A JOTW “Can't Wait” announcement: UNDERGROUND STRATEGIES

Now that you're sorting out Social Media – it's time to go “UNDERGROUND” – and learn dozens of tips, tricks and tactics that can help you set a Social Media Strategy – no matter what you do, what kind of organization you're with, and what kind of budget you have. On this Area 224 Webinar on Thursday, December 9 at 1 PM EASTERN, 12 NOON CENTRAL, 11 AM MOUNTAIN and 10 AM PACIFIC, Area 224 CEO and Veteran Webinar Host Dave Van de Walle will show you what he's learned – starting his own social networks, spending tens of thousands on advertising, marketing, technology building – and Dave will tell you what mistakes to avoid…including the free tools that you can get in a matter of minutes to help make your company shine in the new, social world. Plus, everyone gets copies of the audio and the special UNDERGROUND STRATEGIES report – with more valuable tricks for making things happen for your business and brand. Get your tickets by Monday, December 6 and they're only $35. Here's the link: http://224underground-ned.eventbrite.com. Price goes up on Tuesday to $49.

*** The Job of the Week newsletter, the Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter (DEFCON-1), www.nedsjotw.com and www.yourdefcon1.com are a service of The Job of the Week Network LLC. Ned Lundquist, ABC, is editor and publisher.

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“Can't Wait” postings have immediate impact and get immediate results.

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To submit a “Can't Wait” announcement, contact Ned at lundquist989@cs.com.

The JOTW Network – A world in communication For your hospitality, thank you!

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The JOTW newsletter is published by:

Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153





(C) Copyright 2010 The Job of the Week Network, LLC

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