A JOTW “Can’t Wait” posting from Prince William County (Virginia) Schools
Web Services Supervisor, Prince William County Schools, Manassas, Virginia
Prince William County Schools Seeks Web Services Supervisor
PWCS seeks a leader for the overall operation and management of pwcs.edu and social media for Virginia’s second largest school division. This position is responsible for developing concepts and documentation related to priorities, policies, and management goals for web and social media; coordinates all vendor support of the web platform. This position collaboratively oversees the operation of PWCS social media sites and serves as a member of the Communication Services Editorial Team. This position also plays a critical and ongoing leadership role in reviewing and selecting software and vendors to fully integrate PWCS digital communications. This position is supervised by the Director of Communications Services. This position facilitates the delivery of PWCS web-related and digital communication services 24/7/365. Salary $87,431 – $167,535 per year (competitive benefits)
Apply: https://jobs.pwcs.edu/workspace/wSpace.exe?Action=wsJobsMain&JobPosting=00038307
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