Your Personal Brand

personal brandBack in the days of the Wild West, a brand was a letter or a symbol or a combination of both that cowboys burned into the skin of livestock. Everyone who saw that brand would immediately know that the brand meant someone specific owned that particular animal.

Today, if you want to stand out compared to others who are applying for the job that you want, you need to focus on a brand of a different kind. This brand is for human beings, not cattle. You do not want this brand to be on your skin (even if you think tattoos are fashionable.)

Let me provide a basic definition of what a personal brand is: For you, your personal brand should be the sum total of all that you, as an individual, use to make yourself distinctive in public compared to every other person.

Your personal brand needs to include all five of these essential elements:

#1–What you are like on the outside (your outward appearance versus your inner self)

#2–How well you communicate verbally and in writing in public

#3–What others perceive of your most dominant character trait (e.g., friendly, grumpy, warm, cold, reclusive, trustworthy, etc.)

#4–What it is about you that makes you unique compared to every other person

#5–What it is that you can do for others in your career that makes you unique compared to every other person

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Copyright © 2012, Woody Goulart. All Rights Reserved.

See the growing list of posts in the “Stand Out” series here at Ned’s JOTW website.

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  1. on July 8, 2012 at 12:16 pm
  2. on July 8, 2012 at 12:17 pm
  3. on July 8, 2012 at 12:24 pm
  4. on July 9, 2012 at 11:11 am
  5. on July 9, 2012 at 11:13 am