:

Content Manager and Copy Writer to manage four specialized skill sets

concurrently in order to keep the website fresh, exciting, relevant, and

consistent across stakeholders for the target customer base:

1. Project-management skills, to direct a large, diverse cross-functional

team by guiding the internal and external stakeholders, making

recommendations for improvement, managing their content, and synthesizing

their on-going input. There are 17 different internal product groups and

15-20 different third party partners.

2. Content management and copy writing expertise, to directly incorporate

the new content, update the old content, and edit/author new content, all in

a compelling and accurate manner on the external site on a regular basis.

Consultant will not have the ability to do structural/functional

modifications to the site, that is managed by another group with whom the

Consultant will also collaborate. Consultant will instead add new

tools/articles/etc, modify the content of existing tools/articles/etc,

add/replace marquee tiles or promo tiles, etc, all through the content

management system. The expertise also includes understanding and analyzing

web analytics to pinpoint under-trafficked site areas (for recommending

content improvement/enhancement) and over-trafficked site areas (for


3. Wireless and Internet business acumen, to communicate effectively with

the internal/external business stakeholders and to make recommendations on

their content and its relevancy, as well as on potential new content

sources. Supplier to effectively and efficiently communicate with

stakeholders about: 1) “control” technology that manages internet and

broadcast content and usage, and 2) the wireless and internet technology

that supports the controls and the content.

4. Negotiation finesse and approval management, to ensure authorization is

secured from the client's Brand Management and Legal teams for website

content. This entails coordinating with each internal stakeholder to ensure

they have obtained appropriate Brand and Legal approval for their content.

This also includes coordinating with the internal stakeholders who are

accountable for the relationships with the external third party partners,

and ensuring those internal stakeholders have obtained appropriate Brand and

Legal approval for the external content that is being linked to or displayed

on the website.

Requirements and Skills

— Self-motivated, assertive, and results-driven

— Learns quickly with minimal training; able to set own direction and pace

— Prior content management experience essential

— Excellent communications skills essential (strong written, verbal, and

presentation skills) including copy writing skills and experience

— Takes direction & effectively partners with team members in external

locations across multiple time zones.

— BA/BS preferred

— Excellent computer skills including Excel, Powerpoint, Word, and Outlook

— Excellent organizational and project management skills

— Ability to adapt quickly to changing priorities in a fast-paced


Also, don't forget to check out C2G's revised referral program policy through which signed consultants can earn rewards by referring consultants and client opportunities.

We would very much like to hear from candidates in Dallas or in Atlanta (or within driving distance to Dallas/Atlanta).

About Consultants 2 Go

Consultants 2 Go® (C2G) is a minority, women-owned consulting company.

We provide marketing and analytics consultants to Fortune 500 and mid-sized

companies in the Financial Services, Telecom and Insurance industries on an

interim basis or as an outsourced project. For more information contact us

at or click here to go to our website.

Contact info:

Cathy Myers

Consultants 2 Go® | Vice President | Business Development

Florida Branch

+1-954-205-6444 (Phone)

+1-908-842-0234 (Fax)

6.) Vice President of Communications, City Year, Boston, Mass.


Job Description

Organization’s Mission and Goals

City Year was founded in 1988 on the belief that young people can change the world. The organization unites 17-24 year olds of all backgrounds for a year of full-time service, giving them the skills and opportunities to change the world. City Year’s diverse young leaders make a difference in the lives of children by working to close the achievement gap and turn around low performing schools in 20 U.S. locations and in London and South Africa. This year, more than 2000 City Year corps members are serving on diverse teams in schools and communities. City Year received more than 8,400 applications for 1,750 U.S. corps member positions in the 2010-11 program year. City Year is committed to engaging community members, corporate partners, and civic leaders in this work, and together we’re building a citizen service movement that is larger than our organization, our lifetime, and ourselves. City Year’s vision is that one day the most commonly asked question of a young person will be, “Where are you going to do your service year?”

City Year Service

At City Year’s 22 locations diverse young people serve full time for 10 months. These diverse and dedicated leaders put their idealism to work for children and communities especially through school-based service, as well as youth leadership programs and community transformation. City Year is focused on significantly reducing the high school dropout rate in each of our target cities. Through City Year’s Whole School, Whole Child service model, City Year deploys diverse teams of full-time corps

members in schools to help students stay on track – and get back on track – to graduate. Corps members serve in schools as tutors, mentors, role models and leaders of after-school programs. As near-peers, corps members are uniquely able to help improve student attendance, behavior and coursework – which research confirms are

indicators of a student's likelihood of graduating from high school. This school-based service is at the heart of City Year’s approach to helping students and schools succeed.

Another important way corps members help students succeed is by leading programs that teach elementary, middle school and high school students about how to be active citizens in their communities and make a difference. In addition, City Year corps members foster a city-wide ethic of service by engaging community members, corporate partners and civic leaders in transformative physical service such as painting murals, planting gardens, creating play spaces, renovating schools and refurbishing community centers.

Position Summary

Reporting to the Chief Strategy Officer, the Vice President of Communications will lead the creation and execution of a plan to build, manage, and resource the communications capacities of City Year that will ensure prime coverage with key audiences – private and public funders, national opinion leaders in education policy and service, and elected officials and their staff. In collaboration with the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), he/she will be responsible for developing a strategy that is responsive to and reflects the vision, goals and brand of City Year and leverages communications channels including, but not limited to – media, printed collateral, website, e-newsletters, videos, event materials, event programming and environmental design – to shape and disseminate a consistent organizational message and brand. Outstanding writing ability, especially under pressure, and proven ability to work with national media outlets is required. The Vice President of Communications will employ his/her creative and strategic skills to utilize City Year's assets for an integrated communications program primarily targeted to donor and policy audiences and secondarily to City Year's youth audience.


• Develop and execute comprehensive Public Relations and Media Strategy across a segmented audience that includes private and public funders, national opinion leaders in education policy and service, and elected officials and their staff

• Partner with the Chief Marketing Officer to ensure complimentary market segmentation strategies

• Manage a team of writers, project managers, designers and videographers to provide critical expertise and service to City Year’s departments and sites to ensure consistent communications, messaging, visual brand management and strategy and media planning

• Support the CMO’s marketing strategies with consumer brand to reinforce the market segmentation of City Year’s brand, working together to develop consistent media strategies for all brand audiences.

Create, produce and manage the public relations and national media agenda and calendar. Drive a consolidated approach to the press who are critical to advancing our mission and goals.

• Partner with the marketing, recruitment, development and program teams to deliver high-quality online and print publications, newsletters, messaging and media strategies.

• Increase frequency and impact of stories in national media, business press and industry publications including Education Week and Chronicle of Philanthropy.

• Develop and place op eds and secure editorials.

• Ensure that City Year’s story and demonstrated impact is highlighted through great corps member stories and service partner endorsements.

• Lead a high performing communications team to meet annual goals and service operational needs, working with City Year’s Senior Leadership Team and internal departments to ensure alignment and strategic prioritization.

• Collaborate with the Human Potential Department as an internal communications training partner to deepen City Year’s understanding of key messages.

• Provide communications team with the capacity and skills to execute effectively with opportunities for professional growth and development.

• Work with Executive Directors and local boards across all sites to develop a highly-coordinated and aligned set of local, regional and national communications strategies and goals.

• Ensure alignment of communications strategy with all internal key stakeholders on funder communications.

• Prepare reports and updates for Headquarters leadership and Board of Trustees.

• Participate as a key member of the Senior Brand and Communications Operations Group



• Bachelor’s degree required; advanced degree preferred, ideally with a concentration in communications

• Minimum 8 years of experience in public relations, media relations, crisis communications, brand or


• Demonstrated experience and success in managing comprehensive strategic communications, media relations, and marketing program to advance an organization’s mission and goals

• Experience directly managing design and communications teams

• Excellent written and oral communication skills

• Highly creative and innovative entrepreneurial spirit

• Proven track record of developing comprehensive communications and business development strategies that have consistently met or exceeded planned objectives

• Demonstrated skills and experience in strategic and operational planning, implementation, business process development, capacity building, and performance management.

• Ability to manage multiple priorities and multiple constituencies simultaneously, working effectively toward deadlines

• Experience managing publications

• Excellent analytical skills, with great attention to detail

• Demonstrated commitment to and experience in working with a diverse and inclusive workforce

• Since the VP will need to work with Senior Leadership and staff across the network, the capacity to collaborate effectively with others is essential.

• Demonstrated ability to work effectively with external stakeholders, board members, senior managers and staff

• Previous experience working with or in non-profit organizations a plus

• Speaker platform and events experience

• Mixture of agency and in-house PR experience

• Ability to thrive in a challenging, demanding and rapidly changing environment

• Sense of humor

Competitive salary and benefits.

Great benefits including health insurance, vacation days, holidays, parental leave, 401K, FSA, T-Mobile Blackberry phone/service and more.

Qualified applicants should send a resume, cover letter, and references to:

City Year Headquarters

VP of Communications Search

Attn: Elaine Mak, Director of Talent Management


Company Description

City Year unites young people of all backgrounds for a year of full-time service, giving them the skills and opportunities to change the world.

As tutors, mentors, and role models, these leaders make a difference in the lives of children, and transform schools and neighborhoods across the United States and in London and South Africa.

City Year is a proud member of AmeriCorps.

7.) WMG Administrative Assistant, Corporate Communications, Corporate Communications, Warner Music Group, NY, NY

Department Description

Warner Music Group Corp. (NYSE: WMG) is the world's only publicly-traded major music company and comprises an array of businesses aimed at helping artists achieve long-term creative and financial success while providing consumers with the highest-quality music content available. WMG is engaged in the recorded music business (including artist services) and the music publishing business.

Detailed Job Description

Warner Music Group is looking for a team player with excellent writing and communication skills for an administrative corporate public relations position. The successful candidate will report into the VP, Corporate Communications.


•Assist with speaking engagement preparation

•Organize department drive and files

•Create clips books and binders

•Fact check releases and briefing materials

•Maintain corporate communications memo and press release databases

•Maintain award season calendar and updates

•Expenses, journalist research, organize logos, billing, clips back-up and other various administrative duties as assigned

Skills Required

•Candidate should have excellent writing and communication skills for corporate public relations position

•Strong organizational skills to effectively assist in the management of multiple projects from inception to completion and adhering to deadlines.

•Strong attention to detail

•Team player with a get-it-done attitude

•Ability to be flexible and work in a fast-paced environment

•Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel & PowerPoint)

Special Requirements/Preferences

0-2 years experience


•Bachelors Degree (required)

◦Major in Journalism, Communications or Public Relations a plus

8.) Public Relations and Corporate Communications Manager, Solta Medical, San Francisco, CA

9.) Copywriter, Woolworths, Cape Town, South Africa

Copywriter required to work across all areas of the Woolworths brand to deliver high quality, intelligent and effective copy solutions.

– Deliver to agreed project timelines through supervision of the senior copywriter and/or creative director.

– Develop copy across a wide variety of mediums including SMS messages, in-store ticketing (and other visual communications), brochures and leaflets, emails and other direct customer communication.

– Develop copy for packaging projects through effective partnership with the Creative Studio under direction of the senior copywriter.

– Assist the social media manager with postings to Woolworths social media pages.

– Accurately and timeously complete ad hoc copy writing assignments.

– Ability to read, challenge and interpret briefs in order to deliver effective copy solutions.

– Check and ensure accuracy of all copy delivered according to brief.

– Accurately and timeously proofread layouts as required.

– Maintain awareness of marketing trends and an up-to-date knowledge of the communications mix by continuously researching relevant local and international advertising and marketing communications

To apply for the position and submit your CV, please visit


– Excellent attention to detail

– Planning and organising skills

– An excellent command of the English language

– Good written communication skills

– The ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines

– The ability to interpret and follow a brief

– The ability to think conceptually

– The ability to work well with others

– A good understanding of marketing communication channels

– A good understanding of the Woolworths brand

– Computer literate (Word and Outlook)

– The ability to work as part of a team

– A quick thinker

– Resourceful

– Hardworking and dedicated

Contact details


0861 227337

10.) Director of Executive Outreach (Director EO), Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, Washington, DC

The Director of Executive Outreach (Director EO) is responsible to develop a comprehensive communications strategy to systematically obtain stakeholder input, analyze them, develop processes and plans to message stakeholders, and to fully coordinate with those within SIGAR to implement effective targeted messaging to external stakeholders.

The Director EO oversees SIGAR’s Public Affairs which encompasses the conduct of relations with news media and other stakeholders in the development and execution of a strategic communications campaign under the direction of a senior level supervisor. The incumbent plans, organizes, and executes news media encounters dealing with SIGAR matters. Planning and execution requires coordination with senior level officials and subject matter experts to ensure synchronization and consistency of communications with news media and other publics, and the Congress. The work is performed with great sensitivity and confidentiality; information is provided in a timely and accurate manner and is presented to the intended audience(s).

The Director EO oversees SIGAR’s Congressional Affairs and the development and implementation of a congressional relations action plan for SIGAR. This includes maintaining on a regular basis personal contacts between the SIGAR and members of Congress to enhance effectiveness in messaging Congressional stakeholders. The incumbent briefs SIGAR on pending outreach meetings. Utilizing subject matter expertise identifies and performs analyses of issues; develops options and alternatives providing in-depth technical analyses; coordinates findings with others; and prepares written reports for and/or provides oral briefings to policymakers.

The Director EO will oversee coordination of SIGAR messaging to stakeholders related to quarterly Congressional reports, strategic plans, and analysis for SIGAR work products.

Incumbent represents SIGAR at Congressional meetings and hearings, at conferences and meetings with representatives from other government agencies, as well as non-government organizations such as private industry and academia, on matters related to strategic management, productivity, and information management concepts. Establishes productive liaison with professional groups and other government agencies to gain insights and support to improve SIGAR performance.

Knowledge Requirements:

Extensive experience managing multiple outreach programs and achieving stated goals and requirements. Possesses expertise in interpersonal techniques to meet and deal effectively with others at all levels of authority and exert a positive influence.

Extensive experience communicating technical information orally and in writing to high level officials.

Extensive experience in principles and practices of Public Communications, Strategic Communications, Public Affairs, outreach (domestic and international), post conflict reconstruction environments, Congressional and media relations, and implementing strategic messaging campaigns.


• Bachelors degree in journalism, communications, or related field is required.

• Minimum of 15 years senior level outreach and communications experience.

• Experience supervising and managing outreach and communications teams.

• Experience developing and implementing media and communications strategies (short term and long term).

• In depth understanding of Hill, State, DoD and USAID cultures.

• Preferred experience in strategic communications and outreach in conflict/war zones.

• Experience developing and implementing messaging campaigns for targeted audiences.

• Extensive communications outreach experience (domestic and international).

• Experience in event planning, external affairs and media, and outreach communication strategy.

Special Conditions of Employment:

Incumbent occupies a position that may be considered essential to support of the SIGAR mission. If your position is considered emergency essential, failure to remain in your position may result in separation for the efficiency of the Federal Service (Ch. 75, Title 5 USC; FPM Ch. 752).

Overseas travel, including extended travel to Afghanistan, may be required. In support of this travel, the incumbent is required to meet minimum standards of fitness for deployment to Afghanistan. Fitness standards include, but not limited to: wearing of personal protective equipment, such as a mask, ballistic helmet, body armor, and chemical or biological protective garments.

Form SF 312. This position requires the incumbent to complete a Form SF 312, Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement.

The incumbent may be required to submit an Executive Branch Confidential Financial Disclosure Report.

The incumbent must be eligible and able to maintain a TOP SECRET level clearance.

Applicants should send a resume by electronic transmission, to or fax 703-602-8753 Attention: Human Resources.

11.) VP Corporate Communications, Tesoro Corporation, San Antonio, Texas

Tesoro Corporation, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, is a Fortune 150 and Global 500 company with approximately 6,000 employees. As a leading independent refiner and marketer of petroleum products we operate seven refineries and more than 900 branded retail stations.

Our strength lies in our investment in employees and in their future. We measure success not only by the products we bring to our customers, or the financial results we deliver to our shareholders, but also by remaining true to our core values of honesty and integrity; respect and trust; commitment to excellence; creative and entrepreneurial spirit; teamwork; and safety and environmental stewardship.

Discover your strengths and invest in your future by applying today.

This position creates and executes effective corporate communications strategy, policies and programs to sustain and enhance favorable image for Tesoro. Ensures corporate communications, is a mission-critical function, making maximum contribution to achievement of Tesoro's goals and objectives by strengthening Tesoro's reputation as responsible corporate citizen, reinforcing and extending Tesoro's positioning as foremost independent petroleum refiner and marketer, increasing visibility of Tesoro's goals and achievements with key public constituents and messaging to employees keeping them informed on important company issues and educated on Tesoro's evolving company value proposition.

Key Responsibilities:

•Creates and executes communications strategies, policies and programs that meaningfully and measurably advance Tesoro's strategic business objectives. Directs large-scale communications projects that span various audiences, are delivered through multiple communication vehicles and address companywide initiatives. Effectively utilizes public relations and internal communications best practices.

•Manages executive messaging. Provides expert counsel to CEO and executive management on internal and external communications issues and opportunities. Creates and coordinates senior executives' messages to external and internal audiences including drafting announcements, public statements, etc. As needed, organizes media training for key employees and senior management.

•Serves as Tesoro's top spokesperson. Drives recurring positive coverage through development and sustainment of relationships with key media contacts. Responds quickly to requests from media and general public. Coordinates philanthropic and community relations/outreach programs/activities. Keeps leadership apprised of activities and developments within community/industry relations arena that impact Tesoro's operations.

•Manages development, maintenance and continuous improvement of internal communications policies, processes and materials to meet information needs of different employee audiences and to support of company goals and objectives. Oversees all internal communication vehicles including print, online and other multimedia tools. Organizes town hall meetings and other mediums to provide senior leadership with forum for communicating with employees. Directs development of communication vehicles including content development and distribution for periodic newsletters, global intranet and system-wide emails. Raises level of business literacy among employees helping them to understand Tesoro's priorities. Creates understanding and appreciation of Tesoro's performance culture. Fosters open lines of communications between workforce and senior management.

•Provides communications support to the CFO on financial and investor issues to ensure consistency in key messages. Works with other corporate leaders in identifying and managing communications on critical emerging business or customer issues as well as special projects or initiatives.

•Works closely with the General Counsel and others in corporate leadership and Legal in responding to crises of varying scope and severity. This includes developing and implementing communications responses and plans under tight time constraints and limited resources.

•Researches, writes and edits speeches and presentations for CEO and executive management. Assists in developing presentations for the Board of Directors.

•Collaborates with with Learning & Development, develops training programs, internal and external, to improve communications skills for various levels of management.


Education and Experience

Bachelor's degree in communications, marketing, public relations or journalism or equivalent required typically required. Masters degree preferred.

Minimum of 15 years of PR/corporate communications experience including extensive strategic communications planning experience typically required. Broad, generalist communications experience with demonstrated capability of leading communications processes from the beginning to the end.

12.) Senior Account Supervisor/Vice President (Corporate Communications), Ruder Finn, New York, New York


Our New York based Corporate Communications group is seeking a SENIOR ACCOUNT SUPERVISOR OR VICE PRESIDENT to join its fast-paced and growing practice. As an experienced public relations professional either already at the senior account supervisor level and looking for new challenges or ready to take the next step to a Senior Account Supervisor or Vice President role you will play a key role on two relatively new global healthcare related clients. The Corporate Communications group partners with a distinguished list of companies that have demonstrated growth year over year in a variety of sectors including healthcare.


You will likely have 6 or so years of experience within a PR agency setting in corporate communications and preferably in the healthcare field ideally with experience with health benefits clients or biotech/biologics/plasma-derived products companies (this is preferred though not absolutely required). You must be a proven project leader with solid skills in driving high-level communications programs and managing teams. You must also have strong writing and editing skills and ideally media relations skills. In your role you must already have experience building strong relationships with clients at a variety of levels.


You will report to a Senior Vice President in a team that is highly collaborative and very strong. However, you will also work fairly independent of your manager, who will be there to mentor you and provide support as needed. As an already experienced leader, you can productively manage account teams to meet client needs on time and on budget, as well as end-to-end projects. We expect that you will mentor and play an active role in the development of junior-level staff by providing growth opportunities and contributing your expertise to our training programs.

*** From Bridget Serchak:

13.) Senior Specialist, Communications (D), General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS), Fairfax, VA

Advertising/Marketing/Public Relations

General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS), headquartered in Sterling Heights, Michigan, is a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics Corporation (NYSE: GD) headquartered in Falls Church, Virginia. GDLS provides a full spectrum of land and amphibious combat systems, subsystems, and components worldwide. The company designs and builds armored vehicles and subsystems for the U.S. Army, Marine Corps, and international customers, and is the defense industry's largest supplier of armored military vehicles.

Communications professional with 15 + years of progressively responsible experience in public relations and marketing communications.

o Responsible for the day-to-day efforts surrounding all communications on the EFV Program;

o Coordinates with subject-matter experts and supervisors in developing responses to incoming congressional, DoD, and media communiqués;

o Coordinates all briefings, papers, presentations, etc., with SHC to ensure conformance with corporate policy and guidelines as well as style sheets and graphics;

o Interacts with business-unit counterparts in managing review and approval process of press releases, media advisories, print advertisements, brochures and other communications tools;

o Interacts with designers, photographers and printers to manage design and production processes on a variety of materials (e.g., annual reports, print advertisements, brochures, marketing mementos);

o Researches, writes and edits media and marketing materials, including advisories, press releases, brochures, opinion editorials, speeches and print ads; and

o Supports communications requirements of other departments (Legal, Finance, Strategic Planning, Engineering, Human Resources) related to business strategy, special events, interaction with government agencies and similar company issues.

o Excellent written and oral communication skills are required;

o Professional and personal presence to interface with customers; use of media as a form of presentation is an advantage;

o Ability to present program and technical briefings to varied audiences, both domestic and internationally, is desired;

o Familiarity with Congress and its committees, Department of Defense and Marine Corps' organizational structures and acquisition programs is strongly desired;

o Awareness of the ITAR and FCPA a plus; certification is preferred;

o Must be proficient in all Microsoft Office products, with strong emphasis on PowerPoint presentations and Excel spreadsheets;

o Attention to accuracy and detail in work product required;

o Ability to manage multiple projects and produce quality results under tight deadlines;

o Must possess a professional demeanor that works well with peers and senior staff;

o Experience interfacing with military customers at all levels including Senior Management is very beneficial;

o Previous military experience is strongly desired; experience with combat vehicles, weapon systems and/or guns is preferable;

o Ability to operate in a self-directed work team; work independently and take initiative is an absolute must;

o Commitment to responding to the needs and requests of others, internally and externally, with a high degree of urgency;

o Excellent organizational and administrative skills are required; and

o Must be able to meet Security Clearance requirements, if applicable in the future.

Job no. AAA-LV-10-11113

14.) Foreign Media Analyst, Europe, General Dynamics Information Technology, Chantilly, VA

General Dynamics Information Technology is a top-tier IT integrator that provides information technology, systems engineering and professional services to customers in the defense, intelligence, homeland security, federal civil and commercial sectors. With approximately 17,000 professionals worldwide, the company has the customer knowledge, domain expertise and proven performance to manage large-scale, mission-critical IT programs.

General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT) is seeking qualified candidates for full-time Media Analyst positions related to U.S. security and foreign policy issues in Europe. Regular duties involve monitoring and analyzing European media, writing regular and irregular reports, some quantitative analysis, briefings, and similar duties. Those with European foreign language skills and international cultural experience who enjoy keeping abreast of current events would be well suited. The successful candidate will have at least an MA degree (or a BA and additional experience) and experience in international relations, security, political science, journalism, sociology or related fields. Fluency in one of the languages of the region of expertise (other languages is an asset), in-depth knowledge and experience within the region, as well as outstanding writing and analytic skills are all required.

Working conditions are normal for an office environment. These positions may require overnight and/or weekend shifts. Media Analysts often work irregular hours and travel up to 15% of the time.


• IAW customer criteria and issues of interest, monitors and analyzes European area of responsibility (AOR) foreign media outlets (print, radio, video and/or Internet) and write various daily, periodic and ad-hoc reports and products

• Assists in conducting qualitative and statistical analysis of local, regional and global events, trends, media coverage, activities, people and organizations based on specified requirements and parameters

• Researches media structure, target audiences and other aspects of the foreign media environment in support of strategic communications efforts

• Attends frequent regional briefings, analysis and coordination meetings

• Provides consistent and accurate statistical data related to European foreign media content according to strict quantitative analysis methodologies

• Assists team lead as required, including editing and writing regional reports, quantitative analysis and updating relevant content on Web site

• May periodically attend relevant and approved conferences and meetings

• Requires occasional adjusted work hours (nights/weekends) to meet required deadlines

• May occasionally respond to customer inquiries and correspondence

• Performs other duties as assigned

•Master's degree and relevant experience in international and European affairs, security, journalism, international strategic communications or related field, OR Bachelor's degree and 8 years of experience

• Requires 8-10 years experience.

• Must be U.S. citizen or eligible to work in the U.S.

• Fluency in a European language is a must; additional language proficiency and fluency a strong asset

• Experience living in a European country strongly preferred

• In-depth knowledge of the cultural, political, economic, historical and social/ethnic aspects of the Mideast and Southwest Asia region will be critical to selection

• Outstanding translation and English writing and editing skills required

• Analytic abilities must be demonstrated

• General interest and knowledge of international affairs and current events is essential

• Professional and collegiate demeanor

• Experience monitoring and analyzing foreign media

• Ability to multi-task and handle tight deadlines

• Excellent communication, attention to detail and interpersonal skills

• Expert experience with Microsoft Office applications required

• Must be able to work independently and as a team member

Job ID: 166171

15.) EDGE Marketing Manager, General Dynamics C4 Systems, Phoenix, AZ

The EDGE Innovation Network is a revolutionary model where industry and academia collaborate with government users to rapidly deliver new technologies and innovative capabilities to warfighters and first responders. Sponsored by General Dynamics C4 Systems, the EDGE provides subject matter expertise, equipment, facilities and laboratories and a Knowledge Management System (KMS) for developing, prototyping and testing technologies, products and systems at faster cycle times than are currently possible on funded programs, all while enhancing the effectiveness, agility, mobility, and survivability of warfighters and first responders worldwide. The EDGE Innovation Network has extensive relationships with each business in the BMSD, as well as with other GDC4S divisions, GD companies, and third party organizations that seek and apply our products. The EDGE Innovation Network is seeking a qualified candidate to fill the position of EDGE Marketing Manager. The EDGE Marketing Manager will represent the EDGE Innovation Network to all Government/Customer organizations who have expressed support and interest to participate in the EDGE. They will be regarded as the single point of contact for government organizations seeking to participate in one or more of the EDGE variants, and as the facilitator of knowledge and status between government organizations on a regular basis. The candidate will be responsible for progressing a Supportive Government Organization to a state where they are actively involved in one or more EDGE projects through capability contributions, feedback, or active interest in transition of a project to a funded program. They will report to the EDGE Director, and interact daily with each EDGE business team throughout GDC4S, and the EDGE Industry and Academic Relations Manager. The preferred site for this position is Scottsdale, AZ; however, it may reside at another General Dynamics C4 Systems facility depending upon the successful candidate's current location and desires.

Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Business, Finance or Technical field, or equivalent experience. Master's degree preferred 9+ years experience in marketing in government based business or relevant DoD experience is required.

Knowledge, skills and abilities that are required for this position can include any combination of the following:

Directs and leads process to promote the development and management of company marketing programs. Monitors the assessment of existing and potential markets, coordination of product development, development of product strategies, promotional activities and product launch. Directs teams in the development and coordination of all marketing communication programs to promote the sale of company products. Manages or participates significantly in the development of proposals or promotion plan, and negotiates business agreements. Develops strong relationships necessary to better understand the customer's needs and decision-making processes.

Conveys the company's interests to the customer and the customer's requirements to company management.

Monitors the research and analysis of the company's markets and makes recommendations based on findings. Selects, develops and evaluates personnel to ensure the efficient operation of the function.

May require the following duties and tasks:

Position includes strategic marketing and all activities associated with marketing and business case analysis: research, segmenting, targeting, positioning, marketing mix, finance/financial modeling, implementation, and monitoring.

Design and implement Business Investment and Planning Processes Implement and educate in use of market and business planning tools.

Assist in business development and lead in marketing aspects of proposals. Advocate and champion of sound business planning and marketing processes. Mentor in business and marketing principles to the organization.

Keeps current on the government and member's needs/environment that may affect how they engage in the EDGE construct. Possess an open charisma suitable for constant interaction with Government member organizations, and representation of the EDGE Innovation Network. – Have demonstrated experience managing complexity and multiple projects simultaneously – Have experience interacting with contractual agreements, and the ability to enforce terms and conditions where necessary. – Be capable of presenting on the EDGE Innovation Network, or any of the EDGE variants that are under operations to VIPs or Senior Leaders who inquire. – Maintain the weekly metrics related to the EDGE Government Members, such as growth trends, member mix, top capability gaps, and active projects relevant to top-of-mind capability gaps. Distribution of these metrics to interested parties is also necessary. – Work closely with the EDGE operations team to plan, produce and distribute the EDGE Newsletter on a quarterly basis. – Monitor and recommend new EDGE Government Members for collaboration with Industry and Academic Members or with specific EDGE business teams as appropriate. To be successful in this role you must be articulate and capable of conveying messages (written and verbal) to a broad range of audiences including customers. You must be able to develop and sustain relationships within technical and non-technical teams.

Significant knowledge of company and competitor products and services

Significant knowledge of government buying and purchasing, legal, regulatory and acquisition processes

Significant knowledge of strategic alliances and relationships between commercial and government entities

Significant knowledge of company marketing and sales processes and practices; strategic planning and analysis processes and practices

Strong proven ability to represent the company to high level customers

Strong proven ability to build and maintain customer relationships

Ability to understand the needs, strategies, and motivations of customers and be the voice of the customers within the company

Ability to lead and or participate significantly in the development and implementation of strategy and tactics for acquiring new business

Strong relationship management and marketing skills

Strong business proposal development skills and outstanding negotiation skills

Customer service driven, able to ensure that commitments to customers are communicated, understood, and completed

Extensive product experience and higher headquarters staff experience is essential

Strong management skills including interviewing, hiring, performance management, motivation and communication

Outstanding communication skills including presentations, one-on-one and groups

May require the following skills:

Consulting, marketing, sales, finance, account and project management, business system information management, needs analysis and requirements definition, strategy

planning and negotiation

Understanding of business and marketing principles and able to apply them across the company and divisions as a recognized expert

Demonstrated effectiveness working independently and in teams with both internal and external clients

Ability to understand technology and engineering concepts

Critical thinking skill

Excellent verbal and written communication skills

Skills in Power Point, Excel, Word, web-based searches

Job ID Number S10-12713

16.) Technical Writer (Military Intelligence), Millennium Corporation, Fort Huachuca, Arizona

Millennium Corporation, a veteran-owned management consulting firm, has a new job opportunity for a Technical Writer supporting our U.S. Army client at Fort Huachuca. This entry level position will coordinate and work with all of the client’s team and contracting companies to obtain the required information. The successful candidate will have strong people-orientation and coordinator skills, understand Military Intelligence and Intelligence systems, be able to demonstrate strong written communication skills of a technical nature, and be able to understand high ranking audiences. The Technical Writer will have a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university and hold an active TS/SCI clearance.

Job Duties:

• Researching and writing technical articles, significant activities report, and other related reporting documents.

• Serve as an on-site liaison for Technical Writing.

• Provide analyses and reports to Director and other decision makers.

• Review and comment on strategic communications-focused documents, to include articles for publication, website content, speeches and presentations.

• Will edit, write, and/or rewrite technical articles, publications, presentations, and other materials to communicate clearly and effectively.


• Bachelors Degree in Communications, Information Management, Management or related degree is required.

• Hold an active TS/SCI Security Clearance

• Have an understanding of the Military Intelligence Operational Environment, high ranking audiences, political perspectives, and intelligence systems

• Experience in the Technical writing arena

• Must have solid people and coordination skills

• Military intelligence experience or other relevant expertise is desired

• Technical writing experience in a DoD or related defense industry environment is desired

*** From Jack Duggan:

17.) Assistant or Associate Professor, Department of Communication and the School of Journalism in the College of Communication Arts and Sciences (CAS) at Michigan State University (MSU), Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

The Department of Communication and the School of Journalism in the College of Communication Arts and Sciences (CAS) at Michigan State University (MSU) seek a tenure track Assistant or Associate Professor of Health and Environmental Risk Communication or Journalism. CAS was the first communication college in the country, and MSU is the only university in the country with two top 10 doctoral programs in the National Research Council’s rankings of the field of Communication.

The successful candidate will conduct research about risk communication processes and/or environmental health journalism. Candidates could have expertise in such areas as: environmental risk communication; social influence; message analysis; health communication; health, science and environmental journalism; international and intercultural communication of risks; public participation and advocacy; risk decision-making; crisis communication; networks; or policy and risks. The successful candidate would work with interdisciplinary teams to seek research funding from federal agencies such as CDC, NIH, EPA, US Department of Energy USDA as well as state and local agencies and private foundations.

This position is jointly appointed between Journalism and Communication and housed in the School of Journalism. The split of duties will depend on the expertise of the person hired, but the person will be expected to teach courses in both units. The candidate would be expected to work with faculty in the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism, the CAS Health & Risk Communication Center and other units at MSU. Examples of risk research may include media coverage of health and environmental risk issues, message strategies, public relations implications of risk or crisis incidents, public perceptions of risks and decision-making around those risks, analysis of information systems, and intercultural communication of risk issues. The candidate should have a Ph.D. in Journalism, Communication, Mass Communication, or related field. A history of funded research is desirable.

Send letters of application or nomination by email to the attention of Professor Jim Detjen, Search Committee Chair, School of Journalism; via Barb Miller (; phone: (517) 353-9479. Candidates should submit a statement highlighting their experience and qualifications pertinent to the position, a curriculum vitae, and names of three references. Applications are due by December 15, 2010. The search committee will begin its evaluation of applicants immediately, and will continue until an exceptional candidate is selected.

MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. MSU is committed to achieving excellence through cultural diversity. The university actively encourages applications and/or nominations of women, persons of color, veterans and persons with disabilities.

*** From Bill Seiberlich:

18.) Director of Public Relations and Communications, Sun National Bank, Mount

Laurel, NJ

Sun National Bank is seeking a Director of Public Relations and

Communications with 10 – 15 years experience.

PRIMARY PURPOSE: Develop and execute the organizations internal and

external communications and public relations strategy. Prepare

communications and presentations targeted to shareholders and the

investment community. Oversee the planning, coordination and successful

execution of all internal and external marketing events.


– In conjunction with the office of the CEO and the organizations

senior leadership team, participate in the development of the

organizations communication strategy and public relations plan.

– Develop and execute a communications plan for corporate initiatives

(Corporate Reputation, Community Relations, Charitable Contributions,


– Direct and manage all proactive and reactive corporate media efforts,

including channel development, content management, issues planning and

relationship building and management.

– Conceptualize, write and distribute press releases to various media

outlets. Pitch and write by-lined articles to various media outlets.

– Develop presentations and marketing materials for quarterly earnings

calls, investor presentations, annual meetings and Investor Relations

website. May act as a point of contact on behalf of the bank.

– Provide direction to staff in the planning, coordination and

successful execution of all internal and external client, employee, and

marketing events.

– Develop and execute internal communications strategies and plans.

Partner with internal clients to identify and align best practice

communication vehicles in order to achieve desired results. Provide

fast, flexible and quality client support by building and maintaining

relationships with internal clients.

– Evaluate impact and results of all executed plans. Provide

recommendations for future application and or modifications of

established strategies and plans.

JOB SPECIFICATIONS (Minimum Qualifications):

– Knowledge-Skills-Abilities

– Exceptional written and verbal communication ability. Proven ability

to write and edit a wide variety of external communications including

press releases, speeches, talking points, scripts, etc.

– Strong planning, project management and organizational skills with

the ability to manage multiple projects and programs.

– Demonstrated ability to set and manage priorities, resources, goals,

and project initiatives.

– Working knowledge of social media venues, i.e. Facebook, Twitter.

– Working understanding of financial statements and financial


– Demonstrated negotiation and facilitation skills. Ability to

succinctly frame issues and successfully influence decision making.

– Proven leadership, teamwork and collaboration skills.

– Results oriented with ability to apply exceptional problem solving


Experience and Education:

– Minimum 10 – 15 years media/public relations experience in a

corporate environment with proven ability to execute, manage and lead.

– Significant hands-on experience in leading and executing

pro-active/reactive media relations programs involving corporate

reputation, branding, thought leadership and executive positioning.

– Bachelors Degree in Business Administration, Economics, Marketing, or

related field. A.P.R. designation preferred.

Working Conditions / Physical Requirements: Office environment.

Ability to use hands, fingers, wrists, in order to operate a computer.

Ability to hear and speak clearly in order to communicate simple to

complex information to individuals and groups.

DISCLAIMER: This information describes the general nature and level of

work performed by employees in this job. The description is not

designed to be a comprehensive inventory of all duties,

responsibilities, and qualifications required of employees in this job.

Reasonable accommodation may be made to qualified disabled individuals

for the performance of essential duties and responsibilities.

Contact: Please contact Nicole Palena at or apply

online at

19.) Director of Communications and Special Projects, Philadelphia Futures, Philadelphia, PA

Philadelphia Futures is seeking to fill a newly-created position of

Director of Communications and Special Projects. The Director of

Communications and Special Projects will be responsible for a wide-range

of communications and public relations activities including (i)

management of all aspects of the organization's e-communications, (ii)

website content and management and (iii) communications to funders,

supporters and friends. Other responsibilities will include managing the

publication of Philadelphia Futures' highly acclaimed resource for high

school students, “Step Up to College”, and coordinating special projects

and external relationships.

The successful candidate will have substantial experience in

communications and professional writing as well as facility in social

networking, e-communications and website management. Public relations

experience is a plus. The Director of Communications and Special

Projects will report directly to the Executive Director.

Contact: Please send your cover letter, resume and salary requirements

to and note “Director of Communications and

Special Projects” in the subject line.

20.) Corporate Communications Specialist, Styron, Berwyn, PA

Styron is a world leader in the production of plastics, latex, and

rubber. Styron has approximately $5 billion in revenue, with 2000

employees in 40 locations around the world. Formed in June 2010,

following its spin-off from Dow Chemical, Styron has a heritage of

unrivaled customer relationships with the world's leading companies,

based on our know-how and passion to help them meet any challenge. We're

proud of where we're from, but it's where we're going that excites us


Overview: The Corporate Communications specialist is responsible for

implementing various communications responsibilities, including employee

communications programs and vehicles, as well as corporate

communications/reputation programs.


– Implement overall employee communications program for Styron that

will increase employee engagement and alignment, understanding of

business strategy and results, and strengthen the Styron brand and

values. Key elements include quarterly video program, internal news

publications, core sections on the Styron Intranet, e-mail

pushes/updates to employees, and awards programs.

– Manage communications for HR-related topics including corporate

recruitment communications, new employee orientation, compensation and

benefits communications, ethics, etc.

– Manage and/or contribute to global communications programs in Styron,

including corporate events, communications projects and initiatives.

– Manage corporate media relations and social media activities.

– Serve as a key team member in supporting/implementing major corporate

branding activities, customer entertainment programs, and executive


– Serve as program administrator for the employee volunteerism and

donations program. Maintain ongoing publicity about employee

volunteerism and community involvement.


– 5-10 years of experience in corporate communications or public


– Bachelor's degree in Journalism, Public Relations or similar


– Very strong writing skills, ability to take information and quickly

convert it to compelling messages

– Agency management experience

– Experience managing publications is a plus

– Flexibility, ability to multitask and manage multiple projects

* A minimum requirement for this U.S. – based position is the ability

to work legally in the United States on a permanent basis (U.S. citizen,

U.S. Permanent Resident or qualifying Asylee / Refugee).

Contact: To apply, please visit: (Job Number:


21.) Public Relations Account Manager, Diccicco Battista, Conshohocken, PA

Diccicco Battista Communications, an established and growing brand

communications agency, is seeking a full-time PR account manager to join

its team.

Responsibilities include campaign planning, writing/editing, media

outreach, social media mobilization and client management. Strong

editorial skills and proven ability to secure press coverage is


Work with some of the industrys smartest and most creative (and mildly

work-aholic) people on a number of B2B and consumer public relations

campaigns. Agencys roster of clients includes leading pharmaceutical,

retail, technology, financial, healthcare and non-profit companies.

We offer competitive salary with full benefits and 401(k). Offices

based in Conshohocken, PA, minutes from Center City.

Contact: Send resumes and samples of your work to

22.) Writer (Contract Position), Diccicco Battista, Conshohocken, PA

Writers Wanted! Diccicco Battista, an integrated marketing

communications firm, is looking for experienced writers to support

long-term editorial assignments.

If you are a former journalist or public relations pro with heavy

industrial, chemical, and pharma writing experience we want to talk to


This is a contract position and the chosen candidate will work under

the guidance of the Agencys PR manager. Ability to work remotely with

occasional time spent on-site with clients and at the firms

Conshohocken, PA office.

Hourly compensation based upon negotiated scope of work.

Contact: Interested candidates can send resumes and writing portfolio


23.) Creative, Diccicco Battista, Conshohocken, PA

Diccicco Battista Communications in Conshohocken is looking for

talented creatives who have also explored their geeky digital side.

Whether you're a great designer who knows a thing or two about digital,

or an Art Director who writes code, you can do a little bit of

everything. And working here, you'll do just that.

Contact: Only the humble and curious need apply. Send links and salary

requirement to

24.) Marketing and Communications Manager, Living Beyond Breast Cancer, Haverford, PA

Living Beyond Breast Cancer seeks a seasoned professional to provide

strategic oversight, supervision, management and implementation of

marketing, media relations and advertising for a growing national

nonprofit organization. This full-time position (40 hours per week,

including occasional evenings and weekends) is a core member of the

management team, supervises one position and reports to the director of

development and communications. Primary responsibilities are:

Marketing, Advertising and Planning (60 percent of time):

– Execute and supervise the implementation of an annual

marketing-communications plan based on the organizations strategic plan

– Formulate, conduct and oversee marketing campaigns using traditional

and non-traditional methods, including print, radio and transit

advertising, public service announcements, search engine optimization,

social networking, pay-per-click campaigns, linking campaigns and

innovative media

– Form partnerships with businesses to increase name recognition, event

attendance and corporate giving

– Collaborate with the education department on the implementation of a

comprehensive distribution strategy for Living Beyond Breast Cancers

books and brochures for women affected by breast cancer, focusing on

outreach to the healthcare and consumer communities

– Establish/manage relationships with corporate sponsors

– Manage sections of the website including shop to support, special

events, press room, videos

– Create and update marketing materials

– Design and/or select LBBC merchandise for conferences and special


– Manage an ad hoc marketing-communications committee, calling on their

expertise and building a sense of ownership and community

– Ensure the usage and integrity of the organizations identity by

creating and enforcing visual and descriptive standards

Media relations (25 percent of time):

– Create and ensure the implementation of a comprehensive media

relations strategy, including developing key strategic messages and

press materials; pitching stories; creating and maintaining press lists;

arranging deskside briefings and building relationships with local and

national reporters and thought leaders

– Writes or oversee the writing of copy for LBBC newsletters, website,

annual report, blogs and press releases

– Carry out or oversee media relations, marketing, websites and blogs

for all events, including the Annual Conference for Young Women Affected

by Breast Cancer, Yoga Unites for Living Beyond Breast Cancer, The

Butterfly Ball and third-party events

– Serve as media relations representative with donors and partners

– Write or oversee the writing and distribution of press releases, news

advisories, calendar listings, fact sheets, PSAs, op-eds, editorials and

letters to the editor

– Prepare staff for interviews, presentations and public events

– Create and maintain a speakers bureau of professionals and consumers,

with an emphasis on promoting greater access to LBBCs services to people

of color, especially African-Americans and Latinas

Supervisory and Budgetary (15 percent of time):

– Propose and manage an annual budget for marketing, advertising and

media relations activities

– Supervise, train and ensure the career development of the marketing

and communications assistant

– Recommend strategies for marketing and media relations in

consultation with CEO and other directors, based on departmental needs

and schedules

– Oversee the creation of an annual task calendar for all media

relations and marketing activities, and ensure deadlines are met

– Assist with copyediting, proofreading and design expertise

Serious candidates will possess the following skills and attributes:

– 6+ years work experience

– Superior marketing and communications skills

– Superior media relations skills, existing relationships with national

news media preferred

– Superior interpersonal skills, including the ability to work

collaboratively in teams and manage conflict constructively

– Experience supervising staff and vendors

– Excellent computer skills; experience with Cision preferred

– Interest in womens health issues, particularly breast cancer

Education requirements: College degree in marketing, communications or

business required; masters degree preferred

Salary based on experience. Generous benefits package. Breast cancer

survivors, people of color and multilingual speakers are encouraged to

apply. Living Beyond Breast Cancer is an Equal Employment Opportunity


Contact: To apply for this opportunity, please send your cover letter,

resume and two writing samples via email to ATTN: MARKETING MANAGER JOB

to or via fax to (610) 645-4573 or mail to Living Beyond

Breast Cancer, 354 West Lancaster Avenue, Suite 224, Haverford, PA


25.) Marketing Communications Specialist, Nobel Learning Communities, West Chester, PA

Nobel Learning Communities is seeking a Marketing Communications

Specialist with 2-3 years experience.

Nobel Learning Communities, Inc. seeks a marketing communications

specialist for their online K-12 school, Laurel Springs. This position

can be located in either the corporate office of Nobel Learning

Communities in West Chester, PA or at the Laurel Springs School in Ojai,

CA. This individual will assist with all aspects of marketing, including

development, production and maintenance of all marketing communications

and website content.

Ideal candidates will possess strong writing and communications skills

such as information-gathering, interviewing, copywriting, proofreading

and editing, as well as the ability to evaluate graphic design.

Individual must be detail- and deadline-oriented, as well as a proactive

team player.

Essential job duties

– The Marketing Communications Specialist is responsible to:

– Proactively gather information and news from teachers and other staff

– Write and produce newsletters and social media posts

– Maintain content and selected graphics on marketing websites,

utilizing content management systems. (No programming is required.)

– Proofread all marketing communications

– Ensure content/messaging is consistent across all media and adheres

to brand standards

– Maintain priorities, schedules and deadlines for initiatives

– Benefits

– Competitive salary,

– Full health benefits package including medical, dental and life

insurance; flexible spending plan; matching 401(k) plan; tuition

discount; and educational assistance.

Visit our websites:



Job Requirements

– Successful candidates should possess:

– Bachelors Degree in English, Marketing, Communications or Education

– At least 3 years of relevant work experience

– Strong proofreading, grammar, and copywriting skills

– Demonstrated ability to interview and gather information

– Professional level of planning and organizational skills

– Attention to detail and accuracy

– Appreciation of the importance of completing tasks on deadline

– Strong skills in Microsoft Office applications including Word, Excel,

and PowerPoint

– Travel up to 20%

Contact: Caroline Colantuno at or fax


26.) Sales Counselor, Hamlyn Senior Marketing, Robbinsville, NJ

Hamlyn Senior Marketing is seeking a Sales Counselor with 2-3 years


The Pines at Robbinsville, a non-profit CCRC being developed in

Robbinsville, NJ is seeking an experienced F/T sales professional with

exceptional phone presentation & consultative/relationship selling

techniques, to join our established Marketing office. Responsibilities:

identify leads, explain/demonstrate benefits, create a strong pipeline

and close sales. Ideal candidate is self-motivated, disciplined,

strategic REPS user, with a zeal for quality and older adults. Degree

preferred, 3-5 yrs sales exp (CCRC experience a plus) excellent

communication skills, strong organizational, team player, proven track

record required.

Job Requirements

– Generate leads through media, direct mail, community events and

referral sources

– Conduct prompt follow-up of inquires and leads via the phone as well

as in writing.

– Conduct presentations to prospects and family members.

– Facilitate/organize special events, i.e. lead luncheons, cultural

events and Informational Sessions.

– Assist prospective residents, their family members and/or advisors in

the decision-making process by understanding their needs and how we can

meet and exceed their expectations.

– Sales goals and achievement expectations will be set and monitored by

the Marketing Director

EOE, Smoke & DFWP.

Contact: Send resume to: Jacquelyn Miller at

27.) Communications Advisor, Encana, Denver, CO

28.) Corporate Communications Internship Job, SRC and SRCTec, Syracuse, NY

29.) Communications Associate, International Coalition of Historic Site Museums of

Conscience, NY, NY

Closing Date – 03 Dec 2010

30.) Director, Aboriginal Community Relations, Nuclear Waste Management Organization (“NWMO”), Toronto, Ontario, Canada

31.) Communications Specialist, Goodyear, Lawton, OK

32.) Director, Global Communications, Plantronics, Santa Cruz, CA

33.) Communication for Development Specialist, United Nations Children's Fund, Niamey, Niger

Closing Date – 15 Nov 2010

34.) Public Affairs Specialist, Small Business Administration, Atlanta, GA

35.) Director of Public Relations, Belkin, Los Angeles, CA

36.) Full-time Continuing Faculty Member Centre for the Arts and Communications (CFAC), Grant MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

37.) Director of Resource Mobilization and External Relations, Afghanaid, Kabul, Afghanistan

38.) Communications and Advocacy Manager, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, Kabul, Afghanistan

Closing Date – 24 Nov 2010

*** From Emily Dammeyer:

Hi Ned,

Could you please add this to the next JOTW newsletter?



39.) Sr. PR & Marketing Specialist, Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC


Executes media relations plans and coordinates media activities with faculty, including traditional and new media. Produces content for various channels, including print and video. Coordinates special events and various marketing and public relations projects, as assigned. Writes and edits for various publications and audiences, including brochures, annual reports, newsletters, promotional materials and web. Assists in the execution of corporate communication programs, as needed.

Minimum requirements:

5 years of experience required, agency and/or healthcare preferred. Bachelor's degree in related field of study.

Apply online:

40.) Communications Consultant, Northwestern Mutual, Milwaukee, WI

41.) Marketing & PR Spec I, ARUP Laboratories, Salt Lake City, UT*C705467795C79878

42.) Manager, Corporate and Organizational Communications, NPR, Washington, DC


*** From Korey Hartwich:

44.) Communications Coordinator, In the Public Interest, Washington, DC

In The Public Interest is seeking applicants for a Communications Coordinator.

Who We Are

In the Public Interest ( is a national, nonprofit resource center on privatization and responsible contracting. It is committed to equipping citizens, public officials, and public interest groups with the information, ideas, and other resources they need to ensure that public contracts with private entities are transparent, fair, well-managed, and effectively monitored, and that those contracts meet the long-term needs of communities.

The Position

In The Public Interest seeks a dynamic, creative, and resourceful Communications Coordinator to strengthen its communications program and increase the visibility of the project before media, researchers, advocates, policy makers, and the public.

This position will be located in Washington, DC. Occasional travel will be required.

If interested in applying, please email the following materials to Shar Habibi at

45.) Communications Officer, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

46.) Communications Consultant, HSBC Bank, Mettawa, IL

47.) Public Relations Specialist Job, Life Time Fitness, Chanhassen, MN

48.) Corporate Communications Specialist (E3214) Corporate Communications, IEEE Corporate, Piscataway, NJ

49.) Communications Specialist, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Mississippi (TMMMS), Blue Springs, MS

50.) Resident Journalism Advisor – Thailand, Internews Network Inc., Chiang Mai, Thailand

Closing Date – 04 Dec 2010

51.) Communications Manager, DHL Express US, Plantation, FL

52.) Communications Specialist, Chevron Global Upstream & Gas Company, Houston, TX

53.) Writer II; Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare, St. Paul, Minnesota

From Jesenia Rodriguez:

54.) Online & Marketing Intern – 2011 Spring Semester, American Lung Association National Headquarters Office, New York, NY

You can make a difference at one of the nation’s leading health non-profits. Join the American Lung Association in the fight against tobacco, lung cancer, asthma, emphysema, air pollution and lung health issues that afflict millions of people. We have a proud history of success in legislation, legal action, regulation and policy change that places us in the forefront of the most important public health and environmental issues facing our nation. Work with us to help those who suffer from lung disease today, and to stop the spread of lung disease tomorrow.

This internship is in the Communications & Marketing Division in the American Lung Association’s National Headquarters Office located in New York. This is a great opportunity for a student preparing for a career in online marketing, graphics design or website development. The Online/Marketing Intern will work as part of the Online Services Team.

Responsibilities include:

• working with the catalog of online materials for American Lung Association’s websites

• assisting with design- and graphics-related initiatives

• cataloging and organizing graphics, including creating electronic archives

• supporting online marketing of signature reports

• providing support for e-fundraising and some direct mail initiatives

Work Schedule:

Up to 20 hours per week during normal business hours

Base Pay:



A reliable, self-motivated individual with attention to detail and good organizational skills. A strong working knowledge of Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign (Creative Suite 5), Dreamweaver, and HTML. Coordination with multiple divisions will require strong written and oral communication skills. A good sense of visual design for the print and online mediums.

Application Procedure:

Please email a résumé, letter of interest and 3 – 5 examples of your work to:

Maria Vanegas-Zea

Director, Human Resources


The American Lung Association is dedicated to a diverse workforce.

Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V

55.) Communications Coordinator-Victoria, BC, Thrifty Foods, Victoria, BC, Canada

56.) Director, Employee Communications, Illumina, San Diego, CA

57.) Communications Coordinator, CureSearch, Bethesda, MD

58.) Advocacy and Communications Director, Human Rights Watch, Middle East / North Africa – Flexible

*** JOTW Alternative Selections of the week (for those of you who are fed up with your current career choice and need something completely different:

59.) Onion Expert, West Africa, ACDI/VOCA, Various (West Africa)

*** From Jack Duggan:

60.) Galley/Housekeeping Manager, Assistant Cook/Housekeeper, The Nature Conservancy, Palmyra Atoll

The Nature Conservancy is a leading conservation organization working globally to protect ecologically important lands and waters for people and nature. Located 1,000 miles south of Hawai'i and an untold distance from civilization, Palmyra Atoll is one of the most spectacular marine wilderness areas on Earth. Palmyra is a 680-acre atoll with 480,000 acres of lagoons, coral reefs, and submerged lands. Palmyra is a US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Refuge out to 12 miles and a Marine National Monument out to 50 miles. The Nature Conservancy owns Cooper Island, and manages the atoll in partnership with the USFWS.

Palmyra's research station supports scientific research by the world renowned research institutions. Staff is hired on a seasonal basis for approximately 3 months at a time to run the research station and camp facilities. Board and lodging are provided while on-island.

The Galley/Housekeeping Manager is responsible for the management and daily operation of the Palmyra Atoll research station galley and housekeeping departments.

The Assistant Cook/Housekeeper is responsible for meal planning and preparation as well as laundry service and general housekeeping.

Interested parties should visit to learn more about required skills and experience, and to apply for the Palmyra Atoll positions.

(Jack submitted this and many other adventure and conservation jobs to the latest issue of “Your Very Next Step.” See them all at

*** From John Castagna

61.) Fishing job, Alaska

Got a hankerin' for your own “Deadliest Catch” adventure? Want to fish for

crabs in the Bering Sea in Winter?

*** From Judy Heise:

62.) NOW CASTING, Male Host, Hell on Earth, BBC Worldwide Productions

BBC Worldwide Productions and the producers of Dancing with the Stars and What Not To Wear are currently seeking a male host for an amazing, original new series!

Our ideal host will be part survivalist, part environmental scientist—former military Special Ops experience and/or extreme survival training is required. Our host will be both the instigator of the adventure and the guinea pig who enters the danger zone.

This is a truly groundbreaking series that requires an all-out, fearless adventurist with the knowledge to take us along on the incredible journeys into his potential Hell on Earth!

For more information, contact:

Rachel Stevens, Casting Producer


Please send submissions with photos, bio, relative experience and any video links. We are considering only true experts with firsthand knowledge and experience in this world.

*** Read “Your very Next Step,” and get ready to step into your own adventure. Visit to see the November issue. Sign up for the free YVNS newsletter by sending a blank email to Sign up today!

The October issue is now posted at

*** Weekly Piracy Report:

05.11.2010: 1322 LT: Posn: 04:38N – 008:22.4E, 10nm south of parrot island, Calabar, Nigeria.

Twenty pirates armed with guns in two speed boats boarded a tug underway. All crew locked themselves into the citadel which had CCTV. Pirates damaged and stole ship’s properties. After pirates left, the crew regained control of the vessel.

07.11.2010: 0140 LT: Posn: 01:42N – 101:27E, Dumai inner anchorage, Indonesia.

Two robbers boarded a product tanker at anchor. Duty watch keepers spotted the robbers and raised the alarm. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped. Port authorities informed.

06.11.2010: 1953 LT: Posn: 01:01N – 106:41E, around 40nm west of Kepulauan Tambelan, Indonesia.

Six pirates armed with long knives boarded a bulk carrier underway. Pirates entered the bridge and tied the hands of six watch keepers. Pirates took the hostages to the masters cabin, stole ships cash, personal properties and escaped.

05.11.2010: 1457 UTC: Posn: 05:25.0S – 040:42.0E: around 50nm east of Pemba Island, Tanzania (Off Somalia).

Heavily armed pirates in a skiff chased and fired upon a product tanker underway. The tanker made evasive manoeuvres, contacted the coalition forces and manage to escape the attempt. The skiff was deployed by pirates from one a previously hijacked general cargo ship, which was being used as a mother ship.

03.11.2010: 1906 LT: Posn: 10:12.0N – 064:47.0W: Bahia de Barcelona anchorage, Puerto José Venezuela.

Six robbers armed with knives boarded an anchored tanker via the anchor chain. The robbers threatened the duty AB and took his walkie talkie and other personal belongings. The AB managed to inform the bridge. Alarm raised and crew mustered. The robbers escaped empty handed. Port control informed.

03.11.2010: Posn: 05:15.0S – 043:39.0E, around 225nm east of Pemba island, Tanzania, (Off Somalia).

A merchant vessel was reported hijacked by pirates. Nine crew and twenty passengers taken hostages.

02.11.2010: 1237 UTC: Posn: 13:31.42N – 048:19.16E, Gulf of Aden.

A fishing vessel was reported hijacked by pirates.

02.11.2010: 1430 LT: Posn: 07:18.8N – 064:10.1E, around 850nm east of Eyl Somalia.

A mother vessel was seen lowering two skiffs that approached a tanker at 20 knots. Five to six armed persons in each skiff were sighted when the skiffs reached about 500 metres. Security team onboard fired hand flares and warning shots, resulting in the skiffs backing off.

02.11.2010: 0420 LT: Belawan port, Indonesian.

Three robbers armed with long knives boarded a bulk carrier at berth during cargo operations. Duty crew on rounds noticed the robbers and approached them. The robbers threatened the duty crew with long knives, threw a liferaft overboard and escaped. OOW raised alarm and crew mustered.

02.11.2010: 0300 UTC: Posn: 03:58.6S – 043:49.0E, around 245nm east of Mombasa, Kenya, (Off Somalia).

Seven pirates armed with RPG and automatic guns in two skiffs chased and fired upon a bulk carrier underway with intent to hijack. Ship raised alarm. Armed security team onboard took preventive measures and fired rocket flares resulting in the pirates aborting the attempted boarding. No damages to the ship or injuries to crew.

31.10.2010: 1800 UTC: Posn: 09:17.5N – 013:17.0W, off Conakry pilot station, Guinea.

Five pirates armed with automatic weapons in a small speed boat chased and boarded a general cargo ship underway. Master immediately informed port control and the agent. Pirates entered the bridge, ordered the Master to stop the vessel and asked for the destination of the cargo. They searched the masters cabin, and stole the masters and 2nd officers personal belongings. Later a wooden boat came alongside and the pirates left the ship. Port control advised the ship to proceed 3nm away to drop anchor.

30.10.2010: 0100 LT: Posn: 01:31.3S – 048:45.3W, Vila do Conde anchorage, Brazil.

Four robbers armed with knives boarded a bulk carrier at anchor. They took hostage a duty watchman, threatened him with knives and tied him up. They stole ship’s stores and properties and lowered them into their boat. Before escaping, the robbers stole the personal belongings of the watchman and released him. The duty watchman informed the bridge who raised the alarm and informed port authorities.

29.10.2010: 0730 LT: Posn: 17:40.0N – 083:25.0E, Visakhapatnam anchorage, India.

Five robbers in a fishing boat approached a tanker at anchor. They attempted to board by throwing a heaving line onto the ships rail. Alert duty crew noticed the robbers, immediately cut the heaving line and informed D/O who raised the alarm. Crew mustered and directed fire hoses towards the boat resulting in the robbers aborting the attempted boarding. Port control informed.

31.10.2010: 0632: UTC: Posn: 09:57S-042:19E, Around 290nm SE of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania),(Off Somalia).

Armed pirates boarded a chemical a tanker. All crew retreated into the citadel from where they could control of ship. Unable to take control of the vessel the pirates left. At 1059 UTC, the master and the crew regained control of the ship. No damage to ship and no casualties.

30.10.2010: 0512 UTC: Posn: 15:06N-055:58E, Around 170nm SE of Salalah, Oman, off Somalia.

Armed pirates boarded a bulk carrier underway. All crew retreated into the citadel from where they have control of ship. Pirates are still onboard. Further report awaited.

30.10.2010: 0140 UTC: Posn: 12:12N – 064:53E, 633nm east of Socotra island, off Somalia.

Armed pirates in two skiffs boarded and hijacked a product tanker. Further details are waited.

28.10.2010: 1156 UTC: Posn: 12:08N – 054:25E: Off Socotra island, Somalia.

Pirates hijacked a dhow.Further details awaited.

28.10.2010: UTC: Posn: 04:10S – 039:56E (12nm from Mombasa, Kenya) off Somalia.

Six armed pirates in a skiff attempted to board a container ship underway. Onboard security team fired warning shots. Vessel evaded the attack.

29.10.2010: 1245 UTC: Posn: 04:22S – 039:58E (off Kenya), off Somalia.

Pirates armed with RPG and AK47 in two skiffs fired upon a tanker with intent to board. Security team onboard took preventive measures, resulting in the pirates aborting the attack and regrouped with their mother vessel.

24.10.2010: 1620 LT: Posn: 01:00.8s – 104:28.8e, 1.0 nm of Tanjung Jabung, Selat Berhala, Indonesia.

Eleven pirates armed with long knives in two wooden boats came alongside a tug towing an empty barge. They boarded the tug under the threat of long knives stole three drums of MGO and escaped. No injuries to crew. Local authorities informed.

28.10.2010: 0539 UTC: Posn: 13:08N – 049:14E: Gulf of Aden.

Pirates in two skiffs chased a tanker in a convoy and opened fire on it. Warship and other military assets in the vicinity rendered assistance to the tanker.

27.10.2010: 1930 UTC: Posn: 13:18.0N – 068:56.0E, Around 345 nm west of New Mangalore, India, (Off Somalia).

Two skiffs chased and fried upon a tanker underway. Alarm raised, crew alerted and speed increased. Effective anti piracy measures resulted in skiffs aborting attack. An unlit suspected mother vessel was detected on the radar at a distance of 14 nm.

27.10.2010: 1300 UTC: Posn: 10:51N – 063:28E, around 710nm east of Raas Xaafuun, Somalia.

Pirates in two skiffs armed with guns chased and attempted to board a container ship underway. Vessel managed to evade the attack. Further report awaited.

26.10.2010: 1805 LT: Posn: 08:20.2S – 040:42.4E: 62nm from Jibondo island (off Tanzania), off Somalia.

About five pirates heavily armed with automatic weapons and RPG in a skiff chased and fired upon a LPG tanker underway. The crew contacted the authorities and went into the citadel / safe room. Pirates boarded the tanker but could not sail the tanker. Before leaving the vessel the pirates caused some damage. Later, crew took command of the tanker and sailed towards a safe port. No injuries to crew.

25.10.2010: 0856 LT: Offshore Onne, Nigeria.

While alongside the rig, several small boats were sighted in the vicinity. The skiffs approached the tug with threat to board it. Alarm raised, tug casted off and proceeded to open sea. The boats chased with attempt to board it. Later, due to evasive manoeuvres and anti piracy measures, the boats aborted the attempt.

23.10.2010: 0252 UTC: Posn: 13:09.1N – 049:12.6E, Gulf of Aden.

Five pirates armed with AK47 weapons in a skiff chased and fired upon a general cargo ship underway. Master raised alarm, increased speed and crew mustered in the citadel. Onboard security personnel fired rocket flares at the skiff and the pirates aborted the attempted boarding. No injuries to crew and damages to the ship.

24.10.2010: 0542 UTC: Posn: 03:29.0N – 059:35.0E: Around 850 nm east of Mogadishu, Somalia.

Pirates armed with automatic weapons and RPG attacked a general cargo ship and boarded it. The crew members entered into the safe room / citadel and locked themselves from inside. They contacted the authorities for assistance. When pirates could not sail the ship, they damaged the ship and abandoned it. The next day, the master informed a warship that all crew are safe and in the citadel.

23.10.2010: 1235 UTC: Posn 04:14.0S – 041:19.0E Around 98 nm east of Mombasa, Kenya, Off Southern Somalia.

Armed pirates attacked and hijacked a LPG tanker underway. Further details awaited.

22.10.2010: 2300 UTC: Posn: 13:08.0N – 048:44.0E, Gulf of Aden.

Five pirates armed with guns in a high speed skiff chased and fired upon a container ship underway. Master took evasive manoeuvres, contacted warship and crew activated fire hoses. After 10 minutes of chasing, the pirates aborted the attempted attack. No injuries to crew.

20.10.2010: 2100 LT: Posn: 14:32.2N – 120:54.9E: Manila, Philippines.

Robbers in two motor boats boarded a container ship via anchor chain. Duty bosun noticed unusual movements on the forecastle deck and informed duty officer. Alarm raised, crew mustered. Fire hoses used to prevent robbers from entering forward store. During this time, another group of robbers boarded the vessel from the stbd side. Due to crew alertness, robbers jumped overboard and escaped in their speed boats with stolen ship property.

21.10.2010: 1600 UTC: Posn: 04:20.5S – 040:25.0E, Around 43nm east of Mombasa, Kenya (Off Somalia).

Taking advantage of a moonlight night four pirates in a skiff chased and came alongside a product tanker underway. Alert duty officer heard the sound of the boat engine and upon investigation noticed the pirates attempting to board his vessel. Alarm sounded and speed increased. The skiff aborted the attack and attempted once again after 20 minutes. Due to effective preventive measures, the skiff aborted the attempts. A fishing vessel suspected to be the mother ship was noticed around 6nm off.

21.10.2010: 0825 UTC: Posn: 09:45.9S – 039:56.9E, Around 10nm off Tanzania coast (off Somalia.

Eleven armed pirates in two skiffs chased and opened fire on a container ship underway. The master enforced all anti piracy measures and contacted the Dar es Salaam port authorities for assistance. Due to effective preventive measures, the skiff aborted the attempt. Vessel sustained some damages due to RPG fire. Crew reported safe.

20.10.2010: 0100 LT: Indopalm berth no 1, Dumai, Indonesia.

Three robbers armed with knives boarded a chemical tanker at berth. They tied up a motorman and threatened him with a knife to his neck to open the steering gear room. Later duty watchman noticed the motorman tied up and raised the alarm. By the time the crew mustered and searched the ship the robbers had stolen ship stores and escaped. Master informed.

19.10.2010: 1830 UTC: Posn: 02:02.0N – 050:13.7E, Around 290 nm east of Mogadishu, Somalia.

Six pirates armed with guns in a skiff chased a product tanker underway. Master raised alarm, increased speed and took evasive manoeuvres. The pirates came at a distance of 100 metres and commenced firing at the tanker. Master continued with the evasive manoeuvres and crew started firing with pyrotechnics and hand held rocket flares. The pirates aborted the attempted attack and moved away. No injuries to crew and damage to the tanker.

20.10.2010: 0300 – 0400 LT: Posn: 01:24N – 104:34E, Indonesia.

Unknown number of robbers boarded a product tanker at anchor. Robbers broke into the steering gear room and stole ship’s stores. Duty 2/Off on safety and security rounds noticed bare-foot marks near steering gear room and engine room and raised alarm. Robbers escaped.

20.09.2010: 1900 LT: Posn: Bangkok, Thailand.

Robbers boarded a bulk carrier moored at the dolphin. Upon noticing that the forecastle stores padlock was broken, the duty A/B informed the 2/O who raised the alarm. Crew mustered and searched the ship but the robbers had already escaped with ships properties.

16.10.2010: 2005 LT: Posn: 00:01.20S – 117:36.26E, Bontang roads, Indonesia.

Two robbers boarded a bulk carrier at anchor. The duty crew noticed that the forward store's padlock was broken and raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with stolen stores in a small motor boat.

09.10.2010: Off Somalia.

Pirates hijacked a fishing vessel and took hostage its 43 crew members. Further report awaited.

16.10.2010: 0300 LT: Posn: 06:02.6S – 106:54.1E, Jakarta anchorage, Indonesia.

Four robbers boarded a bulk carrier ship at anchor. Upon noticing the engine store room padlock broken the duty motorman informed bridge and 2nd Officer raised alarm. Crew mustered and searched the ship but the robbers had already escaped with engine stores.

15.10.2010: 0500 LT: Posn: 01:31.7S – 048:47.1W: Vila do Conte anchorage, Brazil.

Three robbers boarded an anchored general cargo ship via the anchor chain. Deck security watchman noticed a small boat near the anchor chain and raised the alarm. Crew mustered. Hearing the alarm the robbers escaped empty handed. Investigation carried out indicated that the robbers had managed to cut through the forward stores padlock. All crew safe and nothing stolen. Authority and agent were informed.

15.10.2010: 0250 LT: Posn: 02:06.17S – 108:45.6E: Karimata Straits, Indonesia.

Six pirates armed with long knives boarded a crude tanker underway. They took hostage three crew members and forced entry into master’s cabin. Before escaping the pirates stole cash and personal belongings from the Master and some crew members. Upon mustering the crew it was noticed that one crew was slightly injured on the neck and another had his hands tied.

12.10.2010: 1500 UTC: Posn: 08:11N – 067:56E: Around 1400nm NE of Mogadishu,Indian Ocean (off Somalia).

Pirates boarded and hijacked a product tanker underway. The 21 crew members locked themselves in the citadel. When pirates could not sail the vessel they abandoned the vessel on 13.10.2010. Crew members took command of the vessel and resumed the voyage.

12.10.2010: 0001 – 0400 LT: Posn: 01:18.3N – 104:12.1E: Eastern OPL anchorage, Malaysia.

An unknown number of robbers boarded a tanker at anchor. They broke the padlock of the FFA locker, stole ship’s stores and escaped unnoticed.

11.10.2010: 1245 LT: Posn: 22:11.06N – 091:44.38E: Chittagong anchorage, Bangladesh.

While at anchor, robbers boarded a container ship. They entered the forward store and stole ship’s stores. When noticed by crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped.

10.10.2010: 1338 UTC: Posn: 03:28S – 040:49E, Around 70nm NE of Mombasa, off Kenya (Off Somalia)

Armed pirates boarded and hijacked a general cargo ship and took its crew as hostage. Further report awaited.

10.10.2010: 1825 UTC: Posn: 09:54.4S – 040:09.0E, Around 51nm SE of Kiswere. Tanzania (Off Somalia)

Five pirates armed with guns chased and opened fire on a product tanker underway. The Master enforced all anti piracy measures and contacted the Tanzanian navy for assistance. Due to effective preventive measures, the skiff aborted the attempt. All crew safe and the vessel was escorted by Tanzanian navy boats to port Mtwara, Tanzania.

10.10.2010: 1115 UTC: Posn: 04:59.4N – 067:06.4E Around 1300 nm ExN of Mogadishu,(Indian Ocean) off Somalia.

Four pirates armed with AK 47 and RPG chased and opened fire on a bulk carrier underway. The master enforced all anti piracy measures and contacted the 24 hour IMB Piracy Reporting Centre (IMB PRC) for assistance. Duty officer at the IMB PRC immediately contacted the relevant authorities requesting assistance for crew and vessel and also broadcast a warning to all ships. Due to effective anti piracy preventive measures onboard, the skiff aborted the attempt. All crew safe. Vessel sustained damages.

09.10.2010: 1845 LT: Posn: 21:06.7N – 091:12.5E, Around 50nm off Chittagong port, Bangladesh.

Robbers in a fishing boat boarded an unmanned vessel under tow toward the port of Chittagong. The tugboat master sounded alarm and directed search light towards the boat and fired rocket flares. Six more fishing boats later approached and boarded the unmanned vessel. The incident was reported to the agents as distance from land around 50 nm and Coast Guard could not be reached on VHF. All crew onboard tug safe.

07.10.2010: night hrs: Ho Chi Minh City outer anchorage, Vietnam.

Robbers boarded a container ship at anchor. They stole ship's properties and escaped.

07.10.2010: 0440 UTC: Posn: 10:16.1N – 064:43.0W, Puerto la Cruz tanker anchorage, Venezuela.

Three robbers boarded a chemical tanker at anchor. The duty A/B who just took over the watch noticed that the forecastle door's padlock was broken and he informed OOW. Alarm raised, crew mustered and rushed to the forecastle. Upon seeing the crew alertness, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with ship's properties and stores in their wooden boat. Port control informed and the authorities boarded the tanker for investigation.

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Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153


+1 703 455-7661

“At moments of great enthusiasm it seems to me that no one in the world has ever made something this beautiful and important.”

– M.C. Escher

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