JOTW 01-2025


Sunset for JOTW

It’s coming!



JOTW 01-2025

January 6, 2025

Happy New Year!

The Free Job of the Week Newsletter

This is JOTW newsletter number 2,068


“Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, ‘It will be happier.’

– Alfred Lord Tennyson


I know I announced that this edition of the JOTW newsletter would be my last.  I had hoped for a way to transition this network and service to someone else who could carry the torch forward.  I believe we are on that track, but I will continue to publish until we are ready to pass the baton.  So…stand by.


This edition of JOTW comes to you from Springfield, Virginia.


***  Welcome to the JOTW network!


You are one of more than 5,700+ members in the JOTW subscriber network.


This is the award-winning free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, dedicated to the positive unanticipated consequences of networking, or as we call it, “nedworking.”  JOTW is a cooperative service.  That means JOTW relies on the contributions of its members, like you.  We share job opportunities, news and information about the job market, as well as swapping stories about life’s peculiarities.  We connect you with others who are like you, and together we help each other.  What a concept.  Did I mention it’s free?


***  To submit a job for sharing on JOTW, please provide the job title, organization or company, and location and send it to Ned at   Provide a link or contact info so people can check out your listing or follow up if interested.


***  Posting a job is free.    Recruiters can submit up to three jobs for free.  Each job listing may be posted once in the newsletter for free


I request that you do not send pdf files that I have to copy and reformat.  I prefer you provide your very brief job description in an email rather than an enclosure.  Please limit the size of your position descriptions (generally to 500 words or less).  “Can’t Wait” blast email priority listings are $300, and “Top Job” placement is $100.  Just send to me at


***  This is a cooperative service.  It relies on your participation and contribution.  As you receive the benefit of this free newsletter, you should also send in jobs you learn about.  This is especially the case when there are job listings in the companies that you work for.


***  To sign up for JOTW’s new Google Groups list, send an email to Ned at and request to join the JOTW listserv.  If you received this as an email from, then you are on this list.


***  A special message to my JOTW subscribers


For all of you wonderful people who sent a thoughtful note to show gratitude for being a part of this network over the years, I thank you, and will respond personally.  And for those who have offered to help, I also thank you for the gesture and willingness to serve.


When I announced the ceasing of publication, and offering to pass the management on to someone who was interested, I hadn’t thought the process through.  To be sure, there are plenty of you who raised their hand to help. And we all thank you.  Once I realized I had a number of volunteers, I also realized I had no plan to decide how to move forward with a transition.  So, I will tell you that I do have several people who will lead this effort, but all who volunteered will be given a chance to help.  Just be patient.  In the meantime, I will keep JOTW on its weekly schedule until such time as I can confidently pass the baton.


Thank you.




***  Here are some more comments about the Job of the Week Newsletter and its impending shutdown:


***  From Susan Baker:


Dear Ned,


Tardy Santa is finally getting in gear. I want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I am one who has enjoyed JOTW very much over the years, shared with fellow position seekers, and personally applied to those applicable.


My gratitude is immense.


I have also enjoyed your adventures on FaceBook and your posts on LinkedIn.

Your Nedworking is a Font of Wisdom.


I am subscribed through the [] so understand I am safely on the JOTW’s new Google Groups list — I look forward to what’s next!


Thank you so much,


Susan &

her KittyMENZ


*** From Karen Vahouny:


Under the red and green JOTW logo, I see “sunset is coming.”


I am VERY glad that sunset is now coming after all.  Grateful for the volunteers who will be stepping in.






***  From Mark Brender:


Well Ned…finally going to step back and relax! Well done and Bravo Zulu to you. While I never looked for a position, I always scanned the JOTW just to see the types of positions out there and how much things have changed since I was a PAO. Your job site actually tracks the cultural and work history of America as the jobs in PR and other realms changed with technology and needs. I know you must take satisfaction in that….and I hope someone grabs this passion from you and continues it.


Best to you


Mark Brender



***  From Bridget Serchak:


So proud of you and all you have done for the PR community around the world. We are all in your debt. What a legacy! Thank you for JOTW. I will miss it but you deserve to pass the torch and enjoy your next chapter! Kudos to you. I retire 1/31/25. It would be great to see you again and buy you lunch and celebrate! Bridget


Bridget Ann Serchak


***  From Anastasia Khoo:


Thanks, Ned, for all you have done! I’m sure it has been a labor of love, and at many times, just labor. I have appreciated the newsletter over the years as I’m sure so many others have done. Wishing you all the best as you make this transition and again, thank you.




***  From Jay Radner:


Hi Ned –


As a dedicated reader of your weekly newsletter since (apparently) just shortly after its inception, I would like to extend my heart-felt thanks for all of the effort you’ve put into producing something great that has quietly and positively impacted so very many people.


I can’t recall where I first heard of JOTW, but I have shared it with friends and colleagues, mentioned it in interviews, and talked about it with clients, It truly will be missed.


Please take good care of yourself and enjoy the extra time that your schedule so clearly deserves back after all these years.


Warmest Regards,

Jay Radner


***  From Doug Church:


Thank you, Ned, for the valuable service you have provided to myself and thousands of others in the communications business. Your efforts are appreciated! Wishing you all the best. And Happy Thanksgiving.


-Doug Church


***  From Jim Bernfield:


Ned —


Just a quick note of thanks for your commitment to putting together and getting out JOTW every week. I understand your need to sunset it, but I hope you’ll still put out an occasional issue, perhaps around March 32nd of next year.


— Jim


***  This week’s Can’t Wait postings:


None this week


***  Can’t Wait jobs:  These jobs are forwarded to the entire list as soon as they are received, and do not wait for the Monday newsletter, and are posted prominently on the JOTW website.  Then they are posted first in the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Can’t Wait postings cost $300.  Contact Ned at


***  This week’s Top Job:


None this week.


Top Jobs:  Stand above the rest.  Your job can be right here, at the top of the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Top job placement costs $100 per job per week.  To be on top, contact Ned at


***  If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (,   and I’ll share it with the JOTW network.


***  Here’s the link for the JOTW newsletter on the website:


***  One Paragraph Pitch:


None this week.


***  Send your One Paragraph Pitch submissions to   You can pitch yourself or your business any way you want, as long as it’s short and to the point.  You can include a photo, too! There is no waiting list.  Or, if there is, the queue is pretty short.  And it’s free!  Submit yours today!


***  Source of Sources


Do you remember Help a Reporter Out? Peter Shankman has restarted it under a new name, and it has over 30,000 members already. Each day he sends out two emails, with about 15-20 queries from the media in each one. If you can answer the reporter’s questions, you do it and get free publicity in outlets like The Wall Street Journal, the NY Times, the Associated Press, and many other top publications. It’s totally free, and you can sign up at


***  Register for the IABC World Conference 2025!

Register now for the IABC World Conference 2025.  Connect with communicators from across the globe.   Save the date for World Conference 2025 — 8-11 June in Vancouver, BC!


***  Showcase Your Expertise with Professional Certification


As a communication professional, you’ve made a career out of continued learning and growth within the communications field. Now, show off the expertise you have honed by earning professional certification through the Global Communication Certification Council (GCCC).


The Communication Management Professional (CMP) and Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP) certifications will set you apart from the crowd and give you increased recognition and other benefits in the workforce.


***  Free Defense Jobs newsletter.


DEFCON 1 – the Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – is a weekly listing of all types of jobs in the defense-related industries.  Subscribe for free.  To sign up, send Ned an email to and tell him you want to get on the DEFCON 1 listserv.  (Note:  JOTW is a list of communication jobs in all industries.  DEFCON 1 is a list of all types of jobs in one industry.)


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


2-6 June 2025                                     Chania, Crete, Greece

12 Sept – 26 Sept 2025                      Paris/Lyon/Avignon/Arles/Aix-en-Provence/Marseille, France


***  Your Very Next Step!



The latest issue of Your Very Next Step newsletter is available online NOW!


Your Very Next Step newsletter for November December 2024

By Ned Lundquist 


This edition of YVNS comes to you from Danville, Virginia.


31 travel and adventure news items, vacation ideas, tips and features.

5 cool volunteer and internship opportunities

22 awesome travel/conservation/adventure jobs


“Your Very Next Step” adventure/outdoors/conservation newsletter, published by Ned Lundquist, is a cooperative community, and everyone is invited, no…encouraged, no…urged to participate.   Share your adventures with the network today!  Send to


To subscribe to YVNS for free: Join our Google Groups Listserv.  If you are already a Google Groups member, just sign up for the “Your Very Next Step” group.  Otherwise, send Ned an email and he’ll get you on the list.  Contact Ned at


Do you have any interesting travel and adventure stories, tips, suggestions, adventures or destinations to share?  Send to Ned at for the next issue of YVNS.


***  Here are your JOTW job opportunities for this week:


1.)  Director, Baseball Communications, Detroit Tigers, Detroit, MI


2.)  Communications Manager, Ubisoft, Taguig, Philippines


3.)  Senior Associate Athletics Director, Marketing & Brand Engagement, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio


4.)  Communications and Public Engagement Officer, Puerto Rico Green Energy Trust, San Juan, PR,44_KE45,75.htm?jl=1009576273999


5.)  Communications Manager, The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME


6.)  Communications Manager, Warner Bros. Discovery, WBD APAC, Singapore


***  From Jeff Carrigan’s Big Shoes Network:


7.)  Marketing & Communications Specialist, Schlitz Audubon Nature Center, Milwaukee, WI


8.)  Head of Communications, S&P Dow Jones Indices, S&P Global, Chicago, IL


9.)  Communications Manager, Conservation Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.


10.)  Public Affairs Program Manager, Black Hills Energy, Grimes, IA


11.)  Director of Marketing and Communications, Cantor Arts Center and Anderson Collection

Stanford University, Stanford, California


12.)  Manager, Communications and PR, Kerzner International, One&Only Moonlight Basin, Big Sky, MT


13.)  Multiskilled Officer, Public Diplomacy and Communication, Consulate General of Belgium in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA


***  From Mac’s List:


14.)  Dir. of Resource Development & Communications, Our Just Future, Portland, OR


15.)  Communications and Outreach Assistant (CSA II), City of Portland, Portland, OR


16.)  Communications Associate, Oregon Wild, Portland, OR


17.)  Part-Time Communications Specialist, Town of Tyngsborough, Tyngsborough, MA


18.)  Associate Employee Communications Specialist, Electronic Arts, Redwood City, CA


19.)  Manager, Marketing & Communications – Level G (EMAPS), University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada


***  From Andrew Hudson’s Jobs List:


20.)  Marketing and Communications Coordinator, National Western Center Authority, Denver, Colorado


21.)  Communications and Engagement Specialist, Town of Johnstown, Johnstown, Colorado


22.)  Head, Communications & Branding, Newmont Mining, Denver, Colorado


23.)  Senior Communications & Media Manager, Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE


24.)  Director, Marketing and Communications, Ambrose University, Calgary, Alberta


25.)  Chief Communications Officer, American Clean Power Association, Washington, DC


26.)  Officer, Communications, Environment, The Pew Charitable Trusts (USA), Washington, DC–Communications–Environment_R002781


29.)  Senior Associate, Internal Communications, The Pew Charitable Trusts (USA), Washington, DC–Internal-Communications_R002712


30.)  Principal Associate, Creative (Photojournalist/Multimedia), The Pew Charitable Trusts (USA), Washington, DC–Creative–Photojournalist-Multimedia-_R002751


31.)  Content Strategy & Social Media Manager, Kohler, Kohler, WI


32.)  Communications Specialist Senior – Media and Public Relations, BAE Systems Inc., Broomfield, Colorado


33.)  Communications Specialist, Activision, Santa Monica, CA


34.)  Corporate Communications Manager, NPR, Washington, DC


35.)  Manager, Employee Engagement Communications (Hybrid), Raytheon Technologies Corporate Headquarters, Arlington, VA / Tucson, Arizona /   McKinney, Texas / Cedar Rapids, Iowa / Charlotte, North Carolina


36.)  Communications Director (Life Sciences Industry), Bravo Group, Wayne, PA / Harrisburg, PA


37.)  Director, Strategic Communications, Office of University Communications, Stanford University, Stanford, California


38.)  Writer-Editor, Development Services Group, Inc., Bethesda, MD,13_KE14,40.htm?jl=1009558467168


39.)  Communication Specialist, US Tech Solutions, Juno Beach, FL–b52fc97c-45a2-428b-9863-3a9ed8b5f6c4


40.)  Director, Marketing and Public Relations, Parkland College, Champaign, Illinois


41.)  Public Affairs Specialist, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Commerce, Boulder, Colorado


42.)  Communications Specialist, Empire State University (SUNY Empire), Saratoga Springs, NY


43.)  Marketing Communication Specialist, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT–bc1d3437-e08a-48a7-9303-5f6b789cc47f


44.)  Communications Director, Restoration, World Resources Institute, Washington, DC


45.)  WFBF Marketing and Communications Director, Mountain West Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company, Laramie, WY 82070


46.)  Marketing and Communications Coordinator, Alzheimer Society of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PE, Canada


47.)  Outreach Director, Downeast Coastal Conservancy, Machias, Maine


48.)  Strategic Communications Associate/Manager, Orion Strategies, Columbus, OH


49.)  Marketing & Communications Specialist, Shaw Construction, Denver, CO


50.)  GRADCORPS – Policy and Communications Coordinator, Yukon Government, Whitehorse, YT, Canada,47_KE48,64.htm?jl=1009541468915


51.)  Media Relations Manager, Quad, Sussex, WI


52.)  Communications Coordinator, Maine Women’s Lobby & MWL Education Fund, Augusta, Maine


***  Your JOTW alternative job selection for this week:


None this week. 53.)  First Line Manager (Manufacturing Manager 3), Plutonium Product Quality Engineering & Inspection, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM


54.)  Traffic Reporter, MoyCommunications, Inc., Hagåtña, GU,16_KE17,38.htm?jl=1009548491417


55.)  Head Groundskeeper, Chicago Dogs Baseball, Rosemont, IL


***  Weekly Piracy Report:


116-24   29.12.2024: 0335 UTC: Posn: 03:55.95N – 098:44.38E, Belawan Anchorage, Indonesia.

Three unauthorised persons in a small wooden boat attempted to board an anchored tanker via the anchor chain. Alert crew noticed the persons and shouted at them causing the individuals to abort the boarding. The crew mustered and conducted a search. Incident reported to VTS.


115-24   28.12.2024: 1930 UTC: Posn: 21:49.8N – 091: 46.8E, Chattogram Anchorage, Bangladesh.

Three robbers armed with knives and iron bars boarded an anchored bulk carrier. Duty AB on routine rounds was threatened as he spotted the robbers trying to break into the forecastle store. The AB managed to escape. Alarm raised. The robbers threatened the local watchman who responded, before escaping with four accomplices waiting in their boat. A search was conducted and no items were reported missing. Port Control notified.


114-24   19.12.2024: 1530 UTC: Posn: 21:35.68N – 091:47.86E, Chattogram Anchorage, Bangladesh.

Around seven robbers armed with machetes boarded an anchored heavy load carrier ship. They threatened the duty crew with machetes, snatched his UHF radio and personal mobile phone and stole ship’s property before escaping in a wooden boat. No injuries were reported. The incident was reported to Port Control.


113-24   21.12.2024: 2130 UTC: Posn: 01:59.1N – 008:10.2E, Around 95nm West of Bata, Equatorial Guinea.

Six pirates in a speedboat boarded an offshore supply vessel underway and attempted to force their way into the citadel where the crew had taken refuge. After several failed attempts, the pirates damaged some of the bridge equipment and accommodation. Once the pirates disembarked, the crew emerged from the citadel and sailed to a safe port. All crew members reported safe.


***  Ball Cap of the week:                             ROKN Naval Academy

***  Coffee mug of the week:                        Bonatt’s Bakery – Harwichport, Mass. – Home of the Melt-A-Way

***  T-shirt of the Week:                               617 Strong

***  Musical guest artist of the week:         Music Explosion


***  To subscribe:  Send an email to Ned at, and mention the JOTW newsletter.


Your cooperation is requested.  Please send job opportunities to share with all JOTW members to


You are welcome to distribute this to fellow communicators.  You are welcome to look at the previous issues.  To read this list on the web, please visit


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC, IABC Fellow

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153


+1 703 455-7661 (home office)

+1 703 472-8629 (cell)


The JOTW Network – A world in communication

For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2025 The Job of the Week Network, LLC


***  Ha’ina ‘ia mai ana ka’puana

(And So The Story Is Told)



The Communication Management Professional (CMP) and Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP) certifications will set you apart from the crowd and give you increased recognition and other benefits in the workforce.







DEFCON 1 newsletter for 1 January 2025

Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter

DEFCON 1 newsletter for 1 January 2025

Issue # 876


This edition of DEFCON 1 comes to you from Springfield, Virginia.


Happy New Year to all DEFCON 1 readers!  May all your positive resolutions be realized!


*** Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.

DEFCON 1 brings you job opportunities every week and counts on members like you to submit job listings to share and post in this newsletter.


***  Sign up for regular free delivery of this newsletter through Google Groups by sending an email to Ned at


Note:  DEFCON 1 is in the process of transitioning to a new publisher.  I will continue publishing until we make it happen.


***  When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share. This is a cooperative network. That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share.


*** Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


2-6 June 2025                                     Chania, Crete, Greece

12 Sept – 26 Sept 2025                      Paris/Lyon/Avignon/Aix-en-Provence/Marseille, France


***  Here are your DEFCON 1 jobs for this week:


1.)  First Line Manager (Manufacturing Manager 3), Plutonium Product Quality Engineering & Inspection, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM


2.)  ATGPAC Anti-Submarine Tactical Air Controller (ASTAC), Prevailance, Inc., San Diego, CA


3.)  Signature Reduction Planner and Inspector, Parsons, Fort Belvoir, VA


4.)  Communications Specialist Senior – Media and Public Relations, BAE Systems Inc., Broomfield, Colorado


5.)  Quality Assurance Inspector – Gun Assembly, Knight Enterprises, LLC, Titusville, FL


6.)  Defense Trade Analyst Level I, Cherokee Federal, Washington, DC


7.)  Fiber Optic SME, HII, San Diego, CA


8.)  Logistician – Guided Missile Frigate (FFG) Program Office, Noblis, Washington, DC—guided-missile-frigate-%28ffg%29-program-office/job


9.)  Command and Control, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C2ISR) Staff Support, Sonoran Technology Solutions, Joint Base Langley-Eustis, VA


9.)  B-1 Mission Aircrew Training CAT/CWD, Pilot Instructor/SME, Dyess AFB, Sonoran Technology Solutions, Abilene, TX


10.)  E-3 Mission Crew Training (MCT)/Dragon CAT/CWD, Sonoran Technology Solutions, Tinker AFB, OK


11.)  LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST, Material Department, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group (EODGU) ONE, U.S. Navy, Coronado, CA


12.)  Ordnance Analyst, Point One USA, LLC, Naval Weapons Station Yorktown, Virginia,16_KE17,34.htm?jl=1009561465760


13.)  Quality Engineer Manager, CIRCOR, Hauppauge, NY


14.)  AOC CONOPS SME, Information Gateways, Langley AFB, VA


15.)  Missile/Toxic Materials Handler (Forklift Operator), Camp Stanley Storage Activity, Directorate of Mission Support Munitions Storage and Maint. Branch, U.S. Army Joint Munitions Command, Department of the Army, Boerne, Texas


16.)  Aviation Life Support Systems Specialist – Military Veterans, Amentum, Patuxent River, MD


17.)  Maritime Prepositioning Force (MPF) Planner, Leidos, Tampa, FL.


18.)  Production Control Clerk – MCPP (GPN Philippines) (Initial training for this position and onboarding will occur in Jacksonville, FL with follow-on USMC Contractor Replenishment Cell (CRC) training for ultimate placement in Subic Bay, Philippines), KBR, Jacksonville, Florida—MCPP–GPN-Philippines-_R2098923-1


19.)  ELECTRICIAN TECHNICIAN – DIRECT HIRING AUTHORITY, Air Force Test Center, 412 Test Wing, Air Force Materiel Command, Edwards AFB, California


20.)  Inventory Management Specialist – NX, Veterans Administration Pacific Islands Health Care System (VAPIHCS), Veterans Health Administration, Honolulu, Hawaii


*** Sponsorships and combination packages are available with and   To sponsor or advertise, contact Ned Lundquist at


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC, IABC Fellow

Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153

+1 703 455-7661


Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.


For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2025 Job of the Week Network, LLC

JOTW 52-2024


Sunset for JOTW

It’s coming!



JOTW 52-2024

December 30, 2024

Happy New Year!

The Free Job of the Week Newsletter

This is JOTW newsletter number 2,067


“There is no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story.”

– Frank Herbert


I know I announced that this edition of the JOTW newsletter would be my last.  I had hoped for a way to transition this network and service to someone else who could carry the torch forward.  I believe we are on that track, but I will continue to publish until we are ready to pass the baton.  So…stand by.


This edition of JOTW comes to you from Springfield, Virginia.


***  Welcome to the JOTW network!


You are one of more than 5,700+ members in the JOTW subscriber network.


This is the award-winning free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, dedicated to the positive unanticipated consequences of networking, or as we call it, “nedworking.”  JOTW is a cooperative service.  That means JOTW relies on the contributions of its members, like you.  We share job opportunities, news and information about the job market, as well as swapping stories about life’s peculiarities.  We connect you with others who are like you, and together we help each other.  What a concept.  Did I mention it’s free?


***  To submit a job for sharing on JOTW, please provide the job title, organization or company, and location and send it to Ned at   Provide a link or contact info so people can check out your listing or follow up if interested.


***  Posting a job is free.    Recruiters can submit up to three jobs for free.  Each job listing may be posted once in the newsletter for free


I request that you do not send pdf files that I have to copy and reformat.  I prefer you provide your very brief job description in an email rather than an enclosure.  Please limit the size of your position descriptions (generally to 500 words or less).  “Can’t Wait” blast email priority listings are $300, and “Top Job” placement is $100.  Just send to me at


***  This is a cooperative service.  It relies on your participation and contribution.  As you receive the benefit of this free newsletter, you should also send in jobs you learn about.  This is especially the case when there are job listings in the companies that you work for.


***  To sign up for JOTW’s new Google Groups list, send an email to Ned at and request to join the JOTW listserv.  If you received this as an email from, then you are on this list.


***  A special message to my JOTW subscribers


For all of you wonderful people who sent a thoughtful note to show gratitude for being a part of this network over the years, I thank you, and will respond personally.  And for those who have offered to help, I also thank you for the gesture and willingness to serve.


When I announced the ceasing of publication, and offering to pass the management on to someone who was interested, I hadn’t thought the process through.  To be sure, there are plenty of you who raised their hand to help. And we all thank you.  Once I realized I had a number of volunteers, I also realized I had no plan to decide how to move forward with a transition.  So, I will tell you that I do have several people who will lead this effort, but all who volunteered will be given a chance to help.  Just be patient.  In the meantime, I will keep JOTW on its weekly schedule until such time as I can confidently pass the baton.


Thank you.




***  Here are some more comments about the Job of the Week Newsletter and its impending shutdown:


*** From Michele Hart-Henry:




Although I never found a job through JOTW, your newsletter has always been a bright spot. I’ve referred countless others to it, used it to help draft job descriptions, and generally looked to see what skills others needed and valued.


Good luck in your future endeavors, and thanks again for all you’ve done.


Michele Hart-Henry


***  From Angela Lapre:


Thank you for your years of time and service to this amazing job resource, Ned!


I hope someone picks it up and carries the torch. 🙂


Wishing you and your family and wonderful Thanksgiving,




***  From Sheila Consaul:


Thank you, Ned, for so much dedication to JOTW over the decades.  It has been an invaluable resource and I have found a job (or 2) from your listings.


I sincerely hope someone takes it over as it would be a huge loss. Enjoy your well-deserved retirement from JOTW!


Sheila Consaul


***  From Debra Gersh Hernandez:


Wow! News, indeed.


While I can say I blame you, we will miss you.


Thank you for continuing this service to the comms community as long as you have. It’s been much used and appreciated by many.


Good luck and Godspeed in your next adventure!


Deb Hernandez


***  From Maureen Mazzatenta:


Dear Ned,


I knew this sad day would come. I’ve followed you/your newsletter for many years (maybe decades!) and I marvel at your ability to faithfully generate such a valuable, high quality newsletter while juggling your other adventures and endeavors.


You are a true gem and icon to the marketing communications industry. I’ve been so appreciative and grateful for all you do!


I’ll certainly miss your newsletter but wholeheartedly wish you the new-found freedom, relaxation and escapades that will come from regaining more personal time.


Best regards always,


Maureen Mazzatenta


***  From A.J. Hostetler:


Thank you for all your effort these past several years. During the Great Recession, your newsletter taught me many things, the most important of which was that I was not alone in my job search. That gave me great comfort during some very tough days. I wish you the best.


A.J. Hostetler


***  From Diane L. Salucci:




You have been more than faithful in your efforts over the years, and I have enjoyed reading your lists (and jokes) many times! While I didn’t find a job that way, I certainly passed on leads to others that helped them in their searches. I’m now mostly retired (doing some coaching work), but hope that someone picks up on your endeavors .

In the meantime, enjoy your “time off” from the grind of producing the newsletter and know that your work was well appreciated by many you probably never heard from.


Blessings, Diane


Diane L. Salucci, APR

Former President, PRSA-Chicago; board member, NIRI-NYC

Principal, Salucci & Associates

Kansas City, MO


***  From Danielle Duran Baron:


Dear Ned,


Thank you for all you’ve done over the years. I’ve been a subscriber since 2007 and have always been amazed by the time and effort you dedicated to creating content that truly helped so many in our field.

Wishing you all the best as you take this next step.






*** From Meghan Thomas:


Hi Ned,


First of all, congratulations on an amazing network newsletter. It’s a good resource and a fun read. I have read your emails faith since 2001 when the late great LeRoy Tillman shared it with me.


Thank you for your dedication to this labor of love. And enjoy your “retirement” from the newsletter.


I wish you a wonderful holiday season.


Meghan Thomas

***  This week’s Can’t Wait postings:


None this week


***  Can’t Wait jobs:  These jobs are forwarded to the entire list as soon as they are received, and do not wait for the Monday newsletter, and are posted prominently on the JOTW website.  Then they are posted first in the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Can’t Wait postings cost $300.  Contact Ned at


***  This week’s Top Job:


None this week.


Top Jobs:  Stand above the rest.  Your job can be right here, at the top of the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Top job placement costs $100 per job per week.  To be on top, contact Ned at


***  If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (,   and I’ll share it with the JOTW network.


***  Here’s the link for the JOTW newsletter on the website:



***  One Paragraph Pitch:


None this week.


***  Send your One Paragraph Pitch submissions to   You can pitch yourself or your business any way you want, as long as it’s short and to the point.  You can include a photo, too! There is no waiting list.  Or, if there is, the queue is pretty short.  And it’s free!  Submit yours today!


***  Source of Sources


Do you remember Help a Reporter Out? Peter Shankman has restarted it under a new name, and it has over 30,000 members already. Each day he sends out two emails, with about 15-20 queries from the media in each one. If you can answer the reporter’s questions, you do it and get free publicity in outlets like The Wall Street Journal, the NY Times, the Associated Press, and many other top publications. It’s totally free, and you can sign up at


***  Register for the IABC World Conference 2025!


Register now for the IABC World Conference 2025.  Connect with communicators from across the globe.   Save the date for World Conference 2025 — 8-11 June in Vancouver, BC!


***  Showcase Your Expertise with Professional Certification


As a communication professional, you’ve made a career out of continued learning and growth within the communications field. Now, show off the expertise you have honed by earning professional certification through the Global Communication Certification Council (GCCC).


The Communication Management Professional (CMP) and Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP) certifications will set you apart from the crowd and give you increased recognition and other benefits in the workforce.


***  Free Defense Jobs newsletter.

DEFCON 1 – the Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – is a weekly listing of all types of jobs in the defense-related industries.  Subscribe for free.  To sign up, send Ned an email to and tell him you want to get on the DEFCON 1 listserv.  (Note:  JOTW is a list of communication jobs in all industries.  DEFCON 1 is a list of all types of jobs in one industry.)


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


2-6 June 2025                                     Chania, Crete, Greece

12 Sept – 26 Sept 2025                     Paris/Lyon/Avignon/Arles/Aix-en-Provence/Marseille, France


***  Your Very Next Step!




The latest issue of Your Very Next Step newsletter is available online NOW!


Your Very Next Step newsletter for November December 2024

By Ned Lundquist


This edition of YVNS comes to you from Danville, Virginia.


31 travel and adventure news items, vacation ideas, tips and features.

5 cool volunteer and internship opportunities

22 awesome travel/conservation/adventure jobs


“Your Very Next Step” adventure/outdoors/conservation newsletter, published by Ned Lundquist, is a cooperative community, and everyone is invited, no…encouraged, no…urged to participate.   Share your adventures with the network today!  Send to


To subscribe to YVNS for free: Join our Google Groups Listserv.  If you are already a Google Groups member, just sign up for the “Your Very Next Step” group.  Otherwise, send Ned an email and he’ll get you on the list.  Contact Ned at


Do you have any interesting travel and adventure stories, tips, suggestions, adventures or destinations to share?  Send to Ned at for the next issue of YVNS.


***  Here are your JOTW job opportunities for this week:


1.) News Reporter, The Northwest Herald, Crystal Lake, IL


The Northwest Herald (Crystal Lake, IL) seeks a self-driven web-savvy reporter who wants to break stories and dream big on what its newsroom can accomplish. Send 3-5 clips and resume to the Shaw Media HR Dept., attn: news reporter NWH, Box 250, Crystal  Lake, IL 60039.


2.)  Community Outreach Coordinator, AHRC Nassau, Brookville, New York


3.)  Communications and Outreach Coordinator, Ripple: The Center for Education and Ecosystem Studies, Montana Technological University, Butte, MT


4.)  Photographer/Editor, WBZ-TV and WSBK-TV, the CBS News and Stations owned and operated television station in Boston, Boston, Mass.


5.)  Social Media Marketing Coordinator, Global Refuge, Baltimore, MD


6.)  Writer, CBS News Bureau San Francisco, San Francisco, CA


7.)  Media Coordinator, Compliance Product, Pluto TV, Paramount, West Hollywood, CA


***  From Bill Seiberlich:


8.)  Communications Director (Life Sciences Industry), Bravo Group, Wayne, PA


9.)  Digital Marketing Specialist (TERM), The Appalachian Trail Conservancy, Remote, US


10.)  Manager, HR Communications, AbbVie, North Chicago, Illinois


11.)  Sr Director, Constituent Strategies, Foundations – Institutional Advancement, Nemours Children’s Health, Wilmington, DE,


12.)  Public Affairs/Communication Manager (科技業), Adecco, Neihu, Taipei City, Taiwan


13.)  Web Specialist – Outreach Specialist Position, Conservation Corps Minnesota and Iowa, St. Paul, MN


14.)  Communications director, Western Organization of Resource Councils, Billings, Montana


15.)  Public Relation Manager, Prudential plc, Hanoi, Vietnam


16.)  Director of Marketing and Communications, August Wilson African American Cultural Center, Pittsburgh, PA


17.)  Communications Specialist Senior – Media and Public Relations, BAE Systems Inc., Broomfield, Colorado


18.)  Director of Communications, Triangle Land Conservancy, Durham, North Carolina


19.)  Deputy Director of Communications, Virgin Islands Water & Power Authority, St. Thomas, VI


20.)  Communications Director, Western Organization of Resource Councils, Billings, MT


21.)  Communications Specialist, Massachusetts Trial Court, Boston, MA


22.)  Communications Officer (Hybrid), William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Menlo Park, California


23.)  Assistant Professor of Public Relations, School of the Arts, Culture & Society, Messiah University, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania


24.)  Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations Manager, T.M.B. Seafoods, Corner Brook, NL


25.)  Communications, Culture & Inclusion Internship, Communications, Culture & Inclusion Internship, Scottsdale, AZ


26.)  Partner Communications Manager, Germany, Apple, Berlin, Germany


27.)  Partner Communications Manager, Apple, Sunnyvale, California


28.)  Channel & Partner Communications Lead – India, Apple, Gurugram, Haryana, India


29.)  Vice President of Marketing and Communications, The Moth, New York City, New York


30.)  Senior Manager, Communications, World Food Prize Foundation, Des Moines, Iowa




32.)  Executive Director for Communications and Marketing, NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY, Raleigh, NC


33.)  Communications, Outreach and Development, Big Sky Owners Association Big Sky, Montana


34.)  Digital Communications Coordinator, Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, St John’s, NL


35.)  Head of Communications, Mission Aviation Fellowship of Canada, Guelph, Ontario, Canada


36.)  Director of Communications, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations, Washington, DC


37.)  Communications and Marketing Intern, National Wildlife Federation, Annapolis, MD


***  Your JOTW alternative job selection for this week:


None this week.


***  Weekly Piracy Report:


12-24     20.12.2024: 2340 UTC: Posn: 01:34.5N – 008:45.0E, Around 62nm WSW of Bata, Equatorial Guinea.

Pirates in a skiff approached and fired upon a container ship underway. The alarm was raised, SSAS activated, and the non-essential crew mustered in the citadel. The vessel proceeded at full speed and managed to evade being boarded. All crew members are safe.


111-24   18.12.2024: 2100 UTC: Posn: 09:59N – 107:04E, Vung Tau Anchorage, Vietnam.

Unnoticed, robbers boarded an anchored container ship, stole the ship’s store, and escaped. The theft was noticed during routine rounds.


110-24   13.12.2024: 2035 UTC: Posn: 05:31.17S – 105:18.15E, Tarahan Anchorage, Indonesia.

Duty crew on routine rounds on board an anchored bulk carrier noticed four robbers armed with knives on the poop deck. Alarm raised and crew alerted. Upon hearing the alarm and noticing the crew’s vigilance, the robbers fled empty-handed in their boat. The incident was reported to Vessel Traffic Service.


***  Ball Cap of the week:                            NYPD

***  Coffee mug of the week:                     Women in Communications

***  T-shirt of the Week:                               Boston Fire Department

***  Musical guest artist of the week:     The Sonics


***  To subscribe:  Send an email to Ned at, and mention the JOTW newsletter.


Your cooperation is requested.  Please send job opportunities to share with all JOTW members to


You are welcome to distribute this to fellow communicators.  You are welcome to look at the previous issues.  To read this list on the web, please visit


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC, IABC Fellow

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153


+1 703 455-7661 (home office)

+1 703 472-8629 (cell)


The JOTW Network – A world in communication

For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2024 The Job of the Week Network, LLC


***  Ha’ina ‘ia mai ana ka’puana

(And So The Story Is Told)



The Communication Management Professional (CMP) and Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP) certifications will set you apart from the crowd and give you increased recognition and other benefits in the workforce.








DEFCON 1 newsletter for 25 December, 2024

Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter

DEFCON 1 newsletter for 25 December, 2024

Issue # 875


This edition of DEFCON 1 comes to you from Springfield, Virginia.


Merry Christmas and the happiest of holidays to all DEFCON 1 readers!


*** Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.

DEFCON 1 brings you job opportunities every week and counts on members like you to submit job listings to share and post in this newsletter.


***  Sign up for regular free delivery of this newsletter through Google Groups by sending an email to Ned at


Note:  DEFCON 1 will cease publication at the end of this year.

Update:  I am planning for the  newsletter to continue under different management, and will continue publishing until I can make it happen.


***  When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share. This is a cooperative network. That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share.


*** The Self-propelled MEDUSA Mine System


General Dynamics Mission Systems has been selected by the U.S. Navy to develop the next-generation Mining Expendable Delivery Unmanned Submarine Asset (MEDUSA) system for deployment aboard manned submarines or, perhaps future unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs).


By Edward Lundquist

Marine Technology Reporter

December 2024


*** Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


2-6 June 2025                                     Chania, Crete, Greece

12 Sept – 26 Sept 2025                     Paris/Lyon/Avignon/Aix-en-Provence/Marseille, France


***  Here are your DEFCON 1 jobs for this week:


1.)  Content Management and Intelligence Editor – TS/SCI with Polygraph Required, LMI, McLean, VA


2.)  Director of Defense Captures, Amyx, Inc., Reston, VA


3.)  Senior Communications Specialist/Speechwriter-TS/SCI CI Poly, DigiFlight, Inc., Columbia, MD / Bethesda, MD


4.)  Software Engineer L2, DigiFlight, Inc., Laurel, MD, US


5.)  FMS Analyst Apache India. Security Assistance Management Directorate, India and Indonesia Foreign Military Sales (FMS) team, DigiFlight, Inc., Huntsville, AL


6.)  Technical Editor, ANSER, Fort Belvoir, VA


7.)  Director, Capture Management – National Security & Defense, iVision Consulting, Inc., Rockville, MD


8.)  Combat Systems Alignment Engineer, Pugh Associates, Ventura, CA


9.)  Weapons Specialist/Small Arm Repair,  INSCOM G-4 Global Intelligence Logistics and Engineering (GILE) Support contract, Amentum, Fort Belvoir, Virginia /  Springfield, Virginia


10.)  Fire Control Test and Hardware Technician, General Dynamics Mission Systems, Inc, (part of General Dynamics), Manassas, VA


11.)  Weapons System Sustainment Manager (5560), MetroStar, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH


12.)  Communications Specialist Senior – Media and Public Relations, BAE Systems Inc., Broomfield, Colorado


13.)  Senior Missile Defense Counter-Countermeasures Engineer/Analyst, Modern Technology Solutions, Inc., Fort Belvoir, VA


14.)  Interdisciplinary General Engineer/Operations Research Analyst, Directorate for Test, Missile Defense Agency, Department of Defense, Schriever AFB, Colorado


15.)  Electronic Warfare Technician I, Trax International, Yuma MCAS – NITE, AZ


16.)  Combat Vehicle Tester II (2424) – ATSS, Trax International, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD


17.)  Project Manager (Chemical Test Division) – WDTC MSS, Trax International, Dugway Proving Ground, UT


*** Sponsorships and combination packages are available with and   To sponsor or advertise, contact Ned Lundquist at


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC, IABC Fellow

Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153

+1 703 455-7661


Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.


For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2023 Job of the Week Network, LLC

JOTW 51-2024


Sunset for JOTW

It’s coming!


JOTW 51-2024

December 23, 2024

The Free Job of the Week Newsletter

This is JOTW newsletter number 2,066


“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.”

– John A. Shedd


This edition of JOTW comes to you from Springfield, Virginia.


***  Welcome to the JOTW network!


You are one of more than 5,700+ members in the JOTW subscriber network.


This is the award-winning free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, dedicated to the positive unanticipated consequences of networking, or as we call it, “nedworking.”  JOTW is a cooperative service.  That means JOTW relies on the contributions of its members, like you.  We share job opportunities, news and information about the job market, as well as swapping stories about life’s peculiarities.  We connect you with others who are like you, and together we help each other.  What a concept.  Did I mention it’s free?


***  To submit a job for sharing on JOTW, please provide the job title, organization or company, and location and send it to Ned at   Provide a link or contact info so people can check out your listing or follow up if interested.


***  Posting a job is free.    Recruiters can submit up to three jobs for free.  Each job listing may be posted once in the newsletter for free


I request that you do not send pdf files that I have to copy and reformat.  I prefer you provide your very brief job description in an email rather than an enclosure.  Please limit the size of your position descriptions (generally to 500 words or less).  “Can’t Wait” blast email priority listings are $300, and “Top Job” placement is $100.  Just send to me at


***  This is a cooperative service.  It relies on your participation and contribution.  As you receive the benefit of this free newsletter, you should also send in jobs you learn about.  This is especially the case when there are job listings in the companies that you work for.


***  To sign up for JOTW’s new Google Groups list, send an email to Ned at and request to join the JOTW listserv.  If you received this as an email from, then you are on this list.


***  A special message to my JOTW subscribers


For all you wonderful people who sent a thoughtful note to show gratitude for being a part of this network over the years, I thank you, and will respond personally.  And for those who have offered to help, I also thank you for the gesture and willingness to serve.


When I announced the ceasing of publication, and offering to pass the management on to someone who was interested, I hadn’t thought the process through.  To be sure, there are plenty of you who raised their hand to help. And we all thank you.  Once I realized I had a number of volunteers, I also realized I had no plan to decide how to move forward with a transition.  So, I will tell you that I do have several people who will lead this effort, but all who volunteered will be given a chance to help.  Just be patient.  In the meantime, I will keep JOTW on its weekly schedule until such time as I can confidently pass the baton.


Thank you.




***  Here are some more comments about the Job of the Week Newsletter and its impending shutdown:


***  From Paul Hart, APR:


I know you’ve had scads of best-wishes notes lately and I want to add to the pile. I’ve enjoyed JOTW over the years and it was vitally important in my career at a couple of points. Good work. I’ve been retired four years now, know you’ll enjoy it.


Merry Christmas,

Paul Hart


***  From Molly Walker:


Ned, I met you through IABC years ago. Thank you for JOTW for lo these many years! It has been such an amazing and helpful service to so many of us. It is certainly daunting to think about anyone else taking it on. Cheers to you in the years ahead!


Molly Walker xo


***  From Gwyneth Saunders:




Well, good for you! You know you’ll find yourself thinking you’re forgetting to do something or feeling a sudden sense of urgency believing you’ve missed a deadline!


The good thing is maybe you”ll find time to travel for fun, and wend your way south to the Hilton Head area. We have a spare room or you can plant yourself near the beach, and we can host you for a meal or drink or two or both or meet you at one of the many tasty places with scenic views.


Whatever you do, relax. I anticipate doing that once I have finalized and closed everything from my campaign.


Best wishes always,



***  From Jon Spiers:


Ned, thanks so much for what you have done for so many years!


I have used this service many time in my searches and have referred dozens of others to it.


Nicely done!


Best, Jon


***  From Sarah Marston:


Hi Ned,


Thank you very much for all your work (and April Fool’s laughs) over the years, it’s been very appreciated!! Wishing you all great things.



Sarah Marston


***  This week’s Can’t Wait postings:


None this week


***  Can’t Wait jobs:  These jobs are forwarded to the entire list as soon as they are received, and do not wait for the Monday newsletter, and are posted prominently on the JOTW website.  Then they are posted first in the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Can’t Wait postings cost $300.  Contact Ned at


***  This week’s Top Job:


None this week.


Top Jobs:  Stand above the rest.  Your job can be right here, at the top of the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Top job placement costs $100 per job per week.  To be on top, contact Ned at


***  If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (,   and I’ll share it with the JOTW network.


***  Here’s the link for the JOTW newsletter on the website:


***  IABC Gold Quill Awards


The IABC Gold Quill Awards have honored outstanding business communication worldwide for more than 55 years. This special designation recognizes the relentless commitment, creativity and innovation of global communication experts. Enter today and get the recognition you deserve.



***  One Paragraph Pitch:


None this week.


***  Send your One Paragraph Pitch submissions to   You can pitch yourself or your business any way you want, as long as it’s short and to the point.  You can include a photo, too! There is no waiting list.  Or, if there is, the queue is pretty short.  And it’s free!  Submit yours today!


***  Source of Sources


Do you remember Help a Reporter Out? Peter Shankman has restarted it under a new name, and it has over 30,000 members already. Each day he sends out two emails, with about 15-20 queries from the media in each one. If you can answer the reporter’s questions, you do it and get free publicity in outlets like The Wall Street Journal, the NY Times, the Associated Press, and many other top publications. It’s totally free, and you can sign up at


***  Register Early for the IABC World Conference 2025!


Register now for the IABC World Conference 2025.  Connect with communicators from across the globe.   Save the date for World Conference 2025 — 8-11 June in Vancouver, BC!


***  Showcase Your Expertise with Professional Certification

As a communication professional, you’ve made a career out of continued learning and growth within the communications field. Now, show off the expertise you have honed by earning professional certification through the Global Communication Certification Council (GCCC).


The Communication Management Professional (CMP) and Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP) certifications will set you apart from the crowd and give you increased recognition and other benefits in the workforce.


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


2-6 June 2025                                   Chania, Crete, Greece

12 Sept – 26 Sept 2025                   Paris/Lyon/Avignon/Arles/Aix-en-Provence/Marseille, France


***  Your Very Next Step!


The latest issue of Your Very Next Step newsletter is available online NOW!


Your Very Next Step newsletter for November December 2024

By Ned Lundquist


This edition of YVNS comes to you from Danville, Virginia.


31 travel and adventure news items, vacation ideas, tips and features.

5 cool volunteer and internship opportunities

22 awesome travel/conservation/adventure jobs


“Your Very Next Step” adventure/outdoors/conservation newsletter, published by Ned Lundquist, is a cooperative community, and everyone is invited, no…encouraged, no…urged to participate.   Share your adventures with the network today!  Send to


To subscribe to YVNS for free: Join our Google Groups Listserv.  If you are already a Google Groups member, just sign up for the “Your Very Next Step” group.  Otherwise, send Ned an email and he’ll get you on the list.  Contact Ned at


Do you have any interesting travel and adventure stories, tips, suggestions, adventures or destinations to share?  Send to Ned at for the next issue of YVNS.


***  Here are your JOTW job opportunities for this week:


1.)  Public Affairs Specialist (Web Producer), U. S. Sentencing Commission, Judicial Branch, Washington, District of Columbia


2.)  Director of Communications,  The Vermont Center for Ecostudies, White River Junction, Vermont


3.)  Communications and Marketing Director, The Annapolis Maritime Museum & Park (AMM), Annapolis, MD


4.)  Marketing and Communications Manager, Na’atik Language and Culture Institute, Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo, Mexico


5.)  Educator and Community Outreach Coordinator, Alaska Songbird Institute, Fairbanks, Alaska


6.)  Corporate Communications Director (100% Remote AR), Bitfinex, Worldwide


7.)  Product & Technology Communications Manager, Kia America, Inc., Detroit, Michigan, US


8.)  Marketing Editor / Marketing Writer / Technical Journalist, Innova Solutions, Richmond, VA


9.)  Country Communications Manager US, ABB, Cary, NC


10.)  Director, Executive Communications and Speechwriter, The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), Washington, DC


11.)  Employee Communications & Experience Specialist, Rivian, Palo Alto, California


***  From Bill Seiberlich:


12.)  PROOFREADER, Cella, Malvern, PA


13.)  Social Media Representative, The Phillies, Philadelphia, PA


14.)  ComPASS Communications Manager (Remote), Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA


15.)  Editor-in-Chief, The Waco Bridge, Waco, TX


16.)  External Communication Specialist, Corning, Charlotte, NC


17.)  Director of Communications, Office of Congressman Joe Morelle D-NY), Washington, DC


18.)  Director of Communications (Hybrid), RedRover, Sacramento, California


19.)  Strategic Communications Project Manager, HDR, Fulton, MD


20.)  Communications Director, Food & Friends, Washington, DC


21.)  Director of Marketing and Communications, Bray Associates-Architects INC., Milwaukee, WI


22.)  Director of Communications, CEO Office, Alliance Defending Freedom, Lansdowne, VA


23.)  Assistant Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Communications, Concordia University Wisconsin/Ann Arbor, Mequon, WI


24.)  Director of Development and Communications, Brooklyn Legal Services Corporation A, Brooklyn, New York


25.)  Senior Communications Specialist/Speechwriter-TS/SCI CI Poly, DigiFlight, Inc., Columbia, MD / Bethesda, MD


26.)  Communications Manager, Working Theory Farm, Hillsboro, OR


27.)  Director of Development and Communications, Meals on Wheels of Wake County, Raleigh, North Carolina


28.)  Marketing Communications Assistant, Superior Ag Resources Cooperative Inc., Huntingburg, Indiana, United States


29.)  Strategic Communications Manager, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, Remote


30.)  Chief of Communication and Marketing, SCHOOL DISTRICT OF BELOIT, Beloit, WI


31.)  Communications Director, Mount Tamalpais College, San Rafael, CA


32.)  Job Communications Officer, Greenhouse Gas Management Institute, Remote, Work must be performed anywhere in United States


31.)  Marketing and Communications Manager, WEA Member Benefits, Madison, WI


32.)  Global Communications Manager (all), 1NCE, Open to candidates from all countries


33.)  Association Director, Women MAKE America, Manufacturing Institute, Washington, D.C.


34.)  Communications Specialist, Reflo, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Milwaukee, WI


35.)  Marketing Communications Manager, GreenStone Farm Credit Services, East Lansing, MI


36.)  Technical Editor, ANSER, Fort Belvoir, VA


37.)  Communications Director, Michigan AFL-CIO, Lansing, MI


***  Your JOTW Alternative selection for this week:


38.)  Recreation Aid (Paintball Attendant) – Hickam Beach, CNRH Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam N922, Commander, Navy Installations, Department of the Navy, Hickam Beach, Hawaii


39.)  Park Manager, Westover Mobile Home Park, Chicopee, MA,MA?jid=a8bc59be89b5aff5



***  Weekly Piracy Report:


109-24   07.12.2024: 2250 UTC: Posn: 04:53.3N – 001:39.5W, Takoradi Anchorage, Ghana.

Duty crew on routine rounds onboard an anchored bulk carrier spotted three robbers armed with knives near the forecastle store. Alarm raised, PA announcement made and local authorities notified. One of the robbers threatened the duty watchman while the others continued to look for items to steal. On seeing the approaching patrol boat, the robbers escaped with stolen ship’s properties.


108-24   03.12.2024: 0220 UTC: Posn: 03:47.81N – 098:43.08E, Belawan Port, Indonesia.

During routine rounds onboard a berthed general cargo ship, the Chief Officer observed one unauthorised person attempting to board the vessel via a rope. Four additional persons were noticed in a wooded boat alongside the vessel. Seeing the persons the Chief officer raised the alarm resulting in the attempted boarding being aborted. Incident reported to PFSO through the local agent.


***  Ball Cap of the week:                            Destroyer Squadron 23 – Rampant Lions

***  Coffee mug of the week:                     PMS 420 – LCS Mission Modules – Focused for the Fight – Any ship…Any package…Anytime – Northrop Grumman

***  T-shirt of the Week:                               Fattoria Poggio Alloro – Agriturismo a San Gimignano, Toscana

***  Musical guest artist of the week:     The Spiders (Netherlands)


***  To subscribe:  Send an email to Ned at, and mention the JOTW newsletter.


Your cooperation is requested.  Please send job opportunities to share with all JOTW members to


You are welcome to distribute this to fellow communicators.  You are welcome to look at the previous issues.  To read this list on the web, please visit


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC, IABC Fellow

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153


+1 703 455-7661 (home office)

+1 703 472-8629 (cell)


The JOTW Network – A world in communication

For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2024 The Job of the Week Network, LLC


***  Ha’ina ‘ia mai ana ka’puana

(And So The Story Is Told)



The Communication Management Professional (CMP) and Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP) certifications will set you apart from the crowd and give you increased recognition and other benefits in the workforce.


DEFCON 1 newsletter for 18 December, 2024

Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter

DEFCON 1 newsletter for 18 December, 2024

Issue # 874


This edition of DEFCON 1 comes to you from Springfield, Virginia.


*** Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.

DEFCON 1 brings you job opportunities every week and counts on members like you to submit job listings to share and post in this newsletter.


***  Sign up for regular free delivery of this newsletter through Google Groups by sending an email to Ned at


Note:  DEFCON 1 will cease publication at the end of this year. There is a possibility that it may resume under different management.


***  When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share. This is a cooperative network. That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share.


***  Foes No More

American Veterans Help Vietnamese Find Remains

By Edward Lundquist

Army Magazine, December 2024


*** Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


2-6 June 2025                                     Chania, Crete, Greece

12 Sept – 26 Sept 2025                      Paris/Lyon/Avignon/Aix-en-Provence/Marseille, France


***  Sunset for DEFCON 1:


A special message to my DEFCON 1 subscribers


I have been faithfully publishing this newsletter for two decades.  I think the time has come complete my volunteer service to the defense industry.


My plan is to cease publishing the newsletter at the end of 2024. 


However, I may be able to transition to another publisher.  If so, I’ll continue to publish until we’ve completed our turnover.


***  Here are your DEFCON 1 jobs for this week:


1.)  Program Manager, Teledyne Technologies Inc., Rancho Cordova, CA


2.)  Senior Electrical Engineer (Hybrid), Design Innovation Group (DIG), Civil-Military Innovation Institute (CMI2), Morgantown, WV


3.)  Tactical Communications and Information Technology Architect, Adaptive Experimentation Force (AEForce), Civil-Military Innovation Institute (CMI2), Fort Andrew, Lizemores, WV


4.)  Systems Engineer (Hybrid), Design Innovation Group (DIG), Civil-Military Innovation Institute (CMI2), Morgantown, WV


5.)  SUPPLY TECHNICIAN,  Lemoore Naval Air Station, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Department of the Navy, Naval Air Station, Lemoore, CA


6.)  Senior Operations Manager/Project Manager OCONUS, Arkel International, Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands


7.)  Public Affairs Program Manager, FedWriters, Inc., 106 Peacekeeper Drive, Offutt AFB, NE


8.)  Defense Industrial Base Intelligence Analyst, Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc., Arlington, VA


9.)  Content Management and Intelligence Editor – TS/SCI with Polygraph Required, LMI, McLean, VA


10.)  Submarine Logistics Support, KMS Solutions, LLC, Alexandria, VA


11.)  Hypersonic Systems Engineer, Leidos, King Of Prussia, Pennsylvania, United States


12.)  Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO) III, General Dynamics Information Technology (part of General Dynamics), Independence, KS


13.)  Submarine Program Manager, Lead, Booz Allen, Washington, DC


14.)  Program Manager, In-Space, Ursa Major, Berthoud, CO


15.)  Senior Program Analyst, Na Ali’i Consulting & Sales, LLC, Arlington, VA


16.)  China International/Defense Researcher, RAND Corporation, Washington, DC / Pittsburgh, PA  / Santa Monica, CA


17.)  FAST Labs Systems Engineer – EOIR Modeling & Simulation, BAE Systems, Merrimack, NH


18.)  Senior Program Manager, Leonardo DRS, Goleta, CA


19.)  Recreation Aid (Paintball Attendant) – Hickam Beach, CNRH Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam N922, Commander, Navy Installations, Department of the Navy, Hickam Beach, Hawaii


20.)  LVC Fleet Training/Coordinator, HII, Coronado, CA


*** Sponsorships and combination packages are available with and   To sponsor or advertise, contact Ned Lundquist at


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC, IABC Fellow

Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153

+1 703 455-7661


Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.


For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2023 Job of the Week Network, LLC

JOTW 50-2024


Sunset for JOTW

It’s coming!



JOTW 50-2024

December 16, 2024

The Free Job of the Week Newsletter

This is JOTW newsletter number 2,065


“A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.”

– Francis of Assisi


This edition of JOTW comes to you from Springfield, Virginia.


***  Welcome to the JOTW network!


You are one of more than 5,700+ members in the JOTW subscriber network.


This is the award-winning free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, dedicated to the positive unanticipated consequences of networking, or as we call it, “nedworking.”  JOTW is a cooperative service.  That means JOTW relies on the contributions of its members, like you.  We share job opportunities, news and information about the job market, as well as swapping stories about life’s peculiarities.  We connect you with others who are like you, and together we help each other.  What a concept.  Did I mention it’s free?


***  To submit a job for sharing on JOTW, please provide the job title, organization or company, and location and send it to Ned at   Provide a link or contact info so people can check out your listing or follow up if interested.


***  Posting a job is free.    Recruiters can submit up to three jobs for free.  Each job listing may be posted once in the newsletter for free


I request that you do not send pdf files that I have to copy and reformat.  I prefer you provide your very brief job description in an email rather than an enclosure.  Please limit the size of your position descriptions (generally to 500 words or less).  “Can’t Wait” blast email priority listings are $300, and “Top Job” placement is $100.  Just send to me at


***  This is a cooperative service.  It relies on your participation and contribution.  As you receive the benefit of this free newsletter, you should also send in jobs you learn about.  This is especially the case when there are job listings in the companies that you work for.


***  To sign up for JOTW’s new Google Groups list, send an email to Ned at and request to join the JOTW listserv.  If you received this as an email from, then you are on this list.


***  A special message to my JOTW subscribers


For all you wonderful people who sent a thoughtful note to show gratitude for being a part of this network over the years, I thank you, and will respond personally.  And for those who have offered to help, I also thank you for the gesture and willingness to serve.


When I announced the ceasing of publication, and offering to pass the management on to someone who was interested, I hadn’t thought the process through.  To be sure, there are plenty of you who raised their hand to help. And we all thank you.  Once I realized I had a number of volunteers, I also realized I had no plan to decide how to move forward with a transition.  So, I will tell you that I do have several people who will lead this effort, but all who volunteered will be given a chance to help.  Just be patient.  In the meantime, I will keep JOTW on its weekly schedule until such time as I can confidently pass the baton.


Thank you.




***  Here are some more comments about the Job of the Week Newsletter and its impending shutdown:


***  From Jeff Opperman:


Hi Ned:


I read your recent note about stepping back from JOTW with both gratitude and sadness.


Gratitude to you for publishing JOTW every week for the past 20 plus years and helping communicators like me find the next role. I’m not sure when I signed up under your old Topica service, but it was very early on. I may have been in your first batch of subscribers. In any event, thank you so much. In the humiliating and depressing world of the job search, your weekly note and the cooperative nature of JOTW was always a bright spot.


As far as the sadness, the thought of not seeing a JOTW email every week is just another reminder the passage of time. I actually retired about 7 months ago, but I was so used to receiving your email and scanning through the jobs that I couldn’t bring myself to unsubscribe. I’m sure I’m not the only person who feels this way.


Enjoy the next stage of your life and never forget how many people you’ve helped through JOTW. We are all grateful.




jeff opperman



***  From David A. Fechtor:


David A. Fechtor



I have no desire to fill your shoes, but I would like to thank you for the incredible amounts of time and work that you put into making JOTW such a valuable job-hunting resource over the years. While I never found a job for myself through JOTW, I often forwarded JOTW job leads to friends and former colleagues, and they found the info—which was actually from you, indirectly— to be extraordinarily valuable.


Here’s hoping that you enjoy every second of the additional time you’ll have at your disposal starting in 2025. You deserve that, and more.


Best wishes for a joyous holiday season and many Happy New Years to come.




David A. Fechtor


***  From Stefanie Pidgeon:




I have followed the JOTW for almost 20 years. I have really enjoyed reading the various job postings and always loved the humor. I have recommended it to many communications professionals over the years and passed along to students looking for their first job. It’s always been my go-to job board.


I just want to say Thank You for all you have done for our profession. The networking you’ve provided through this newsletter has been invaluable.


All the best,

Stefanie Pidgeon


***  From Geri Rosman:


Good morning, Ned. Thank you for the many years you have devoted to helping so many people in the communications and public relations industries. I have been a devoted reader since almost the beginning.  Thanks again so very much. I look forward to hearing from you. Best/GeriR


Geri Rosman


***  From Ray Atkinson, ABC:


Ned, thank you for devoting so much of your time and resources to JOTW. This feels like the end of an era.


I’m sure I got at least one job as a result, and it always gave me hope to see the listings every Monday when I was between gigs. I don’t know how you did it every week with your insane travel schedule, but AI’s got nothing on you.


I don’t remember if I met you first or saw the list, but I do have a vivid memory of you “pinning” me with my ABC on my birthday in 2009 in DC. It’s an honor to know you.




***  This week’s Can’t Wait postings:


None this week


***  Can’t Wait jobs:  These jobs are forwarded to the entire list as soon as they are received, and do not wait for the Monday newsletter, and are posted prominently on the JOTW website.  Then they are posted first in the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Can’t Wait postings cost $300.  Contact Ned at


***  This week’s Top Job:


None this week.


Top Jobs:  Stand above the rest.  Your job can be right here, at the top of the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Top job placement costs $100 per job per week.  To be on top, contact Ned at


***  If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (,   and I’ll share it with the JOTW network.


***  Here’s the link for the JOTW newsletter on the website:


***  IABC Gold Quill Awards


The IABC Gold Quill Awards have honored outstanding business communication worldwide for more than 55 years. This special designation recognizes the relentless commitment, creativity and innovation of global communication experts. Enter today and get the recognition you deserve.



***  One Paragraph Pitch:


None this week.


***  Send your One Paragraph Pitch submissions to   You can pitch yourself or your business any way you want, as long as it’s short and to the point.  You can include a photo, too! There is no waiting list.  Or, if there is, the queue is pretty short.  And it’s free!  Submit yours today!


***  Source of Sources


Do you remember Help a Reporter Out? Peter Shankman has restarted it under a new name, and it has over 30,000 members already. Each day he sends out two emails, with about 15-20 queries from the media in each one. If you can answer the reporter’s questions, you do it and get free publicity in outlets like The Wall Street Journal, the NY Times, the Associated Press, and many other top publications. It’s totally free, and you can sign up at


***  Register Early for the IABC World Conference 2025!


Register now for the IABC World Conference 2025.  Connect with communicators from across the globe.   Save the date for World Conference 2025 — 8-11 June in Vancouver, BC!


***  Showcase Your Expertise with Professional Certification


As a communication professional, you’ve made a career out of continued learning and growth within the communications field. Now, show off the expertise you have honed by earning professional certification through the Global Communication Certification Council (GCCC).


The Communication Management Professional (CMP) and Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP) certifications will set you apart from the crowd and give you increased recognition and other benefits in the workforce.


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


2-6 June 2025                                     Chania, Crete, Greece

12 Sept – 26 Sept 2025                      Paris/Lyon/Avignon/Arles/Aix-en-Provence/Marseille, France


***  Your Very Next Step!


The latest issue of Your Very Next Step newsletter is available online NOW!


Your Very Next Step newsletter for November December 2024
This edition of YVNS comes to you from Danville, Virginia.
By Ned Lundquist

This edition of YVNS comes to you from Danville, Virginia.

31 travel and adventure news items, vacation ideas, tips and features.
5 cool volunteer and internship opportunities
22 awesome travel/conservation/adventure jobs

Your Very Next Step newsletter for November December 2024

Check it out, because your next adventure begins with your very next step.


“Your Very Next Step” adventure/outdoors/conservation newsletter, published by Ned Lundquist, is a cooperative community, and everyone is invited, no…encouraged, no…urged to participate.   Share your adventures with the network today!  Send to


To subscribe to YVNS for free: Join our Google Groups Listserv.  If you are already a Google Groups member, just sign up for the “Your Very Next Step” group.  Otherwise, send Ned an email and he’ll get you on the list.  Contact Ned at


Do you have any interesting travel and adventure stories, tips, suggestions, adventures or destinations to share?  Send to Ned at for the next issue of YVNS.


***  Here are your JOTW job opportunities for this week:


1.)  Deputy Director of Communications, The Virgin Islands Water & Power Authority, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands


2.)  Director of Marketing, Communications and Enrollment, Telluride Mountain School, Telluride, CO


3.)  Public Affairs Specialist, International Boundary and Water Commission: United States and Mexico, San Diego, California


4.)  Lead, R&D Leadership Communications & Employee Engagement – Senior Manager, Takeda, Cambridge, Massachusetts


5.)  Social Content Creator (Communications and Public Relations Specialist, Senior), Alabama Public Television, Birmingham, Alabama


***  From Bill Seiberlich:


6.)  VP, Marketing & Communications, Zeus Fire & Security, Paoli, PA




8.)  Social Media & Graphic Design Coordinator, Montgomery County Community College, Blue Bell, PA


9.)  Supervisory Public Affairs Specialist, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, District of Columbia


10.)  Public Affairs Program Manager, FedWriters, Inc., 106 Peacekeeper Drive, Offutt AFB, NE


11.)  Social Media and Digital Content Officer, Government of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PE


12.)  Director of Marketing and Communications, Abraham Joshua Heschel Day School, Northridge, California


13.)  Public Relations Manager, Pottawattamie County, Council Bluffs, IA




15.)  Assistant Director and Communications Specialist, Hazelwood School District, Florissant, MO


16.)  PR Specialist(SA21622), Asus, Taipei City, Taiwan


17.)  Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communications and Marketing, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN


18.)  Marketing, Communications & Corporate Relations Manager, PDZA & NW Trek, Metro Parks Tacoma (MPT), Tacoma, WA


19.)  Senior Manager, Corporate Communications, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Sleepy Hollow, New York


20.)  Communications Specialist, Agile Group USA, Marianna, PA


21.)  Director, Marketing, Communications and External Relations, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO


22.)  Public Affairs Specialist, Office of Disaster Recovery & Resilience (ODR&R) HQ, Small Business Administration, Washington, District of Columbia


23.)  Digital Communications Coordinator, ElevatEd, St. Louis, MO,MO?jid=54692ccd54389dc4


24.)  Communication and External Affairs Specialist, First Quantum Minerals Ltd, Lima, Peru


25.)  Full Professor in Computational Communication, National University of Singapore, Singapore


26.)  Senior Manager, Corporate Communications Office, National University of Singapore, Singapore


27.)  Senior Executive, Marketing & Communications, National University of Singapore, Singapore


28.)  Summer Intern – Corp Communications, Public Relations, RGA, Chesterfield, Missouri


28.)  Public Relations Lead, Stantec, Halifax, NS, Canada


29.)  Senior Director of External Communications, Equifax, St. Louis, MO


30.)  Communications for partnerships officer, World Health Organization, Rabat, Morocco


31.)  Marketing Communication Manager Devices, Eaton, Budapest, Hungary


32.)  Digital Content Coordinator, Hubbard Broadcasting, Los Ranchos De Albuquerque, NM


33.)  External Affairs Specialist, Zalo, Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


34.)  Anchor / Multi-Skilled Journalist, KREM KSKN-TV, TEGNA Inc., Spokane, Wash.


35.)  Anchor (Evenings), WQAD-TV, TEGNA Inc., Davenport, Iowa


36.)  Digital Content Producer, KARE-TV, TEGNA Inc., Minneapolis, Minn.


37.)  PUBLIC AFFAIRS SPECIALIST, Commander, Navy Installations, Department of the Navy, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii


38.)  Director, Communications, J.D. Irving, Halifax, NS, Canada


39.)  Marcom Manager, Hilton Mumbai International Airport Hotel, Hilton, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400099, India


40.)  Internal Communications Manager, Vanderlande, Veghel, Netherlands


41.)  Content Management and Intelligence Editor – TS/SCI with Polygraph Required, LMI, McLean, VA


42.)  Director of Development and Communications, Philadelphia Bar Foundation, Philadelphia, PA


43.)  Senior PR Social Media Account Director, Clarity Global, New York, NY


44.)  Development and Communications Associate, Occidental Arts & Ecology Center, Occidental, CA


45.)  Senior Director, Corporate Brand, Marketing & Communications (Internal & External), The Minto Group, Ottawa, ON, Canada


46.)  Vice President, Corporate Communications, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Richmond, VA


47.)  Senior Communication & Engagement Advisor, Hamilton City Council, Hamilton Central, Waikato, New Zealand


48.)  Director, Global Scientific Communications, Moderna, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts


49.)  Communications Analyst, Government of Yukon, Whitehorse, YT, Canada


50.)  Public Affairs Specialist, GS-1035-15 (Temporary NTE 1 Year), U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security, Washington, District of Columbia


51.)  Advisor, Corporate Communications, Canadian Tire Corporation, Toronto, ON


52.)  Communications Specialist (Full Time), WH Wheeling Hospital Inc., Wheeling, WV


53.)  Marketing Communications Manager, The SF Market, San Francisco, CA


54.)  Public Relations Consultant, ICF, Brussels, Belgium


55.)  COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST, Telefónica, S.A., Mission, KS


56.)  Public Affairs Specialist and Project Manager, Global World Technology, Hybrid work in Washington, DC


57.)  Communications Officer, Badminton Oceania Confederation Inc., Ellerslie, Auckland, New Zealand


58.)  Corporate Communications Specialist Level 4, Tulk LLC, St. Louis, MO


59.)  Director, Corporate Communications, Freenome, Brisbane, California


60.)  Global Corporate Communications Lead, TVH Parts Co., Olathe, KS


61.)  Vice President, Corporate Communications, Insmed Incorporated, Bridgewater, NJ


62.)  Director of Communications, Earth Island Institute, Berkeley, CA


63.)  Communications & Media Relations Specialist, Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School, Lower Gwynedd, Pennsylvania


***  Your JOTW Alternative selection for this week:


64.)  Head of Culinary Innovation, Van Leeuwen Ice Cream, Brooklyn, New York


***  Weekly Piracy Report:


107-24   09.12.2024: 0005 UTC: Posn: 01:03.5N – 103:39.8E, Singapore Straits.

During routine rounds onboard a tanker underway duty crew noticed the padlock to the emergency generator room broken and stores stolen.


106-24   05.12.2024: 2255 UTC: Posn: 06:13.34N – 002:32.28E, Cotonou Anchorage, Benin.

Five robbers in a wooden boat, armed with AK47 rifles approached and boarded a fishing vessel. They took the crew hostage, stole two cell phones and kidnapped the Captain before escaping. Incident reported to the Benin Navy who dispatched a patrol boat and escorted the fishing vessel to anchorage where investigations are ongoing.


105-24   23.11.2024: 1700 UTC: Posn: 01:03.9N – 103:41.3E, Singapore Straits.

Duty crew onboard a bulk carrier underway spotted six robbers armed with long knives. Alarm raised, crew mustered and VTIS notified. The Coast Guard boarded the vessel to investigate. Ship’s engine spares were reported stolen.


104-24   16.10.2024: 1915 UTC: Posn: 03:53.9N – 098:48.0E, Belawan Anchorage, Indonesia.

Two robbers armed with knives boarded an anchored product tanker. OOW notified. Alarm raised and crew mustered. Seeing the crew alertness, the robbers escaped with stolen ship’s spares.


103-24   22.11.2024: 1750 UTC: Posn: 01:04.08N – 103:42.38E, Singapore Straits.

Around three to four robbers with faces covered and armed with long knives boarded a bulk carrier underway. They entered the engine room and stole engine spares. The duty Engineer noticed the robbers and raised the alarm. Crew mustered and a search was carried out. VTIS Central notified and coast guard boarded the vessel to conduct a search. No robbers found onboard. One crew member sustained a minor injury during the incident.


102-24   13.09.2024: 1725 UTC: Posn: 01:03.4N – 103:38.3E, Singapore Straits.

Duty crew onboard a bulk carrier underway spotted an unauthorised person on the main deck and notified the bridge. Alarm raised, crew mustered and VTIS notified. Seeing the alerted crew the person escaped.



***  Ball Cap of the week:                            Joint High Speed Vessel

***  Coffee mug of the week:                     Terma

***  T-shirt of the Week:                               Lewis & Clark – A North Dakota Adventure – 2003-2006

***  Musical guest artist of the week:     Eddie Floyd


***  To subscribe:  Send an email to Ned at, and mention the JOTW newsletter.


Your cooperation is requested.  Please send job opportunities to share with all JOTW members to


You are welcome to distribute this to fellow communicators.  You are welcome to look at the previous issues.  To read this list on the web, please visit


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC, IABC Fellow

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153


+1 703 455-7661 (home office)

+1 703 472-8629 (cell)


The JOTW Network – A world in communication

For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2024 The Job of the Week Network, LLC


***  Ha’ina ‘ia mai ana ka’puana

(And So The Story Is Told)



The Communication Management Professional (CMP) and Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP) certifications will set you apart from the crowd and give you increased recognition and other benefits in the workforce.


DEFCON 1 newsletter for 11 December, 2024



Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter

DEFCON 1 newsletter for 11 December, 2024

Issue # 873


This edition of DEFCON 1 comes to you from Springfield, Virginia.


*** Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.

DEFCON 1 brings you job opportunities every week and counts on members like you to submit job listings to share and post in this newsletter.


***  Sign up for regular free delivery of this newsletter through Google Groups by sending an email to Ned at


Note:  DEFCON 1 will cease publication at the end of this year. There is a possibility that it may resume under different management.


***  When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share. This is a cooperative network. That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share.


*** Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


2-6 June 2025                                     Chania, Crete, Greece

12 Sept – 26 Sept 2025                   Paris/Lyon/Avignon/Aix-en-Provence/Marseille, France


***  Sunset for DEFCON 1:


A special message to my DEFCON 1 subscribers


I have been faithfully publishing this newsletter for two decades.  I think the time has come complete my volunteer service to the defense industry.


My plan is to cease publishing the newsletter at the end of 2024. 


***  Here are your DEFCON 1 jobs for this week:


1.)  Senior Public Affairs Specialist (Top Secret/SCI with Poly), Fort Meade, Maryland


2.)  Human Resources Specialist, Department of the Air Force, Randolph AFB, Texas


3.)  Deputy Director, Veteran Outreach, U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, United States


4.)  Program Manager, National Nuclear Security Administration, Newport News, VA


5.)  SUPERVISORY PROCUREMENT ANALYST, U.S. Marine Corps, Department of the Navy, Quantico, Virginia


6.)  Workforce Development and Training Specialist​/TS​/SCI – DODP, QinetiQ U.S., Arlington, VA


7.)  Assembler, Teledyne Brown Engineering, Inc., Lewisburg, TN


8.)  Senior Strategic Communication Action Officer (TS/SCI), QinetiQ US, Chantilly, VA


9.)  Human Intelligence Support, Booz Allen, Arlington, Virginia


10.)  Network Integration Engineer, DAS, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD


11.)  Nuclear Ships Propulsion Systems Engineer, ManTech International, Norfolk, VA


12.)  Public Affairs Specialist, GS-1035-15 (Temporary NTE 1 Year), U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security, Washington, District of Columbia


13.)  Public Affairs Specialist and Project Manager, Global World Technology, Hybrid work in Washington, DC


14.)  Naval Ship Construction, Modernization, & Repair Program Manager, Naval Acquisition and Sustainment Operation (NASO), Serco, Washington, DC


15.)  Technical Writer, Koniag Government Services, Alexandria, VA


16.)  ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST (CONTRACT SPECIALIST), Commander, Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWARSYSCOM), Department of the Navy,  San Diego, California


17.)  Intelligence Analyst – FMV, BAE Systems, McLean, VA


18.)  Senior Systems Administrator, TekSynap, Fort Belvoir, VA


19.)  Expert Level Modeling, Simulation and Analysis Engineer – Photogrammetry Focus, Peraton, Chantilly, VA–engineering–


20.)  DLA and Defense Agencies Business Developer, General Dynamics Information Technology, Falls Church, VA


*** Sponsorships and combination packages are available with and   To sponsor or advertise, contact Ned Lundquist at


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC, IABC Fellow

Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153

+1 703 455-7661


Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.


For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2023 Job of the Week Network, LLC







Your Very Next Step newsletter for November December 2024

Your Very Next Step newsletter for November December 2024


By Ned Lundquist

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all”

– Helen Keller


“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”

– Lao Tzu


This edition of YVNS comes to you from Danville, Virginia.


***  If you are not receiving this newsletter via the Google Groups list, contact Ned at to get on the list for YVNS distribution.


“Your Very Next Step” adventure/outdoors/conservation newsletter, published by Ned Lundquist, is a cooperative community, and everyone is invited, no…encouraged, no…urged to participate.   Share your adventures with the network today!  Send to

***  To subscribe for free: Join our Google Groups Listerv.  If you are already a Google Groups member, just sign up for the “Your Very Next Step” group.  Otherwise, send Ned an email, ask nicely, and he’ll get you on the list.  Contact Ned at


***  Send us your comments, questions, and contributions to


*** In this issue travel and adventure news; volunteer conservation and wilderness opportunities; travel, adventure and conservation jobs.

***  Where am I?


Danville, Virginia


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps


9-10 Dec 2024                                    Danville, VA

2-6 June 2025                                     Chania, Crete, Greece

12 Sept – 26 Sept 2025                   Paris/Lyon/Avignon/Aix-en-Provence/Marseille, France


***  11 Most Beautiful Lakes in the United States

Red rock-lined waterways in Arizona and crystalline craters in Oregon make up some of the best lakeside views in the U.S.

By Deb Hopewell


***  5 (Almost) Private Islands You Could Stay At

By Jersey Griggs


***  This Street Was Just Named the Coolest in the World

The No. 1 spot went to a street in the suburbs of Australia.

By Rachel Chang


***  The Best Hotels in South America

By Heather Jasper


***  How Much Cash Should You Travel With?

By Bradley O’Neill


***  How to Plan the Perfect Family Trip in Thailand — From Tuk-tuk Food Tours to Rain Forest Hiking

A top travel advisor shares why Thailand has something for everyone.

By Jack Tydeman


***  12 Breathtaking Cabin Rentals to Escape From City Life


***  7 Unique Bridges Around the World

By Aimee Long


***  11 Affordable Road Trip Destinations for Your Stunning Fall Bucket List


***  19 Best All-inclusive Resorts for Families

From dude ranches in the U.S. to beachfront properties in the Caribbean and Mexico, these are the best all-inclusive resorts for families around the world.

By Evie Carrick


***  7 Underrated Ruins Around the World

By Julia Hammond


***  4 Popular Trips You’ll Regret Not Booking a Year in Advance, According to Travel Advisors

If you want a dream trip, don’t sleep on it.


***  The Ultimate Guide to Outdoor Adventure Guide Jobs


***  15 Most Beautiful Places in Europe

By Aimee Long


***  The Biggest Packing Mistakes to Avoid, According to a Professional

Lydia Mansel of Just Packed on stress-free trip prep — and how to always arrive prepared.

By Melissa Locker


***  There’s No Place Like These Wickedly Good Hotels

by Monika Markovinovic


***  Camping in Death Valley


***  How to Make the Most of a Long Layover

By Arijana Ramic


***  This Spanish Coastal City Has All the Charm of Amalfi or Santorini at a Fraction of the Cost — How to Plan Your Trip

Here’s what you need to know to plan a trip to the glamorous, sun-soaked Mediterranean retreat of Marbella, Spain.

By Devorah Lev-Tov


***  The Highest Elevation Point in All 50 States

By Bradley O’Neill


***  Master the Art of Backcountry Cooking With the Firebox Stove

You need to cook over a fire. The Firebox G2 stove—and its YouTube Channel—will show you the way.

By Scott Gilbertson


***  7 U.S. Beach Towns You Need to Visit

By Kaitlin Reilly


***  12 Creative Hacks to Try in Every Hotel Room

By Marissa Kozma


***  The Best Small Airports in the U.S.

By Jersey Griggs


***  East Coast’s longest sled run…in West Virginia


***  7 Unique Bridges Around the World

By Aimee Long


***  I’ve Been Traveling to Africa for 35 Years — Here’s What You Should Know Before Planning Your First Trip

By Bjorn Behlert


***  6 Hand Gestures You Should Never Use in Certain Countries


In the United States, giving someone a thumbs up and making a horn shape with your fingers are usually considered to be friendly gestures. But in other countries, those hand signals might have an entirely different and potentially insulting meaning.


***  The Most Ornate Buildings in the World

By Jim Stewart


***  Rail Tail of the Month





November 2024


Washington’s Burke-Gilman Trail

By Cindy Barks




Texas’ A-train Rail Trail

By Emilia Benton


***  Trail/Outdoor/Conservation volunteer opportunities:


1.)  Bottom Creek Gorge Volunteer Preserve Steward, Bottom Creek Gorge Preserve, The Nature Conservancy, Shawsville, VA


2.)  Volunteer with sea turtles in Trinidad, Nature Seekers/Oceanic Society, Matura, Trinidad


3.)  Guide In The Hide – Volunteer, Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Caerlaverock, UK–volunteer.html


4.)  Mayan Cultural Immersion Volunteer Project in Guatemala, International Volunteer HQ, Kaqchikel village about one hour from  Antigua, Guatemala


5.)  Conservation Internship, Sea Turtle Inc., South Padre Island, Texas


*** Travel/Outdoor/Conservation job opportunities:


1.)  Programs Support Coordinator (Part-time, salaried, non-exempt position working 20 hours per week. This is a remote position.) American Hiking Society, accepting candidates from CO, IN, MD, NC, UT, VA, and WY. If candidates are geographically located near the Silver Spring, MD corporate office, there is an option of partial in-office work as well.


2.)  Trail Program Manager – Mid Atlantic, Mid-Atlantic Conservation Office, Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC), Bethlehem, PA


3.)  Communications Manager, NE-KS-OK, The Nature Conservancy, Tulsa, OK


4.)  Development and Communications Associate, Occidental Arts & Ecology Center, Occidental, CA

Development and Communications Associate


5.)  Park Guide, National Park Service, Appomattox, VA


6.)  Communications Manager (Hybrid – Work must be performed in Maine), Maine Conservation Voters, Augusta, ME


7.)  Program Instructor, YMCA of Honolulu – Camp Erdman, Waialua, Hawaii


8.)  Trail Program Manager – Mid Atlantic, Mid-Atlantic Conservation Office, Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC), Bethlehem, PA


9.)  Development and Communications Associate, Occidental Arts & Ecology Center, Occidental, CA


10.)  Director of Communications, Gund Institute for Environment, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont


11.)  Executive Director, Sudbury Valley Trustees, Sudbury, Massachusetts


12.)  Program Manager, Canyonlands Field Institute, Moab, Utah


13.)  Communications Coordinator (Hybrid), Conservation Colorado, Denver, CO


14.)  Community Volunteer Ambassador – Denali Sled Dog Kennels, Denali Park, National Park Service, Denali Park, Alaska—denali-sled-dog-kennels-denali-park-alaska/4395849026


15.)  Backpacking instructors, Falling Creek, Western North Carolina, Zirconia, North Carolina


16.)  Field Instructors, Adventure Treks, California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, British Columbia, Idaho, Wyoming, Alaska, North Carolina, Scotland, Norway, and Peru


17.)  Bicycle Tour Guide, Sockeye Cycle Co., Haines, Alaska and Skagway, Alaska


18.)  Wilderness Field Instructor, blueFire Wilderness Therapy, Gooding, Idaho.


19.)  Communications Coordinator, Northern Plains Resource Council, Billings, MT


20.)  Volunteer Coordinator – The Peregrine Fund/The World Center for Birds of Prey, Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute, The World Center for Birds of Prey, Boise, Idaho—the-peregrine-fundthe-world-center-for-birds-of-prey-boise-idaho/1598672336


21.)  Communications & Advocacy Organizer, Nevada Conservation League, Las Vegas, Nevada


22.)  Elephant Caregiver, The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee, Hohenwald, TN


*** Send your job opportunities to share with the YVNS network to


*** Your Very Next Step is a service of the Job of the Week Network LLC
© 2020 The Job of the Week Network LLC
Edward Lundquist, ABC –
Editor and Publisher
Your Very Next Step
7813 Richfield Road
Springfield, VA 22153
Home office phone: (703) 455-7661

Published with Google Groups


Ha’ina ‘ia mai ana ka’puana

(And So The Story Is Told)

-Traditional ending to Hawaiian songs


JOTW 49-2024


Sunset for JOTW

It’s coming!



JOTW 49-2024

December 9, 2024

The Free Job of the Week Newsletter

This is JOTW newsletter number 2,064


“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”

– Dale Carnegie


This edition of JOTW comes to you from Danville, Virginia.


***  Welcome to the JOTW network!


You are one of more than 5,700+ members in the JOTW subscriber network.


This is the award-winning free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, dedicated to the positive unanticipated consequences of networking, or as we call it, “nedworking.”  JOTW is a cooperative service.  That means JOTW relies on the contributions of its members, like you.  We share job opportunities, news and information about the job market, as well as swapping stories about life’s peculiarities.  We connect you with others who are like you, and together we help each other.  What a concept.  Did I mention it’s free?


***  To submit a job for sharing on JOTW, please provide the job title, organization or company, and location and send it to Ned at   Provide a link or contact info so people can check out your listing or follow up if interested.


***  Posting a job is free.    Recruiters can submit up to three jobs for free.  Each job listing may be posted once in the newsletter for free


I request that you do not send pdf files that I have to copy and reformat.  I prefer you provide your very brief job description in an email rather than an enclosure.  Please limit the size of your position descriptions (generally to 500 words or less).  “Can’t Wait” blast email priority listings are $300, and “Top Job” placement is $100.  Just send to me at


***  This is a cooperative service.  It relies on your participation and contribution.  As you receive the benefit of this free newsletter, you should also send in jobs you learn about.  This is especially the case when there are job listings in the companies that you work for.


***  To sign up for JOTW’s new Google Groups list, send an email to Ned at and request to join the JOTW listserv.  If you received this as an email from, then you are on this list.


***  A special message to my JOTW subscribers


Thank you for the many notes you have sent me about JOTW coming to an end.  And additional thanks to those who have volunteered to keep it going.  I’ll post some of the comments in this and upcoming issues of JOTW.  As for determining who to pass it along to, I hadn’t given it much thought, and I don’t have a mechanism to determine the most-worthy successor.  I’m working on that now.


***  Here are some comments about the Job of the Week Newsletter and its impending shutdown:


***  From LB:


Hi Ned,


I’m mainly a digital comms and event person but I’ve found (and posted) a few jobs via your newsletter over the years.


That said, I would also like to thank you for your work and service to job-seekers and job posters over the years.


Best wishes,




***  From James J. Henderson III:


Even though I’ve never been hired as a result of any of your postings, the newsletter is a genuine pleasure to read. I’ve been a subscriber for at least 15 years. I especially enjoy your April fools edition.


I hope that you enjoy your time. Thank you for your service.


James J. Henderson III


***  This week’s Can’t Wait postings:


None this week


***  Can’t Wait jobs:  These jobs are forwarded to the entire list as soon as they are received, and do not wait for the Monday newsletter, and are posted prominently on the JOTW website.  Then they are posted first in the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Can’t Wait postings cost $300.  Contact Ned at


***  This week’s Top Job:


None this week.


Top Jobs:  Stand above the rest.  Your job can be right here, at the top of the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Top job placement costs $100 per job per week.  To be on top, contact Ned at


***  If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (,   and I’ll share it with the JOTW network.


***  Here’s the link for the JOTW newsletter on the website:


***  IABC Gold Quill Awards



The IABC Gold Quill Awards have honored outstanding business communication worldwide for more than 55 years. This special designation recognizes the relentless commitment, creativity and innovation of global communication experts. Enter today and get the recognition you deserve.


***  One Paragraph Pitch:


None this week.


***  Send your One Paragraph Pitch submissions to   You can pitch yourself or your business any way you want, as long as it’s short and to the point.  You can include a photo, too! There is no waiting list.  Or, if there is, the queue is pretty short.  And it’s free!  Submit yours today!


***  Source of Sources


Do you remember Help a Reporter Out? Peter Shankman has restarted it under a new name, and it has over 30,000 members already. Each day he sends out two emails, with about 15-20 queries from the media in each one. If you can answer the reporter’s questions, you do it and get free publicity in outlets like The Wall Street Journal, the NY Times, the Associated Press, and many other top publications. It’s totally free, and you can sign up at


***  Register Early for the IABC World Conference 2025!



Register now for the IABC World Conference 2025.  Connect with communicators from across the globe.   Save the date for World Conference 2025 — 8-11 June in Vancouver, BC!


***  Showcase Your Expertise with Professional Certification


As a communication professional, you’ve made a career out of continued learning and growth within the communications field. Now, show off the expertise you have honed by earning professional certification through the Global Communication Certification Council (GCCC).


The Communication Management Professional (CMP) and Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP) certifications will set you apart from the crowd and give you increased recognition and other benefits in the workforce.


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


9 Dec 2024                                          Danville, VA

2-6 June 2025                                    Chania, Crete, Greece

12 Sept – 26 Sept 2025                     Paris/Lyon/Avignon/Aix-en-Provence/Marseille, France


***  Your Very Next Step!


The latest issue of Your Very Next Step newsletter is available online NOW!


Your Very Next Step newsletter for September October 2024

By Ned Lundquist

This edition of YVNS comes to you from Manchester, New Hampshire


20 travel and adventure news items, vacation ideas, tips and features.

7 cool volunteer and internship opportunities

24 awesome travel/conservation/adventure jobs


Check it out, because your next adventure begins with your very next step.


“Your Very Next Step” adventure/outdoors/conservation newsletter, published by Ned Lundquist, is a cooperative community, and everyone is invited, no…encouraged, no…urged to participate.   Share your adventures with the network today!  Send to


To subscribe to YVNS for free: Join our Google Groups Listserv.  If you are already a Google Groups member, just sign up for the “Your Very Next Step” group.  Otherwise, send Ned an email and he’ll get you on the list.  Contact Ned at


Do you have any interesting travel and adventure stories, tips, suggestions, adventures or destinations to share?  Send to Ned at for the next issue of YVNS.


***  Here are your JOTW job opportunities for this week:


1.)  Public Information Specialist (Relations Support Specialist), University of Hawaii at Hilo, Hilo, HI


2.)  Press Secretary, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, Washington, DC


3.)  Marketing/Public Relations Coordinator, Ho`ola Na Pua, Honolulu, HI


4.)  Corporate Communications Specialist, Ardelyx, Waltham, Massachusetts


5.)  Senior Public Affairs Specialist (Top Secret/SCI with Poly), Fort Meade, Maryland


6.)  Director of Marketing and External Affairs, Southern Arkansas University Tech, Camden, AR


7.)  Technical Writer/Editor, The Lockwood Group, Picatinny, NJ


8.)  Senior Specialist, Strategic Communications and Marketing, Kamehameha Schools, Honolulu, HI


9.)  Communications Director, Bitcoin Policy Institute, Washington, DC


10.)  Communications Specialist (Puerto Rico), ICF, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico,


11.)  Manager Digital Communications, Panera Bread, Newton, MA


12.)  Vice Chancellor for Marketing and Communications, University of Colorado Denver, Denver, CO


13.)  Associate Director, R&D Portfolio and Engagement – Communications, Novartis, Cambridge, MA


14.)  Senior Communications & Patient Advocacy Manager, Novartis, Bogota, Colombia


***  From Bill Seiberlich:


15.)  Communications Director, Center for Health Equity and Research Promotion (CHERP) at the Corporal Michael J. Crescenz (Philadelphia) Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA


16.)  Head of Creative, Saint Gobain, Malvern, PA


17.)  Communications Director, Advance Native Political Leadership, Washington DC, Dist. Columbia


18.)  SVP of Marketing, Mediavine, Remote – US


19.)  Marketing & Communications Specialist, Millennium Corporate Credit Union, Wichita, KS


20.)  Executive Communications Officer, Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), Washington DC, Dist. Columbia


21.)  Membership and Communications Coordinator, California Independent School Business Officers Association, Los Angeles, California


22.)  COMMUNICATIONS AND SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER, Carlos Albizu University, San Juan, PR,39_KE40,64.htm?jl=1008081736331


23.)  Communications Manager – Marketing and Communications, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Anchorage, AK


24.)  Manager, Corporate Communications, Novartis, Dublin, Ireland


25.)  Corporate Communications Officer, The TCW Group, Inc., New York, New York / Los Angeles, California


26.)  Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Honolulu Museum of Art, Honolulu, Hawaii


27.)  Global Marketing Communications Manager (US), AgroFresh Inc., Kansas City, Kansas


28.)  Marketing Manager, Boot Hill Casino and Resort, Dodge City, KS


29.)  Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer, Online News Association, Nationwide


30.)  Communications Director, Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), State of Michigan, Lansing, Michigan


31.)  Manager, Marketing Communications, Fujifilm, Hagatna, Guam


32.)  Communications Director, Catholic Social Services, Anchorage, AK


33.)  Corporate Communications Coordinator, Kontoor Brands, Greensboro, North Carolina


34.)  Social Content Creator (Communications and Public Relations Specialist, Senior), Alabama Public Television, Birmingham, Alabama


35.)  Videographer – Visual Storyteller for Large Social Media Brand, Clean Girl, Boquerón, PR


36.)  Engagement and Communications Specialist, Alaska Energy Authority, Anchorage, AK


37.)  Police Media Relations Manager, THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE, Oceanside, CA


38.)  Communications Director, College of Agriculture, Science and Technology (CAST), Delaware State University, Dover, DE


39.)  Communications & Advocacy Organizer, Nevada Conservation League, Las Vegas, Nevada


40.)  COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING SPECIALIST ($2,000 HIRING BONUS), Town of Mooresville, Mooresville, North Carolina


41.)  Vice President, French/West/Vaughan, Raleigh, NC



42.)  Public Relations Manager, Rocket Central, Detroit, Michigan


43.)  Manager, External Affairs, Intersect Power, Bay Area, CA / Denver, CO / Houston, TX / New York City, NY / San Diego, CA


***  Your JOTW Alternative selection for this week:


44)  Elephant Caregiver, The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee, Hohenwald, TN


***  Weekly Piracy Report:


101-24   16.11.2024: 1950 UTC: Posn: 01:03N – 103:38E, Singapore Straits.

Two persons in a small boat attempted to board a bulk carrier underway. Duty crew noticed the attempt and raised the alarm resulting in the individuals aborting and moving away. The incident was reported to VTIS.


100-24   28.11.2024: 0340 UTC: Posn: 06:25.92N – 003:21.26E, Tin Can Port, Nigeria.

Around 15-20 robbers armed with knives boarded a berthed container ship and took hostage the duty AB, a stevedore and the Bosun. The robbers stole cargo from containers and when noticed by a watchman, escaped. Alarm raised and incident reported to the port authorities.


099-24   20.11.2024: 1900 UTC: Posn: 21:23.44N – 091:48.64E, Chattogram Anchorage, Bangladesh.

Eleven unauthorised persons boarded an anchored bulk carrier. Alert duty crew noticed the unauthorised persons and immediately raise the alarm resulting in the persons escaping empty handed. The incident was reported to Port Authority and Navy.


098-24   13.11.2024: 2106 UTC: Posn: 01:02.8N – 103:38.3E, Singapore Straits.

Around 7-8 robbers armed with a gun boarded a general cargo ship underway and entered the engine room. One robber pointed the gun at the 3/E while others stole ship’s properties and spares. The 3/E raised the alarm after the robbers left the engine room. Crew mustered and a search was conducted. Coast guard inspected the ship upon arrival at Singapore anchorage.


097-24   19.11.2024: 1449 UTC: Posn: 01:05.49N – 103:44.03E, Singapore Straits.

Three unauthorised individuals wearing facemasks boarded a bulk carrier underway and entered the engine room. The duty engineer raised the alarm when they were seen escaping. The crew mustered, conducted a search, and found nothing stolen. The coast guard boarded the ship for inspection upon arrival at Singapore anchorage.


***  Ball Cap of the week:                            USCGC Healy WAGB 20

***  Coffee mug of the week:                      IABC/Great Plains

***  Hockey-shirt of the Week:                  1972 Team Canada National Team

***  Musical guest artist of the week:       Bram Tchaikovsky


***  To subscribe:  Send an email to Ned at, and mention the JOTW newsletter.


Your cooperation is requested.  Please send job opportunities to share with all JOTW members to


You are welcome to distribute this to fellow communicators.  You are welcome to look at the previous issues.  To read this list on the web, please visit


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC, IABC Fellow

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153


+1 703 455-7661 (home office)

+1 703 472-8629 (cell)


The JOTW Network – A world in communication

For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2024 The Job of the Week Network, LLC


***  Ha’ina ‘ia mai ana ka’puana

(And So The Story Is Told)



The Communication Management Professional (CMP) and Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP) certifications will set you apart from the crowd and give you increased recognition and other benefits in the workforce.
