DEFCON 1 Newsletter for January 15, 2014


Surface Warships 2014


Portsmouth, UK

January 29-30-31



Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter

DEFCON 1 Newsletter for January 15, 2014

Issue # 347


“The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.”

– Eden Phillpotts


***  You can also subscribe to this and my other two newsletters at .  The Job of the Week serves communication professionals.  Your Very Next Step is my travel/outdoors/adventure/conservation newsletter.  They’re all free!


***  DEFCON 1 is back, after taking the Christmas holiday off.  Let’s hope that 2014 will be a great year for all of us.

***  Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.

DEFCON 1 brings you job opportunities every week, and counts on members like you to submit job listings to share and post in this newsletter.


Help the network grow.  Sign up a friend.  They can join for free simply by visiting and selecting DEFCON 1.


When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share.  This is a cooperative network.  That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share.


I never give out, rent, or sell my list, and neither does Topica.


***  In this issue (This week’s jobs are listed here, and then offered with links or in more detail below):


1.)  Project Manager, MCR, Washington, DC

2.)  Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialist (These positions must be filled by a veteran), State of West Virginia, Nicholas, Berkeley, and Kanawha Co. only, West Virginia

3.)  Combat Systems Mine Counter Measure (MCM) Warfare Trainer, Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Shore Based Trainer (SBT), San Diego, CA

4.)  Combat Systems Mine Counter Measure (MCM) Warfare Trainer, Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Shore Based Trainer (SBT), Triton Services Inc., San Diego, CA

5.)  Electronics Engineer Asc, Lockheed Martin, Sunnyvale, California

6.)  Engineer IV Systems – Engineer, General, Systems, Joint Electronic Attack and Capability Office (JEACO), DRS Technologies Inc., Oxnard, CA

7.)  Senior Engineer, Center of Excellence in Naval Aviation, ManTech International Corporation, Patuxent Naval Air Station, Lexington Park, MD

8.)  UAV PILOT I – DEPLOYABLE, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Palmdale, California

9.)  COMSEC Training Specialist (TS/SCI clearance), CSC, Chantilly, VA

10.)  Lead Contracts Analyst, MCRI, El Segundo, CA

11.)  System Safety Analyst/Engineer, C2 Portfolio Essentials, Inc., Arlington, VA

12.)  MK30 Underwater Target Maintenance Lead, ICI Services Corporation, San Diego, CA

13.)  Combat Systems Mine Counter Measure (MCM) Warfare Trainer, Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Shore Based Trainer (SBT), Triton Services Inc., San Diego, CA

14.)  Drone Control Computer Programmer 1, Torch Technologies, Eglin Air Force Base, FL

15.)  UAV Operator, Tyonek Native, Lakehurst, NJ


…and more!


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


January 17- 25, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Karlskrona, and Linkoping, Sweden


January 26-29  Helsinki, Finland


January 30-February 1, Portsmouth, UK


March 17-18-19, Accra, Ghana


March 25-26-27, Monterey, Calif.


June 2-3-4, Abu Dhabi, UAE


***  Navy Program Rewards Money-Saving Technologies

National Defense magazine

January 2014

By Edward Lundquist


***  The Power of Teamwork

International Partnerships Foster Better Relations, Enhance Regional Security

Seapower December 2013

By Edward Lundquist


***  Upcoming events:


***  Surface Warships 2014


Portsmouth, UK

January 30-31


The full agenda for Surface Warships 2014 has just been released and is available to download now at


Ned will be conducting a workshop on modularity at this conference.


***  Coastal and Maritime Surveillance


March 17 – 20, 2014

Accra, Ghana


***  Here are the DEFCON 1 jobs for this week:


1.)  Project Manager, MCR, Washington, DC


2.)  Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialist (These positions must be filled by a veteran), State of West Virginia, Nicholas, Berkeley, and Kanawha Co. only, West Virginia


Employee provides a wide variety of services to veterans, and intensive employment and employability development services to disabled veterans as established by federal laws and regulations. Provides and facilitates a full range of job preparation, placement and training services to veterans. Conducts outreach activities with the purpose of locating candidates who could benefit from intensive services, and market these services to potential clients. Provides career and training evaluations and counseling. Works with community, employment and educational organizations in enhancing opportunities for disabled veterans.


Applicants for this job are expected to have excellent communications skills. Experience in interviewing, job placement, guidance, training, claims work, personnel, benefits determination, or social services outreach is desirable. Also, some college course work, degree, or related vocations training may also be helpful. Ability to interact with diverse groups and work in a harmonious team environment is a must. Working knowledge of MSWord and PC record keeping is helpful.

No not apply unless you are available to work in one of these counties: Nicholas, Berkeley, and Kanawha


Hiring Process: APPLY ONLINE.  If you must use a paper application due to disability, please call our office (304) 558-3950 (8-4:30pm) for special instructions. Your eligible score will be based on information provided in your application. No written test is required for this job


If you have previously applied and want to update your name, address or email, do not re-apply. Simply login to your online account and click “My Account”. Make changes and Save. You do not need to re-apply or notify us to make account contact information changes. If you must change or add education, work history, work preferences, or county availability, you may submit a new updated online application after 24 hours. We will use the most recent application. You MUST do this BEFORE any stated closing date. After that, you may send us a letter and we will update your record.


IMPORTANT: This posting is for one or more specific vacancies. Applicants will be considered ONLY for these position(s) and specified location(s). Your application will remain active for this job for 120 days or until the job is filled. Should this job title be re-opened for applications at a later date, applicants who remain interested in this job title MUST re-apply to be considered. We strongly suggest that you complete an online Interest Card at our main jobs page to receive an email notice anytime jobs in this or other categories are posted (Job Category: Social Services).




Training: Graduation from a standard high school or the equivalent.


Experience: Two years of full-time or equivalent part-time paid employment (any type).

Experience in interviewing, job placement, guidance, training, claims work, personnel, benefits determination, customer services, or social services outreach is desirable.


Veteran Status: A non-veteran is not eligible to be appointed to fill a Disabled Veterans Outreach Program Specialist position. You must have served on active duty for a period of more than 180 days and was discharged or released therefrom with other than a dishonorable discharge. Reservists & NG members who were called to active duty other than for training and who received a campaign badge for service in a conflict area may also qualify. You may attach a copy of your DD214 or VA disability verification letter to the applications or provide document copies by regular mail. For this job, verification documents are not required for hiring consideration. You will be required to verify your veterans status if contacted by the agency.


Experience Substitution: Successful full-time study in an regionally accredited college or university, or resident business or vocational school training may be substituted through an established formula for the required experience.


NOTICE: If you are claiming college as substitution for experience, you MUST attach or provide by mail a legible copy of your education transcript. To avoid missing a job opportunity, it is important that you provide this verification as soon as possible. You only have to provide this verification one time. It is not required with every application. Attach documents to the online application, or mail to: Division of Personnel, 1900 Washington St E. Charleston, WV 25305. This notice supercedes any contrary information in any specific announcement.


Special Requirement: When vacancies occur, Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialist positions must be filled by qualified disabled veterans. If no qualified disabled veterans are available, the Bureau of Employment Programs must request a waiver to hire a non-disabled veteran from the Regional Director, Veterans Employment and Training Service, U.S. Department of Labor.


3.)  Combat Systems Mine Counter Measure (MCM) Warfare Trainer, Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Shore Based Trainer (SBT), San Diego, CA


4.)  Combat Systems Mine Counter Measure (MCM) Warfare Trainer, Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Shore Based Trainer (SBT), Triton Services Inc., San Diego, CA


5.)  Electronics Engineer Asc, Lockheed Martin, Sunnyvale  California


6.)  Engineer IV Systems – Engineer, General, Systems, Joint Electronic Attack and Capability Office (JEACO), DRS Technologies Inc., Oxnard, CA


7.)  Senior Engineer, Center of Excellence in Naval Aviation, ManTech International Corporation, Patuxent Naval Air Station, Lexington Park, MD


8.)  UAV PILOT I – DEPLOYABLE, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Palmdale, California


9.)  COMSEC Training Specialist (TS/SCI clearance), CSC, Chantilly, VA


10.)  Lead Contracts Analyst, MCRI, El Segundo, CA


11.)  System Safety Analyst/Engineer, C2 Portfolio Essentials, Inc., Arlington, VA


12.)  MK30 Underwater Target Maintenance Lead, ICI Services Corporation, San Diego, CA


13.)  Combat Systems Mine Counter Measure (MCM) Warfare Trainer, Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Shore Based Trainer (SBT), Triton Services Inc., San Diego, CA


14.)  Drone Control Computer Programmer 1, Torch Technologies, Eglin Air Force Base, FL


15.)  UAV Operator, Tyonek Native, Lakehurst, NJ


***  Thank you for sharing this week’s DEFCON-1 newsletter.  Visit our website at  You can also read previous issues at


Your company’s jobs can be listed here when you share them with me.

Please ask your Director of HR to send me your company’s most pressing job hiring priority each week.  Make sure your recruiting manager subscribes to DEFCON 1.


To submit jobs to this newsletter, send to  Include job title, organization/company, location, brief description (optional), and how to follow up (contact, link, etc.).


To subscribe to DEFCON 1, visit .


DCO is a companion newsletter to my Job of the Week newsletter that serves the more than 11,000-members of the JOTW network.  It is possible that some job listings will appear in both newsletters.  If you want to subscribe to the free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, visit .


***  Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities


Reach the defense industry professionals in the DEFCON 1 Network!

You can find qualified job candidates or motivated customers with DEFCON 1.


*** One-time “Can’t Wait Announcement”


A one-time job listing or announcement sent immediately to the entire DEFCON 1list.


Cost: $200


*** One-time “Top Job” announcement


If you want your job to run as one of the first five listings, you can be a “Top Job” for $100 per week. This is also the best way to have your job listed in consecutive or multiple newsletters.


Cost: $100


*** One time monthly sponsorship


Banner ad at the top of the website for one calendar month, with 20-word text ads at top and bottom of the DEFCON 1 newsletter for that month; 100-word text ad in body of the DEFCON 1newsletter for that month; one free “Can’t Wait” announcement.


Cost: $600


*** Two-week sponsorship


Banner ad at the top of the website for two issues, with 20-word text ad at top of the DEFCON 1newsletter for those two weeks. One free “Can’t Wait” announcement.

Cost: $500


*** Annual DEFCON 1 sponsorship


Two one-month DEFCON 1 sponsorship ad placement package, which includes banner ad at the top of the website for one calendar month, with 20-word text ads at top and bottom of the DEFCON 1 newsletter for that month; 100-word text ad in body of the DEFCON 1 newsletter for that month. ($1,200 value), plus: ad placement in side margin of for entire year (an $900 value); two free “Can’t Wait” postings ($400 value)


Cost: $1,800


*** Sidebar ad on the DEFCON 1 website:


175×350 pixel sidebar ad on the DEFCON 1 website


One month: $150

Three months: $400

One year: $900


Combination packages are available with and To sponsor or advertise, contact Ned Lundquist at


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153

+1 703 455-7661


Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.


For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2014 Job of the Week Network, LLC




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